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Jas Bayse (search for this): article 9
W Ward Geo H West, H C Worsham--22. For John J. Allen--Wm. Ambers, John T Anderson, Colin Bess, A L Carter, W G Cazenove, H N Coleman, Robert Croskett, Robert Danney, Thos H Flood, J M Forbes, W C Fry, G T Garrison, John Gilmer, Andrew Hunter, Green James, W T Jones, W T Lundy, R M Mallery, J L Marye, jr., R A Mayo, S McCamant, R D Montague, Willoughby Newton, R C Saunders, R F Taylor, S M Watson, John L Woolfolk, Geo T Wright--28. For John B. Floyd--James Barbour, W Baskerville, Jas Bayse, Thos B Bigger, John K Bootes, Samuel Carpenter, D B Clarke, J H Daniel, D C Dunn, Joshua Ewing, John T Fletcher, H George, John H Hopkins, Wm. Kyte, S Lynn, J E McDonald, W G T Nelson, R A Richardson, Chas J Shannon, Samuel W Thomas, Valentine Thrash, Thos H Wynne--22. For A. T. Coparton--Wm Eggleston, Wilson Lively, Paulus Powell, John M Rowan-- For B. F. Wysor--John G Cecil--1. The Senate was informed of the result of the vote, and the House took a recess for one hour to
Wm Johnson (search for this): article 9
sioned by the death of the Hon. Wm Ballard Preston, and that Hon. W. C. Rives, of Albemarle; Hon Chas. W. Russell, of Wheeling; Judge John J. Allen, of Botetourt, and Gen. John B. Floyd, of Washington, were in nomination. In a few minutes Mr. Johnson, of Bedford, appeared with a message from the Senate announcing to the House the readiness of that body to proceed to the execution of the join order for the election of Senator, and that no further nominations had been made. The Clerk prSiddick, Geo E. Rives, W Robertson, Peter Saunders jr, John Staples, F G Taylor, V Vaiden, Jas Walker, Chas Williams, Jas L Wilson--31. For Chas W. Russell--Wm A Bredford, A Brooks, John R Edmunds, W A Fleming, John Gatewood, Thos C Green, Wm Johnson, M R Kaufman Albert Laidley, A W McDonald, Duncan McLaughlin, C W Murdaugh, B P Noland, John Orgain jr, Israel Robinson, John C. Rutherford, G W Sherrard, H B Tomlin, T T Treadway, Geo W Ward Geo H West, H C Worsham--22. For John J. Allen-
John C. Rutherford (search for this): article 9
L Hopkins, W Hust, Alex Jordan, B H Magruder, Mason Matthews, P W McKinney, Philip Pitman, Joseph H Prince, Nat Siddick, Geo E. Rives, W Robertson, Peter Saunders jr, John Staples, F G Taylor, V Vaiden, Jas Walker, Chas Williams, Jas L Wilson--31. For Chas W. Russell--Wm A Bredford, A Brooks, John R Edmunds, W A Fleming, John Gatewood, Thos C Green, Wm Johnson, M R Kaufman Albert Laidley, A W McDonald, Duncan McLaughlin, C W Murdaugh, B P Noland, John Orgain jr, Israel Robinson, John C. Rutherford, G W Sherrard, H B Tomlin, T T Treadway, Geo W Ward Geo H West, H C Worsham--22. For John J. Allen--Wm. Ambers, John T Anderson, Colin Bess, A L Carter, W G Cazenove, H N Coleman, Robert Croskett, Robert Danney, Thos H Flood, J M Forbes, W C Fry, G T Garrison, John Gilmer, Andrew Hunter, Green James, W T Jones, W T Lundy, R M Mallery, J L Marye, jr., R A Mayo, S McCamant, R D Montague, Willoughby Newton, R C Saunders, R F Taylor, S M Watson, John L Woolfolk, Geo T Wright--28.
