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January, 1862 AD (search for this): chapter 11
quently succeeded by Major Smith. The regiment was ordered to the mountains of West Virginia, where it performed arduous and discouraging service in the campaign on the Gauley and Cheat rivers. It was followed by hard marching under Stonewall Jackson, whom Colonel Rust described as an impracticable old schoolmaster, who said grace before he ate and prayed before going to bed. The regiment was engaged in the battles of Greenbrier and Allegheny. Under Stonewall Jackson at Winchester, in January, 1862, it marched to Bath and Romney, returned to Winchester, and was ordered thence to Fredericksburg, and assigned to the brigade of Gen. T. H. Holmes. It was engaged in the battle of White Oak Swamp, June 3, 1862; in J. G. Walker's brigade, July 1, 1862, participated in the battle of Malvern Hill, and was at Sharpsburg September 17, 1862, where Colonel Manning was seriously wounded. At Fredericksburg it was assigned to Hood's Texas brigade, commanded by General Robertson, and was recruite
January 1st, 1862 AD (search for this): chapter 11
ant and succeeded Lieutenant Harris as adjutant. Before the regiment left Corinth, Miss., about 200 of the Twelfth Arkansas regiment were organized into two companies and placed in the Sixth. In December, at Shelbyville, they were sent back to their own regiment, which had been exchanged. This reduced the Sixth considerably, and it was consolidated with the Seventh Arkansas infantry, about December 15, 1862. The regiment was engaged in the battle of Murfreesboro, December 31, 1862, and January 1 and 2, 1863; and in the spring advanced to Bellbuckle, where it remained until June 24, 1863, when it was hastily ordered to the front to Liberty Gap, where it found the Fifth Arkansas struggling with a large force. It retreated from middle Tennessee to south of Tennessee river, went into camp at Chickamauga station, a few miles from Chattanooga, and remained there until about the 1st of September, when Bragg began maneuvering for the battle of Chickamauga. The regiment was engaged, actu
January 20th, 1862 AD (search for this): chapter 11
rn Hill, and was at Sharpsburg September 17, 1862, where Colonel Manning was seriously wounded. At Fredericksburg it was assigned to Hood's Texas brigade, commanded by General Robertson, and was recruited by consolidating with it Bronaugh's battalion of five Arkansas companies. It was not engaged at the battle of Chancellorsville, as it was with Longstreet at that time at Suffolk. It participated in the battle of Gettysburg, in Longstreet's corps, and fought at Chickamauga, September 19 and 20, 1863, where the gallant Major Reedy was mortally wounded. From there it went with Longstreet to Knoxville, and under General Gregg, of Texas, was in the battle of the Wilderness, May 6, 1864; marching at double-quick several miles that morning to save the Confederate line. In the engagement that day, its colonel, Manning, was shot through the thigh, and being captured was detained a prisoner of war until three months after the surrender of Lee. Judge Joe Alexander, as a private, lost an ar
February, 1862 AD (search for this): chapter 11
lion of the Ninth Arkansas (Bradley's), and the Nineteenth Tennessee (Allison's), commanded by Col. R. G. Shaver. The brigade remained at Bowling Green until February, 1862, when that place was evacuated, Shaver's brigade guarding the rear, being shelled by the artillery of Buell's advance while the last trains of stores were beient of Col. Thomas D. Merrick, a merchant of Little Rock, its commander; Lieut.-Col. S. S. Ford, Maj. Obed Patty. Adjt. Robert C. Bertrand acted as such until February, 1862, when George A. Merrick was made adjutant. The company officers were: Company A, Capt. A. R. Witt, of Van Buren county, First Lieut. W. W. Martin, Second Liety; Company K, Capt. John Lawrence, of Searcy county. The regiment went into camp at Elm Springs, Benton county, where it remained in winter quarters until February, 1862, when General Price and his army of Missouri fell back before a large force of Federals under General Curtis, and made a stand at Elkhorn tavern in Benton cou
February 16th, 1862 AD (search for this): chapter 11
Twelfth regiment was organized under a commission issued to Hon. Ed. W. Gantt by the secretary of war of the Confederate States. Gantt had been elected to Congress for the Second district of Arkansas, and in consequence of the rupture between the Southern States and the general government, declined to take his seat. He was successful in raising a regiment, which he led across the Mississippi river, and was at the fall of Fort Donelson, where he and his regiment were taken prisoners, February 16, 1862. While Colonel Gantt was detained a prisoner in Fort Warren, his regiment was exchanged and reorganized at Jackson, Miss., by the election of Col. T. J. Reid, Lieut.-Col. Ed. C. Jordan, Maj. John S. Walker, Adjt. W. L. Hemingway, Quartermaster C. H. Jonas. The regiment as reorganized was insufficient in numbers to comply with regulations, and its officers were granted leave to return to Arkansas for recruits, while the men were temporarily consolidated with the Eleventh under Colone
