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New England (United States) (search for this): chapter 78
etins are not reliable. I saw about eight hundred prisoners; could not learn the whereabouts of the brigade said to have been captured by Heintzelman. Think it a false report, invented to keep up courage — which was not necessary, for the men, jaded as they were, noble fellows, cheered when summoned to battle, and swore to die game. Said I to a rebel officer: Do your men respect Yankee fighters? Yes, sir; they surprise us. Said I: Others have broken and retired; the genuine Yankees of New-England have never faltered on the Chickahominy. It is true; and Massachusetts mourns more dead soldiers, comparatively, than any State's quota in the Army of the Potomac. Tuesday, the first of July, was not a cheerful day. The prospect was not happy. The Prince de Joinville, always gay and active as a lad, and always where there was battle, had gone. The Count de Paris, heir to the Bourbon throne, and the Duke de Chartres, his brother, the two chivalric and devoted aids to Gen. McClellan,
Georgia (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 78
while the forests were obscured with musket-mist. Our picket-reserves, however, held their ground manfully, and the enemy was briskly driven back, our lads yelling at them triumphantly. Hancock was victorious after a bitter fight, in which two Georgia regiments were almost cut to pieces. Our loss, though not half so great as that of the enemy, was not trifling. Among the prisoners captured by Hancock, was one of the smartest and most mischievous of Southern politicians, Col. J. Q. C. Lamar,ion of Whiting's, Hood's, and Pender's brigades, who flanked the enemy and formed our left, they never could be made to falter; for Whiting had the Eleventh, Sixteenth and Second Mississippi, and two other regiments. Hood had four Texan and one Georgia regiment, and the material of Pender's command was equally as good as any, and greatly distinguished itself. These were the troops most engaged, and that suffered most. But where is Jackson? ask all. He has travelled fast and is heading the
York (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 78
trenchments and powerful redoubts, defended by a numerous and desperate enemy, would have been madness. We had no hope of reenforcements. Besides, it was now too late for them to form a junction with us, either by the Rappahannock route or by York River, since they would be cut off inevitably. There was but one extremely perilous alternative. The army must fall back on James River. A hope was entertained that the enemy would be deceived into the belief that we designed to fall back to the W his rear, were the divisions of Gens. Longstreet, Magruder and Huger, and in the situation as it existed Saturday night, all hopes of his escape were thought to be impossible. The battle of Savage station. Six miles from Richmond, on the York River road, the enemy were in full force on Saturday night. During the night our pickets heard them busily at work, hammering, sawing, etc. The rumble of cannon-carriages was also constantly audible. Sunday, about noon, our troops advanced in the di
Ashland (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 78
ellent a plan eventually happened to fail, at least partially, in the execution, will presently appear. The capture of Mechanicsville. Thursday came, clear but warm. At three o'clock A. M. Major-Gen. Jackson took up his line of march from Ashland, and proceeding down the country between the Chickahominy and Pamunkey rivers, he uncovered the front of Brig.-Gen. Branch by driving off the enemy collected on the north bank of the Chickahominy River, at the point where it is crossed by the Br In the mean time the grand advance en echelon again began. The troops of D. H. Hill, having all joined their proper divisions, marched by the Mechanicsville road to join Jackson. The junction was made at Bethesda Church, Jackson coming from Ashland. Both corps then proceeded to Cold Harbor, Hill in front. Longstreet proceeded by the right of Ellyson's Mills toward Dr. Gaines's farm, and A. P. Hill in the same direction, on the left of Longstreet. At this point they came upon the enemy,
New Cold Harbor (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 78
Mills toward Dr. Gaines's farm, and A. P. Hill in the same direction, on the left of Longstreet. At this point they came upon the enemy, strongly posted upon high and advantageous ground. The line of battle formed was as follows: Longstreet on the right, resting on the Chickahominy swamp; A. P. Hill on his left; then Whiting, then Ewell, then Jackson, (the two latter under Jackson's command,) then D. H. Hill on the left of the line, the line extending in the form of a crescent beyond New Cold Harbor, south toward Baker's Mills. At about twelve o'clock M., the batteries of D. H. Hill, consisting of Hardaway's, Carter's, Bondurant's, Rhett's, Peyton's and Clarke's, under command of Majors Pierson and Jones, were massed on our left. Capt. Bondurant advanced to the front, and took position near the powerful batteries of the enemy's artillery. But it was soon found impossible to hold the position. He was overpowered and silenced. Other batteries soon, however, came forward succes
City Point (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 78