Thomas A. Flint (search for this): article 9
rrence of the House, the further execution be postponed until Friday at 10 o'clock which was concurred in. House of Delegates.--The House met at 10 o'clock A. M. Prayer by Rev. Jas. A Dudcan. The Speaker presented a communication from H. G. Burress, resigning his position as Sergeant at Arms. Mr. Barbour, of Culpeper, moved that the Doorkeeper of the House, R. W. Burke, be chosen to supply the vacancy, which was agreed to. Upon the further motion of the same gentleman, Mr. Thomas A. Flint of Culpeper, was elected 1st Doorkeeper. Mr. Magruder offered a resolution that the Committee on Propositions and Grievances be instructed to inquire into the expediency of authorizing County Courts to impress and condemn houses and lots for hospital purposes. The joint order of the day, for the election of a Senator, was then taken up; whereupon a number of speeches were made, Messrs. Richardson Lockridge, and Barbour advocating the election of Gen. J. B. Floyd, of Washingt
, appeared with a message from the Senate announcing to the House the readiness of that body to proceed to the execution of the join order for the election of Senator, and that no further nominations had been made. The Clerk proceeded to call the roll, which resulted as follows: For W. C. Rives--H W Sheffey, Speaker; F T Anderson, S P Baily, R H Baker, jr, Wood Bouldin, A S Buford, Ed O Berks, Jas W Curtis, Robt J D Davis, E B Dice, A B Evans, J G Fulton, M Harrison, H L Hopkins, W Hust, Alex Jordan, B H Magruder, Mason Matthews, P W McKinney, Philip Pitman, Joseph H Prince, Nat Siddick, Geo E. Rives, W Robertson, Peter Saunders jr, John Staples, F G Taylor, V Vaiden, Jas Walker, Chas Williams, Jas L Wilson--31. For Chas W. Russell--Wm A Bredford, A Brooks, John R Edmunds, W A Fleming, John Gatewood, Thos C Green, Wm Johnson, M R Kaufman Albert Laidley, A W McDonald, Duncan McLaughlin, C W Murdaugh, B P Noland, John Orgain jr, Israel Robinson, John C. Rutherford, G W Sh
Wm Eggleston (search for this): article 9
jr., R A Mayo, S McCamant, R D Montague, Willoughby Newton, R C Saunders, R F Taylor, S M Watson, John L Woolfolk, Geo T Wright--28. For John B. Floyd--James Barbour, W Baskerville, Jas Bayse, Thos B Bigger, John K Bootes, Samuel Carpenter, D B Clarke, J H Daniel, D C Dunn, Joshua Ewing, John T Fletcher, H George, John H Hopkins, Wm. Kyte, S Lynn, J E McDonald, W G T Nelson, R A Richardson, Chas J Shannon, Samuel W Thomas, Valentine Thrash, Thos H Wynne--22. For A. T. Coparton--Wm Eggleston, Wilson Lively, Paulus Powell, John M Rowan-- For B. F. Wysor--John G Cecil--1. The Senate was informed of the result of the vote, and the House took a recess for one hour to await the action of the Senate. Upon the reassembling of the House a message was received from the Senate asking the concurrence of that body in a postponement of the joint order until to- morrow morning at 10 o'clock. Mr. Prince submitted a motion, which was rejected, dissenting from the action of th
lor, V Vaiden, Jas Walker, Chas Williams, Jas L Wilson--31. For Chas W. Russell--Wm A Bredford, A Brooks, John R Edmunds, W A Fleming, John Gatewood, Thos C Green, Wm Johnson, M R Kaufman Albert Laidley, A W McDonald, Duncan McLaughlin, C W Murdaugh, B P Noland, John Orgain jr, Israel Robinson, John C. Rutherford, G W Sherrard, H B Tomlin, T T Treadway, Geo W Ward Geo H West, H C Worsham--22. For John J. Allen--Wm. Ambers, John T Anderson, Colin Bess, A L Carter, W G Cazenove, H N Coleman, Robert Croskett, Robert Danney, Thos H Flood, J M Forbes, W C Fry, G T Garrison, John Gilmer, Andrew Hunter, Green James, W T Jones, W T Lundy, R M Mallery, J L Marye, jr., R A Mayo, S McCamant, R D Montague, Willoughby Newton, R C Saunders, R F Taylor, S M Watson, John L Woolfolk, Geo T Wright--28. For John B. Floyd--James Barbour, W Baskerville, Jas Bayse, Thos B Bigger, John K Bootes, Samuel Carpenter, D B Clarke, J H Daniel, D C Dunn, Joshua Ewing, John T Fletcher, H George, John
