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attack at once, agreeably to your orders, though I believe it will be hazardous, with the small force of cavalry now at my service. That night news came from Van Duzer, the operator at Nashville: Scouts report large force twenty miles down river, towards Harpeth shoals, and say rebels propose to cross Cumberland river there, so A terrible storm of freezing rain has come on since daylight, which will render an attack impossible, till it breaks. Meanwhile, at eight P. M. of the 8th, Van Duzer, the telegraph operator at Nashville, The operators at the different Headquarters were in the habit of sending telegrams to each other, which sometimes conveyas he stepped from the steamer at Washington, and he telegraphed at once to Thomas: 11.30 P. M.: I was just on my way to Nashville, but receiving a despatch from Van Duzer, detailing your splendid success of to-day, I shall go no further. Push the enemy now, and give him no rest till he is entirely destroyed. Your army will cheer
and telegraph lines, between Nashville and Murfreesboroa, and on the 3rd and 4th of December, he captured three stockades, as well as a train of cars on the Chattanooga railroad, and reported two hundred and sixty prisoners. So secure, indeed, did Hood now feel, that, on the 4th, he ordered Forrest to move with two divisions of cavalry, nearly his entire force, The enemy still holding Murfreesboroa with some 6,000 troops, Major-General Forrest, with the larger portion of the cavalry and Bates's division of infantry, was sent there to see if it was practicable to take the place.—Hood to Beauregard, January 9, 1865. On the morning of the 4th I received orders to move with Buford's and Jackson's divisions to Murfreesboro—Forrest's Report, January 24, 1865. and a division of infantry, against Murfreesboroa, thirty miles away. Forrest started on the morning of the 5th, and Thomas's cavalry force was then far superior to that which remained with Hood. On the 4th, the enemy exten
I. Palmer (search for this): chapter 5
send a force of from three thousand to four thousand men, under General Palmer, to cut the Weldon railroad south of the Roanoke river, and Grant now asked: Did you order Palmer to make the proposed move yesterday? It is important he should do so without delay. In answer to this, Buy, if he follows. This movement would be simultaneous with that of Palmer in North Carolina, and both were intended, not only to distress Lee initiate an attack on Wilmington; and directed the co-operation of Palmer with the expeditions of both Weitzel and Meade; he also sent orderse been waiting to get off [Weitzel's] troops down the coast, but as Palmer has already moved from Newbern, will wait no longer. Palmer probabPalmer probably started from Newbern yesterday, with a force of from three to four thousand men, to cut the same [Weldon] road south of the Roanoke. On rate with the navy in the capture of the mouth of Cape Fear river. Palmer has also moved, or is supposed to have moved, up the Roanoke, to su
Bramlette (search for this): chapter 5
Do you not think it advisable to authorize Wilson to press horses and mares in Kentucky, to mount his cavalry, giving owners receipts, so they can get their pay? It looks as if Forrest will flank around Thomas, until Thomas is equal to him in cavalry. At ten P. M., he said to Halleck: Is it not possible now to send reinforcements to Thomas from Hooper's department? If there are new troops organized, state militia, or anything that can go, now is the time to annihilate Hood's army. Governor Bramlette [of Kentucky] might put from five to ten thousand horsemen into the field to serve only to the end of the campaign. At ten P. M. this night, Thomas replied to his chief: Your two telegrams of eleven A. M. and 1.30 P. M. received. At the time that Hood was whipped at Franklin, I had at this place but about five thousand men of Smith's command, which added to the force under Schofield, would not have given me more than twenty-five thousand; besides, Schofield felt convinced that he c
Edwin M. Stanton (search for this): chapter 5
uipment of the cavalry was the great reason assigned by Thomas for delay, he telegraphed at 7.30 P. M. the same night to Stanton: Do you not think it advisable to authorize Wilson to press horses and mares in Kentucky, to mount his cavalry, giving oeasy, and the government was even more anxious than Grant, in regard to Thomas. On the 7th of December, at 10.20 A. M., Stanton telegraphed: Thomas seems unwilling to attack because it is hazardous, as if all war was anything but hazardous. If hecommand for to-day's operations, and feel a conviction that to-morrow will add more fruits to your victory. Lincoln and Stanton also sent messages of congratulation and encouragement. The President declared: You have made a magnificent beginning. ng of negro troops on the plantations, or the concentration of white troops now in the field. On the 23rd, he said to Stanton: I think it would be appropriate now to confer on General Thomas the vacant major-generalcy in the regular army. He see
Meade Grant (search for this): chapter 5
nt gives peremptory orders Excuses of Thomas Grant's general supervision of armies Butler Startsmy Hood crosses Tennessee congratulations of Grant and the government further urging of Thomas d will be badly crippled, if not destroyed. Grant was entirely right in his estimate of the relaich should have followed a victory; and either Grant, Sherman, or Sheridan would undoubtedly have msecurity of Tennessee, or the upsetting of all Grant's plans at the South and East as well as the We news of Schofield's victory at Franklin; and Grant again proclaimed at the camp fire his admiratisubordinate, and had frequent conferences with Grant on the subject. In the meantime, as we havethe Cape Fear river. On the 30th of November, Grant notified Butler that Bragg, who had been in cothe East, as well as the West; and on the 5th, Grant said to Meade: We will not wait for Getty's di orders; and painful though the necessity was, Grant gave the word. Nothing, however, was done b[79 more...]