e neighborhood of Berkeley and Westover, on the James River, where, availing themselves of the strong natural defences of the place, and under cover of their gunboats, they were relieved from the apprehensions of an immediate attack. In this situation of affairs, a description of the locality and topographical features of the enemy's selected place of refuge, will be a matter of interest. Berkeley, now the residence of Dr. Starke, lies on the north side of James River, five miles below City Point, and by the course of the river sixty-five miles, but by the Charles City road not more than twenty-five miles from Richmond. The building, an old-fashioned, brick edifice, stands upon an eminence a few hundred yards from the river, in a grove of poplars and other trees. President Harrison was born here in 1773: The Westover plantation, long the seat of the distinguished family of Byrds, and at present owned by Mr. John Selden, adjoins Berkeley on the east, the dwelling-houses being s
Yorktown (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 78
e retreat was most ably conducted. Until this day, (Monday,) the enemy seems constantly to have operated upon the supposition that our army was intending to retire to the Pamunkey. They had been deluded into this belief by the Seventeenth New-York and Eighteenth Massachusetts regiments, together with part of the First, Second and Sixth Regular cavalry, which had been sent out of Old Church on Thursday morning, to impress the enemy with that notion. (Par parenthese, they retired safely to Yorktown, and are now at Malvern Hill.) But our true object must now have become apparent, and it was vitally necessary to get the trains through before the enemy could push columns down the Charles City, Central and New-Market roads. But until eight o'clock in the morning, we had no knowledge of any but the Quaker road to the point at which we now aimed — Hardin's Landing and Malvern Hill, in Turkey Bend. Sharp reconnoissance, however, had found another, and soon our tremendous land-fleet was sail
Leesburg (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 78
aw and Semmes's brigades, supported by Gen. Griffith's brigade from Magruder's division. The Federals were found to be strongly intrenched, and as soon as our skirmishers came in view they were opened upon with a furious cannonade from a park of field-pieces. Kemper's battery now went to the front, and for three hours the battle raged hotly, when the discomfited Yankees again resumed their back track. It was during this fight that General Griffith, of Mississippi, one of the heroes of Leesburgh, (where he commanded the Eighteenth Mississippi, on the fall of Colonel Burt,) was killed by the fragment of a shell, which mangled one of his legs. He was the only general officer killed on our side during the whole of that bloody week. Owing to a most unfortunate accident much of our success was marred. Our own troops, being mistaken for the enemy, were fired into by the Twenty-first Mississippi regiment, as was Jenkins's South-Carolina regiment at Manassas, by reenforcements in the r
New Market (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 78
, in cooperation with, Jackson, who was to make a detour, and attack the Federals in flank and rear, drive them still further on; and, finally, when they had reached a certain point, now known as the triangle, embraced between the Charles City, New-Market, and Quaker roads, all of which intersect, these several approaches were to be possessed by our forces, the enemy to be thus hemmed in and compelled either to starve, capitulate, or fight his way out with tremendous odds and topographical advan— engaged the enemy at a late hour in the evening. The battle was thus fought under the immediate and sole command of Gen. A. P. Hill, in charge of both divisions. The position of the enemy was about five miles northeast of Darbytown, on the New-Market road. The immediate scene of the battle was a plain of sedge lines, in the cover of which the enemy's forces were skilfully disposed. In advancing upon the enemy, batteries of sixteen heavy guns were opened upon the advance columns of Gen.
Seven Pines (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 78
y of McClellan. The York River Railroad, it will be remembered, runs in an easterly direction, intersecting the Chickahominy about ten miles from the city. South of the railroad is the Williamsburgh road, connecting with theNine-mile road at Seven Pines. The former road connects with the New-Bridge road, which turns off and crosses the Chickahominy. From Seven Pines, where theNine-mile road joins the upper one, the road is known as the old Williamsburgh road, and crosses the Chickahominy atSeven Pines, where theNine-mile road joins the upper one, the road is known as the old Williamsburgh road, and crosses the Chickahominy at Bottom's Bridge. With the bearing of these localities in his mind, the reader will readily understand how it was that the enemy was driven from his original strongholds on the north side of the Chickahominy, and how, at the time of Friday's battle, he had been compelled to surrender the possession of the Fredericksburgh and Central Railroads, and had been pressed to a position where he was cut off from the principal avenues of supply and escape. The disposition of our forces was such as to
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