Duncan McLaughlin (search for this): article 9
, Jas W Curtis, Robt J D Davis, E B Dice, A B Evans, J G Fulton, M Harrison, H L Hopkins, W Hust, Alex Jordan, B H Magruder, Mason Matthews, P W McKinney, Philip Pitman, Joseph H Prince, Nat Siddick, Geo E. Rives, W Robertson, Peter Saunders jr, John Staples, F G Taylor, V Vaiden, Jas Walker, Chas Williams, Jas L Wilson--31. For Chas W. Russell--Wm A Bredford, A Brooks, John R Edmunds, W A Fleming, John Gatewood, Thos C Green, Wm Johnson, M R Kaufman Albert Laidley, A W McDonald, Duncan McLaughlin, C W Murdaugh, B P Noland, John Orgain jr, Israel Robinson, John C. Rutherford, G W Sherrard, H B Tomlin, T T Treadway, Geo W Ward Geo H West, H C Worsham--22. For John J. Allen--Wm. Ambers, John T Anderson, Colin Bess, A L Carter, W G Cazenove, H N Coleman, Robert Croskett, Robert Danney, Thos H Flood, J M Forbes, W C Fry, G T Garrison, John Gilmer, Andrew Hunter, Green James, W T Jones, W T Lundy, R M Mallery, J L Marye, jr., R A Mayo, S McCamant, R D Montague, Willoughby Newton
Sam Jones (search for this): article 9
ming, John Gatewood, Thos C Green, Wm Johnson, M R Kaufman Albert Laidley, A W McDonald, Duncan McLaughlin, C W Murdaugh, B P Noland, John Orgain jr, Israel Robinson, John C. Rutherford, G W Sherrard, H B Tomlin, T T Treadway, Geo W Ward Geo H West, H C Worsham--22. For John J. Allen--Wm. Ambers, John T Anderson, Colin Bess, A L Carter, W G Cazenove, H N Coleman, Robert Croskett, Robert Danney, Thos H Flood, J M Forbes, W C Fry, G T Garrison, John Gilmer, Andrew Hunter, Green James, W T Jones, W T Lundy, R M Mallery, J L Marye, jr., R A Mayo, S McCamant, R D Montague, Willoughby Newton, R C Saunders, R F Taylor, S M Watson, John L Woolfolk, Geo T Wright--28. For John B. Floyd--James Barbour, W Baskerville, Jas Bayse, Thos B Bigger, John K Bootes, Samuel Carpenter, D B Clarke, J H Daniel, D C Dunn, Joshua Ewing, John T Fletcher, H George, John H Hopkins, Wm. Kyte, S Lynn, J E McDonald, W G T Nelson, R A Richardson, Chas J Shannon, Samuel W Thomas, Valentine Thrash, Thos H Wyn
ourt, and Gen. John B. Floyd, of Washington, were in nomination. In a few minutes Mr. Johnson, of Bedford, appeared with a message from the Senate announcing to the House the readiness of that body to proceed to the execution of the join order for the election of Senator, and that no further nominations had been made. The Clerk proceeded to call the roll, which resulted as follows: For W. C. Rives--H W Sheffey, Speaker; F T Anderson, S P Baily, R H Baker, jr, Wood Bouldin, A S Buford, Ed O Berks, Jas W Curtis, Robt J D Davis, E B Dice, A B Evans, J G Fulton, M Harrison, H L Hopkins, W Hust, Alex Jordan, B H Magruder, Mason Matthews, P W McKinney, Philip Pitman, Joseph H Prince, Nat Siddick, Geo E. Rives, W Robertson, Peter Saunders jr, John Staples, F G Taylor, V Vaiden, Jas Walker, Chas Williams, Jas L Wilson--31. For Chas W. Russell--Wm A Bredford, A Brooks, John R Edmunds, W A Fleming, John Gatewood, Thos C Green, Wm Johnson, M R Kaufman Albert Laidley, A W McDo
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