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May 12th, 1883 AD (search for this): chapter 5.24
Early I make the following extract: A very valuable part of the property so lost . . . consisted of a very large number of picks and spades. . . . All of our heavy guns, including some recently arrived and not mounted, together with a good deal of ammunition piled upon the wharf, had to be left behind [II., 94]. The steamboats he mentions were controlled in Richmond. As to the loss of very valuable picks and spades, Colonel Henry To Douglas, chief engineer at Yorktown, wrote to me, May 12th, 1883: Region between Washington and Richmond. I was at Yorktown the evening before the evacuation commenced. I did not see any quantity of picks and shovels there, and cannot understand how they could have accumulated there when they were needed so much from Redoubt Number Five to Lee's Mills — that is, on the extreme right of our line. General D. H. Hill, who commanded in and near Yorktown, said, in his official report: We lost very little by the retreat, save some medical stores
rom the intrenchments at Yorktown, and enable the enemy to turn us by the river. Mr. Davis quotes from one of his dispatches to me: Your announcement to-day [May 1st] that you would withdraw to-morrow night takes us by surprise, and must involve enormous losses, including unfinished gun-boats. Will the safety of your army allow more time? [II., 92]. My own announcement was made April 27th, not May 1st, and reached Richmond in ten hours; so the President had abundant time to prevent the withdrawal. The appearance of the enemy's works indicated that fire from them might open upon us the next morning. The withdrawal just then was to avoid waste of linded in and near Yorktown, said, in his official report: We lost very little by the retreat, save some medical stores which Surgeon Coffin deserted in his flight, May 1st. The heavy guns were all of the old navy pattern. We had very little ammunition on hand at the time. The heavy guns could have been saved only by holding the p
e found rebel caissons filled with ammunition, a large number of small-arms and several baggage wagons.--Editors. Besides, the Federal army had been advancing steadily until the Major-General Gustavus W. Smith, C. S. A. From a photograph. day of this battle; after it they made not another step forward, but employed themselves industriously in intrenching. In a publication of mine [ Johnston's narrative ] made in 1874, I attempted to show that General Lee did not attack the enemy until June 26th, because he was engaged from June 1st until then in forming a great army, bringing to that which I had commanded 15,000 men from North Carolina under General Holmes, 22,000 from South Carolina and Georgia, and above 16,000 in the divisions of Jackson and Ewell. My authority for the 15,000 was General Holmes's statement, May 31st, that he had that number waiting the President's order to join me. When their arrival was announced, I supposed the number was as stated. General Ripley, their
May 6th, 1862 AD (search for this): chapter 5.24
ld was an excellent one, I intended to await the Federal attack there. These explanations covered the whole ground, so that the President had no cause to complain, especially as he suggested nothing better. And he was satisfied then; for, three days later, he wrote to me by Colonel G. W. C. Lee: . . . If the enemy proceed as heretofore indicated, your position and policy, as you stated it in Fort Magruder and other Confederate earth-works in front of Williamsburg. From sketches made May 6, 1862. William and Mary College, Williamsburg, used as a Union hospital. our last interview, seems to me to require no modification. This is the interview called inconclusive. Mr. Davis says: After the repulse of the enemy's gunboats at Drewry's Bluff [May 15th, 1862], I wrote to General Johnston a letter to be handed to him by my aide, Colonel G. W. C. Lee. . . . I soon thereafter rode out to visit General Johnston at his headquarters, and was surprised, in the suburbs of Richmond, . .
ffective were, in fact, Anderson's division sent to observe McDowell's corps at Fredericksburg, and so large that General Lee called it the army of the North, and estimated it as 10,000 men; I advised you, April 23d, of certain troops ordered to report to General Field, viz.: two regiments from Richmond, two light batteries, a brigade from South Carolina, and one from North Carolina (Anderson's), in all 8000, in addition to those [2500.--J. E. J.] previously there.--General Lee's letter, May 8th.--Official Records, Vol. XI., Part III., pp 500-1.--J. E. J. and the second, Branch's brigade, greatly strengthened to protect the railroad at Gordonsville, and estimated by General Lee as 5000 men. Two brigades, one from North Carolina (Branch's) and one from Norfolk, have been ordered to Gordonsville to reinforce that line.--General Lee's letter, as above.--J. E. J. When these troops were united on the Chickahominy, General Anderson's estimate of their numbers was, of the first, 9000
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