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equipped; he has now but about one-fourth the number of the enemy, and consequently is no match for him. I have two ironclads here with several gunboats, and Commander Fitch assures me Hood can neither cross Cumberland river, nor blockade it. I therefore think it best to wait here until Wilson equips all his cavalry. If Hood atta. Nothing, however, was done by the government, and nothing was heard from Thomas till nine o'clock on the night of the 7th, when he telegraphed to Halleck: Captain Fitch, United States navy, started down the river yesterday with a convoy of transports, but was unable to get them down; the enemy having planted three batteries on a bend of the river, between this and Clarksville. Captain Fitch was unable to silence all three of the batteries yesterday, and will return again to-morrow morning, with the assistance of the [gunboat] Cincinnati, now at Clarksville; and I am in hopes he will be able to clear them out. Thus another avenue of communication with
W. B. Franklin (search for this): chapter 5
miles. About half way between Columbia and Nashville, is Franklin. On the 24th of November, Grant returned to City Pointorce was now more than equal to that of the enemy. But Franklin was twenty-five miles from Nashville, and Hood had not yegures were only obtained, however, on the reoccupation of Franklin by our forces, after the battles of December 15 and 16, ach had left so small an army for Schofield at Pulaski and Franklin, and made the first falling back inevitable. Steedman miht, are the Charlotte, Hardin, Hillsboroa, Granny White, Franklin, Nolensville, and Murfreesboroa roads. Besides these, theion. It is possible that the failures at Spring Hill and Franklin had convinced the rebel commander that his army was unfitross the Granny White road, one of Hood's two outlets to Franklin. As soon as these dispositions were complete, and Thoms, we were able to hold Hood in check at Columbia . . and Franklin, until General Thomas could concentrate at Nashville, and
Judson Kilpatrick (search for this): chapter 5
punished. Yours of 4 P. M. yesterday just received. Hood's entire army is in front of Columbia, and so greatly outnumbers mine that I am compelled to act on the defensive. None of General Smith's corps have arrived yet, although embarked on Tuesday last. The transportation of Hatch and Grierson's cavalry was ordered by Washburne, I am told, to be turned in at Memphis, which has crippled the only cavalry I have at this time. All of my cavalry were dismounted to furnish horses to Kilpatrick's division, which went with General Sherman. My dismounted cavalry is now detained in Louisville, awaiting arms and horses. Horses arrive slowly; arms have been detained somewhere en route for more than a month. General Grierson has been delayed by conflicting orders in Kansas, and from Memphis. It is impossible to say when he will reach here. Since being placed in charge of affairs on Tennessee, I have lost nearly 15,000 men, discharged by expiration of service, and permitted to go
G. K. Warren (search for this): chapter 5
r, now at Fort Monroe: Let General Weitzel get off as soon as possible. We don't want the navy to wait an hour. At ten P. M., he reported to the government: General Warren, with a force of twelve thousand infantry, six batteries, and four thousand cavalry, started this morning, with the view of cutting the Weldon railroad as farby the mind of the master-workman. On the same day, taking every contingency into consideration, Grant said to Meade: If the enemy send off two divisions after Warren, what is there to prevent completing the investment of Petersburg with your reserve? The country meanwhile had become uneasy, and the government was even more hed eighteen miles the day before. If you do not get off immediately, you will lose the chance of surprise and weak garrison. Good news, however, came in from Warren. He had completely destroyed the railroad, from the Nottoway river to Hicksford, meeting with only trifling opposition The weather had been bad, and marching and
George Stoneman (search for this): chapter 5
l be badly crippled, if not destroyed. Grant was entirely right in his estimate of the relative numbers of the opposing armies. Sherman had left sufficient men behind for every emergency, and it was only Thomas's policy of scattering his forces and defending every assailable point, which had left so small an army for Schofield at Pulaski and Franklin, and made the first falling back inevitable. Steedman might have been recalled on the day that Hood advanced from the Tennessee, and even Stoneman would have been better occupied resisting, the principal rebel army at the West, than in following Breckenridge's three thousand men with double their number in East Tennessee. Thomas also very greatly over-estimated Hood's force, both in infantry and cavalry; but after Hood was defeated with a loss of six thousand men at Franklin, and Thomas was reinforced by ten thousand men under Smith, and five thousand under Steedman, as well as the black brigade from Chattanooga, while additions wer