March, 1862 AD (search for this): chapter 11
nd was succeeded by Captain Cotter, of Company H. Capt. S. T. Black, of Company D, was killed at Murfreesboro. The regiment was at the bombardment of Fort Pillow, and in the battles of Shiloh, Richmond, Ky., Murfreesboro, Chickamauga, Tunnel Hill, Dalton, Resaca, New Hope Church, Kenesaw Mountain, Moore's Mill, Peachtree Creek, Lovejoy's Station, Jonesboro, Moore's Station, Franklin, Nashville, Sugar Creek and Bentonville. The Second Arkansas battalion was organized at Little Rock, in March, 1862, and John Miller was commissioned major in command. Two other companies were added and Batt. L. Jones was elected lieutenant-colonel, and continued as commander until the surrender of Port Hudson. Its officers were sent to Rock Island and were kept in prison there until the cessation of hostilities. Among the captains of the battalion were M. R. Wilson, James Norris, James Imboden and P. T. Wood, who survived the siege of Port Hudson and the war. The gallant little command took an ac
April, 1862 AD (search for this): chapter 11
of March, the regiment marched to reinforce Price, forming part of Hebert's brigade, under command of Gen. Ben McCulloch, and took part in the battle of the 7th. The regiment entered into action soon after General McCulloch's death, passing the body of the dead general in their charge. The greater part of the Confederate forces which retreated to Frog Bayou, consisting of Missouri and Arkansas regiments, were transferred under Generals Price and Van Dorn across the Mississippi river in April, 1862. The Sixteenth was brigaded with four Missouri regiments, formerly commanded by Col. Francis Cockrell, which were the flower of Missouri, and at Corinth were again united in a brigade commanded by Gen. Henry Little, afterward killed at Iuka. While at Corinth the Sixteenth was reorganized and the following officers chosen: Col. David Provence, formerly captain of battery of artillery known by his name; Lieut.-Col. B. T. Pixlee, Maj. J. M. Pitman, Adjt. John S. Tutt, Quartermaster Arch M
April 2nd, 1862 AD (search for this): chapter 11
s were: Company A, J. G. Johnson, of Lewisville; B, H. G. P. Williams, of Hillsboro; C, B. R. Matthews, of Eldorado; D, John Cook, of Falcon; E, P. Dismukes, of Columbia county; F, J. I. Kendrick, of Columbia county; G, William C. Langford, of Eldorado, H, James Henry, of Hot Springs county. Under an act of Congress the regiment was reorganized by electing Tom Dockery, colonel; W. H. Dismukes, lieutenantcol-onel, and H. G. P. Williams, major. From Memphis it was ordered to Fort Pillow. April 2, 1862, the Federal fleet which had caused the evacuation of Island No.10 proceeded eighty miles below to Fort Pillow, and began a vigorous bombardment of that place and of Randolph, about twelve miles below, on the bluffs of Tennessee. Both places were rendered untenable, and the Confederates were withdrawn and sent to Corinth, Miss. They took part in the battles of Iuka and Corinth, where the Arkansas regiments bore themselves with greatest gallantry. The Nineteenth earned for its colonel,
April 15th, 1862 AD (search for this): chapter 11
aptain Matthews, First Lieutenant Black. Company I, Capt. W. F. Morton. Company K, Capt. Anderson Cunningham, First Lieutenant Toomer. The regiment was ordered to Fort Pillow, November, 1861, and was brigaded with the Twelfth, commanded by Col. E. W. Gantt; was stationed at Island No.10 on the Mississippi river, and transferred back and forth to New Madrid at the will of Gen. Gid. J. Pillow, who had very impracticable ideas of the war we had entered upon. Island No.10 was surrendered April 15, 1862, after a terrific bombardment by the enemy's mortar-boats and gunboats, aided by an overflow which nearly submerged the island. The Confederate defenses consisted of dissolving earthworks and twenty guns. Maj. W. J. Hoadley, of Little Rock, having served his guns with great bravery, spiked them and made his escape with one section of the battalion. The others were included in the cartel, and were transported to Camp Butler near Springfield, Ill., then to Camp Chase (Chicago), the offi
May, 1862 AD (search for this): chapter 11
under Gen. T. C. Hindman, commanding the First brigade. While in Kentucky, John Edward Murray was made lieutenant-colonel, upon the resignation of Lieutenant-Colonel Sweeney. When Corinth was evacuated on the approach of Halleck and Grant in May, 1862, the regiment fell back with the Confederate army to Tupelo. Here it was reorganized, and Capt. L. P. Featherston was elected colonel, J. E. Murray, lieutenant-colonel, and Capt. Peter Green, major; J. J. Winston was appointed adjutant Murray,iate command of Hindman. It covered, with other cavalry commands, the retreat of Gen. Sidney Johnston to Nashville and into Mississippi. It was at the battle of Shiloh, and helped to cover the withdrawal of Beauregard to Corinth. At Corinth, May, 1862, it was consolidated with Phifer's battalion and organized as the Second Arkansas cavalry, Col. William F. Slemons, Lieut.-Col. H. R. Withers, Maj. Thomas J. Reid, Adjt. Thomas Garrison, Quartermaster W. Leeper, Commissary Wat Strong. Its line
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