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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 27, 1863., [Electronic resource].
Found 722 total hits in 281 results.
Hill (search for this): article 1
From Northern Virginia.
The reports which we receive from Northern Virginia, with reference to the operations of our own and the enemy's forces, are so confused that it is difficult to arrive at the exact situation of affairs.
By the Central train of last evening we have a report of a considerable engagement several days ago between the corps of Gens. Longstreet and Hill and a heavy body of the enemy at one of the passes in the Blue Ridge.
The exact location of this fight, or the particular day on which it occurred, could not be ascertained; but our forces are represented to have achieved a decided advantage in the affair and to have captured a large number of prisoners and several pieces of artillery.
A very intelligent gentleman, who came up the Valley from below Winchester, says he learns nothing of any general fight, but knows there have been a number of heavy skirmishes, in which we were generally successful in repulsing the enemy, who were pressing vigorously and clo
Longstreet (search for this): article 1
From Northern Virginia.
The reports which we receive from Northern Virginia, with reference to the operations of our own and the enemy's forces, are so confused that it is difficult to arrive at the exact situation of affairs.
By the Central train of last evening we have a report of a considerable engagement several days ago between the corps of Gens. Longstreet and Hill and a heavy body of the enemy at one of the passes in the Blue Ridge.
The exact location of this fight, or the particular day on which it occurred, could not be ascertained; but our forces are represented to have achieved a decided advantage in the affair and to have captured a large number of prisoners and several pieces of artillery.
A very intelligent gentleman, who came up the Valley from below Winchester, says he learns nothing of any general fight, but knows there have been a number of heavy skirmishes, in which we were generally successful in repulsing the enemy, who were pressing vigorously and clo
Early (search for this): article 1
Virginia (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
From Northern Virginia.
The reports which we receive from Northern Virginia, with reference to the operations of our own and the enemy's forces, are so confused that it is difficult to arrive at the exact situation of affairs.
By the Central train of last evening we have a report of a considerable engagement several days ago between the corps of Gens. Longstreet and Hill and a heavy body of the enemy at one of the passes in the Blue Ridge.
The exact location of this fight, or the paNorthern Virginia, with reference to the operations of our own and the enemy's forces, are so confused that it is difficult to arrive at the exact situation of affairs.
By the Central train of last evening we have a report of a considerable engagement several days ago between the corps of Gens. Longstreet and Hill and a heavy body of the enemy at one of the passes in the Blue Ridge.
The exact location of this fight, or the particular day on which it occurred, could not be ascertained; but our forces are represented to have achieved a decided advantage in the affair and to have captured a large number of prisoners and several pieces of artillery.
A very intelligent gentleman, who came up the Valley from below Winchester, says he learns nothing of any general fight, but knows there have been a number of heavy skirmishes, in which we were generally successful in repulsing the enemy, who were pressing vigorously and c
Strasburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
Front Royal (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
U. S. Grant (search for this): article 1
Ewell (search for this): article 1
Judah (search for this): article 1
McClellan (search for this): article 1