The operators at the different Headquarters were in the habit of sending telegrams to each other, which sometimes conveyed important information, in addition to that communicated by the commanding officers. reported: No change in position since last report. Enemy still in force in front, as was found out by reconnoissance, and large artillery force on south bank of the Cumberland, between here and shoals. One of our gunboats came to grief in the exchange of iron at Bell's Ferry. Rebel General Ewell holds same bank, below Harpeth's to Fort Donelson, but don't fight gunboats. At 9.30 P. M. the same night, Thomas himself reported: With every exertion on the part of General Wilson, he will not be able to get his force of cavalry in condition to move before Sunday [December 11th]. But Grant had directed Thomas to move without regard to Wilson, and on the receipt of these despatches, he telegraphed, on the 9th, to Halleck: Despatch of eight P. M. last evening, from Nashville, shows t
forced a crossing above Franklin, and seriously threatened the trains, which were accumulating on the northern bank, and moving towards Nashville. Wilson, however, drove him back to the southern side, and the immediate left and rear were again, for a time, secure. In the battle of Franklin, Schofield had not more than twenty-two thousand infantry and four thousand three hundred cavalry engaged. The Fifth division contained at this time but 2,500 men, Croxton's brigade about 1,000, and Capron's 800—in all, about 4,300 men.—Wilson's Report. Hood's force was at least thirty thousand infantry and seven thousand cavalry. Schofield lost one hundred and eighty-nine killed, one thousand and thirty-three wounded, and eleven hundred and four missing; total, two thousand three hundred and twenty-six. The rebel loss was seventeen hundred and fifty killed, three thousand eight hundred wounded, and seven hundred and two prisoners; total, six thousand two hundred and fifty-two. At the tim
J. H. Wilson (search for this): chapter 5
ll greatly outnumber mine, until I can get General Wilson's force back from Louisville.—Thomas to Hay's Mills, where the rebel army was crossing. Wilson was cut off, and no communication could be hadthe fortifications around Nashville, until General Wilson can get his cavalry equipped; he has now bfortifications for an indefinite period, until Wilson gets equipments. This looks like the McClellanoxville. Nothing heard from Forrest, but General Wilson is looking after him, and no apprehension ported: With every exertion on the part of General Wilson, he will not be able to get his force of c had directed Thomas to move without regard to Wilson, and on the receipt of these despatches, he tee field; and when this was apparent, Smith and Wilson began the grand movement of the day, wheelingery and thousands of prisoners were captured. Wilson's cavalry, still dismounted, had advanced simued army. It saved Hood from annihilation, for Wilson proceeded no further, but went into bivouac, w[33 more...]
and; and this Grant was not prepared to do, without consulting the government, which he knew would dislike, and perhaps forbid, the step. He fancied, besides, that Butler's object might be to witness the explosion of the powder-boat, in which he took great interest, rather than to direct the expedition itself; thus no disapproval of his purpose was indicated. It is certain, however, that it would have been better if Grant had frankly and peremptorily ordered Butler back to the army of the James, to superintend the movements there. His dislike to wound the feelings of another should doubtless, at this crisis, have been sacrificed. Those who have never been placed in situations of great delicacy and responsibility, or who cannot realize the various considerations, military, political, and personal, which affect the decisions of men in power —will doubtless here find cause to censure Grant. This day the general-in-chief sent further and more definite orders to Sherman, to guide h
H. W. Halleck (search for this): chapter 5
ilson's force back from Louisville.—Thomas to Halleck, November 21. His only resource, he declared, to him in cavalry. At ten P. M., he said to Halleck: Is it not possible now to send reinforcementot share; for he telegraphed, on this day, to Halleck: As soon as I can get the remaining brigade o the night of the 7th, when he telegraphed to Halleck: Captain Fitch, United States navy, started dr he is too cautious to take the initiative. Halleck replied to this at nine P. M. If you wish Gent attack. At 9.30 P. Mr. he telegraphed to Halleck: There is no perceptible change in the appearbut on that day the general-in-chief directed Halleck: I think it probably will be better to bring he 11th, at 9.30 P. M., Thomas telegraphed to Halleck: The position of the enemy appears the same the offensive. On the 14th, at 12.30 P. M., Halleck telegraphed, without Grant's knowledge, but durt by the persistent goading, and replied to Halleck at length, and with spirit: Your despatch of [10 more...]
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