et my cavalry, I will march against Hood. If Forrest can be found, he will be punished. Youas yet discover no signs of the withdrawal of Forrest from Tennessee; he is closely watched, and ounce against Hood as soon as possible, whether Forrest leaves Tennessee or not. Thomas was very welim to send a division forward again, and hold Forrest in check till the troops and trains could all. A short time before the principal assault, Forrest forced a crossing above Franklin, and seriouserland Gap and Knoxville. Nothing heard from Forrest, but General Wilson is looking after him, and cavalry as rapidly as possible to look after Forrest, Hood should be attacked where he is. Time stow have the largest part of the cavalry under Forrest, with two brigades of infantry in observationhould be sent to him, but he gave no order to Forrest to cross the Cumberland river, and he made noe the main command. Twice, in narrow gorges, Forrest made a stand, where a few hundred men were ab[27 more...]
Rutherford (search for this): chapter 5
the rear; but Forrest was detained by swollen streams, and unable to overtake the infantry until the night of the 18th, at Columbia. Even after his defeat, Hood at first had hoped to remain in Tennessee, on the line of the Duck river, but at Columbia he became convinced that the condition of his army made it necessary to re-cross the Tennessee river without delay. Hood's Report. But just here the pursuit was interrupted for three days. On the 18th, the national cavalry arrived at Rutherford's creek, three miles north of Columbia; but the rains were falling heavily, and the stream was swollen; the bridges were destroyed, and the pontoons had been sent by mistake on the Murfreesboroa road. The whole country was inundated, and the roads were almost impassable; nevertheless, the army crossed the Harpeth, and Wood's corps closed up with the cavalry. It was not, however, till the 20th, that a floating bridge could be constructed out of the wreck of the old railroad bridge. Hatc
John McArthur (search for this): chapter 5
y back, and capturing a redoubt with four guns, which were quickly turned upon the rebel line. McArthur's division, of Smith's command, participated in this assault, vying with the cavalry. A second re-formed his troops in the position they had occupied before the assault. About this time, McArthur, in command of one of Smith's divisions, sent word that he could carry the hill on his right, baution, directed Smith to delay the movement till Schofield could be heard from, on the right. McArthur, however, receiving no reply, and fearing if he longer delayed, that the enemy would strengthen his works —advanced without orders. About 3 o'clock P. M. General McArthur sent word that he could carry the hill on his right by assault. Major-General Thomas being present, the matter was refeted to delay the movement until he could hear from General Schofield, to whom he had sent. General McArthur not receiving any reply, and fearing if the attack should be longer delayed, the enemy woul
erative with Thomas's advance; and Sherman and Meade and Butler and Sheridan were all included in tible. On the 3rd of December, he announced to Meade: The Sixth corps will probably begin to arrivean, and on the 30th of November, Grant said to Meade: Try to ascertain how much force Hampton has td Lee's infantry would be occupied in watching Meade's movement southward, Grant reverted to his co done, if it is possible. On the 5th, he gave Meade instructions to move down the Weldon road as falmer with the expeditions of both Weitzel and Meade; he also sent orders to Sherman to guide him oted to Butler movements in support of those of Meade, which he intended should detain him at Bermudfor Weitzel's expedition, and minute orders to Meade for the movement southward against the Weldon contingency into consideration, Grant said to Meade: If the enemy send off two divisions after Warere difficult; but he was now on his return to Meade. Upon the receipt of this news, Grant telegra[2 more...]
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