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act of tyranny under the pretence of maintaining the Union. It does not believe in them; it would be glad to get rid of them and replace them by better men; but they are in power; they stand as the representatives, however unworthy, of the United States; and, hoping against hope, the people of the North obey them because opposition might seem like an abandonment of a cherished design. We do not think that in the days of England's fiercest struggle with the French Republic the Government of Pitt would have ventured on such an act as the trial by court-martial of a private person for making a speech against the war, and recommending his hearers to agitate constitutionally for the overthrow of the Ministry.--Yet it was for an offence precisely similar that Mr. Vallandigham, one of the most prominent politicians of the West, has been sentenced to two years banishment to a miserable islet — a sentence graciously commuted by the President into expulsion from his home and from the limit of
Thomas Jones (search for this): article 17
e service, is now about to leave the Clyde, and will probably call at Cardiff with a large iron vessel for the Confederates. Capt. Bullock will afterwards take the new privateer to a port at present "a secret," and there transfer the command to Capt. Semmes. The command of the Alabama will then devolve upon Capt. Bullock until such time as Capt Moffit, of the privateer Florida, is enabled to take command of the Alabama. The Florida will then be under the guidance of Capt. buttock until Capt. Jones is appointed. The last trans for in easily surround for Capt. Bullock is more of a naval than an or experienced seamen. The new vessel on which Capt. Semmes before his flag, is a huge iron screw vessel, mounting twenty-one and, as we have before stated combines the two great requirements of a men-of-war-speed and strength. The Southerns Confederacy a Firing power. The London Times, commenting on the French operations in Mexico, says: One thing is certain, that all
e want of call, the difficulty, the chance of defeat, and the probable length of the enterprise, we should be very sorry indeed to throw ourselves into this struggle. Mason and Slidell Negotiating in Paris. [Ports (May 20) correspondence of London Port.] Some fresh efforts are said to be making by the Southern envoys at London and Paris with the view of obtaining the recognition of the States of the Confederacy. As the French Government took the lead in a peace policy, perhaps Messrs. Slidell and Mason have doubt less more hope of making an impression at the Tuileries than at the Court of St. James. Mr. Dayton, the United States Minister, and the partisans of the North, as far as I can learn, repudiate all idea of making peace with the South. They say that the Government of Washington will assuredly continue the war; that the resources of the North must finally exhaust the South; and that the United States Government can carry on hostilities for five years more. The Imperia
Vallandigham (search for this): article 17
American affairs in Europe. the intervention of England — rebel all Federal Generals Vallandigham and Lincoln's Cabinet — the Confederacy as a Rising power, &c. The mails by the steamer Africa, with European dates of the 30th, give some additional news of interest besides that published in the telegraph summary from On this side of the water no one seems to discover a solution of this difficulty, with a most difficult people; and, I fear, nothing can or will be done. Vallandigham and the Lincoln Cabinet. [From the London Times, May 23.] If we would conceive the earnest longing of the Northern people after their lost Union, we must cgainst the war, and recommending his hearers to agitate constitutionally for the overthrow of the Ministry.--Yet it was for an offence precisely similar that Mr. Vallandigham, one of the most prominent politicians of the West, has been sentenced to two years banishment to a miserable islet — a sentence graciously commuted by the P<
our ports, our rivers, and our shipping, not only at home and in North America, but all over the world. If we once began such a war, our own experience suggests that we should persist in it a long time, even though beaten the first three or four years. So, having regard to the want of call, the difficulty, the chance of defeat, and the probable length of the enterprise, we should be very sorry indeed to throw ourselves into this struggle. Mason and Slidell Negotiating in Paris. [Ports (May 20) correspondence of London Port.] Some fresh efforts are said to be making by the Southern envoys at London and Paris with the view of obtaining the recognition of the States of the Confederacy. As the French Government took the lead in a peace policy, perhaps Messrs. Slidell and Mason have doubt less more hope of making an impression at the Tuileries than at the Court of St. James. Mr. Dayton, the United States Minister, and the partisans of the North, as far as I can learn, repudiate a
0th, give some additional news of interest besides that published in the telegraph summary from Halifax, printed in the United States papers. We give some extracts from the London papers: The intervention of England. [From the London Times, May 23.] Mr. Roebuck has given his constitute at Sheffield, with great fidelity, what may now be considered the general opinion of ordinary Englishmen on American affairs. It does not militate against that opinion that we have arrived at it slowly,of England will suffer." On this side of the water no one seems to discover a solution of this difficulty, with a most difficult people; and, I fear, nothing can or will be done. Vallandigham and the Lincoln Cabinet. [From the London Times, May 23.] If we would conceive the earnest longing of the Northern people after their lost Union, we must consider the outrageous indignities to which they will submit from those who promise to restore it. Although the Government of Mr. Lincoln confe
nd Gen. Burnside attempts to forbid it to act. In the meantime, though it is said that the press condemns the conduct of the General, there is so much apathy that we cannot doubt that Mr. Lincoln may banish or imprison his critic at his pleasure. A Government with such power ought to do something great, yet it appears every day more plain that the Cabinet of Washington is formidable only to its own helpless citizens. A New twenty-one gun ship for Captain Semmes. [From the London News, May 28.] It is said that Capt Semmes, of the Alabama, is about to change his flag and hoist it upon a more substantial but equally fast ship. Capt. Bullock, who for the last year and more has been in this country superintending the construction of vessels for the Confederate service, is now about to leave the Clyde, and will probably call at Cardiff with a large iron vessel for the Confederates. Capt. Bullock will afterwards take the new privateer to a port at present "a secret," and there tr
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