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Cornfield Point (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
d Martinsburg, destroying the Baltimore and Ohio railroad much of the way, with Stuart lingering on his rear to cover that retreat, and to deceive McClellan by a show of numbers and vigor. Stuart recrossed the river at Williamsport on the same day, when he was driven back by General Couch with a heavy force of all arms. McClellan then sent General Williams to retake Maryland Heights; and two days later Sept. 22. General Sumner occupied Harper's Ferry, and threw pontoon bridges across the Potomac and Shenandoah rivers at that place. Lee rested a few days, and then moved leisurely up the Shenandoah Valley to the vicinity of Bunker's Hill and Winchester, breaking up the railway much of the distance between the latter place and Harper's Ferry. McClellan, meanwhile, had begun to call for re-enforcements and supplies, as prerequisites to a pursuit. His disorganized army needed re-organization. His cavalry force was greatly weakened by casualties in battle, fatigues, and a distemper
Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
hundred thousand men could not make more headway in the work of crushing the rebellion than they had done under his leadership during full ten months, more men must be called to the field at once, or all would be lost. Accordingly the loyal Governors of eighteen States signed a request that the President should immediately take measures for largely increasing the effective force in the field. He had already, by a call on the 1st of June, drawn forty thousand men, for three months, from Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. In compliance with a request of the governors, he called for three hundred thousand volunteers for the war, on the 1st of July; and on the 9th of August, when Pope was struggling with Jackson near the Rapid Anna, he called for three hundred thousand men for nine months, with the understanding that an equal number of men would be drafted from the great body of the citizens who were over eighteen and less. than forty-five years of age, if
Falmouth, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
movement Nov. 15. down the left bank of the Rappahannock, toward Falmouth, opposite Fredericksburg, with the expectation of crossing the rive right bank of the river. The head of Sumner's column arrived at Falmouth on the 17th, and was assailed by a light battery already planted o silenced by Petitt's battery, planted on the highest hill back of Falmouth, in the mansion on the summit of which, on his arrival toward evenThe bridges were destroyed, but the stream was fordable just above Falmouth. Summer's Headquarters. The town was occupied by a regimen in his official report that the advance of General Sumner reached Falmouth on the afternoon of the, 17th, and attempted to cross the Rappahan his arrival, when a greater portion of the National army was near Falmouth, and its cannon commanded Fredericksburg, Sumner demanded the surrwere made to cross the river at Skenker's Neck, twelve miles below Falmouth, and turn the Confederate right. This was discovered, and Lee sen
Lynchburg (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
easures for an immediate advance on Richmond. His plan was to make a feint above Fredericksburg, but to cross about six miles below, at the Seddon Farm, with his main body, to turn the position of the Confederates. At the same time twenty-five thousand cavalry, with four guns, were to cross at Kelley's Ford, and sweep through the country in the rear of Lee's army, to cut its communications with Richmond, raiding along the line of the Virginia Central and Orange and Alexandria railways to Lynchburg, destroying tracks and bridges, and the locks of the James River Canal, as circumstances might allow, and then, turning eastward, strike the Richmond and Danville road, cross the Notta-way River, and after destroying important portions of the road between Weldon and Battle of Fredericksburg. Petersburg, join General Peck, then in command at Suffolk. At the same time other bodies of mounted men were to sweep over the country, to distract the Confederates and conceal the real object
Occoquan River (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
ter both he and Longstreet were ordered to Fredericksburg, when the division of D. The. Hill was sent to Port Royal to oppose the passage of gun-boats, which had appeared there. The rest of Jackson's division was disposed so as to support Hill. The cavalry brigade of General W. H. F. Lee was stationed near Port Royal, and the fords of the Rappahannock above Fredericksburg were closely watched. On the 28th of November, Wade Hampton crossed and made a reconnaissance as far as Dumfries and Occoquan, and captured two hundred Nationals and some wagons; and at about the same time a part of Beales's regiment of Lee's brigade dashed across the Rappahannock in boats, below Port Royal, and captured some prisoners. Hill and some of Stuart's horse-artillery had a skirmish with the gun-boats at Port Royal on the 5th of December, and compelled them to retire.--Lee's Report, volume I. of the Reports of the Army of Northern Virginia, pages 88 and 89. Its left was composed of Longstreet's corps, w
Baltimore, Md. (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
to the rear of Washington, when, perhaps, after sweeping victoriously on to the Susquehanna, he might return and seize Baltimore and the National city. He believed the people of sovereign Maryland were chafing under the domination of the Governmenve men. It advanced slowly toward Frederick by five parallel roads, and was so disposed as to cover both Washington and Baltimore. The left rested on the Potomac, and the right on the Baltimore and Ohio railway. The right wing was composed of th general order issued on the 9th. It revealed the fact that he was not to make a direct movement against Washington or Baltimore, so long as McClellan lay between him and the two cities; but so soon as he could draw him toward the Susquehanna by me Mountains. See map on page 586, Volume I. Several roads cross these ranges, the best being the old National road from Baltimore to Cumberland, passing through Frederick and Middletown, the latter being the most considerable village in the Kittocta
Shenandoah Valley (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
e Army of Virginia across the Rappahannock before the other great army lent it any aid; and now, at the beginning of September, he saw both armies which had threatened him, shattered and disordered behind the strong fortifications of the National capital, where McClellan concentrated them to defend that capital from an expected assault. From Fortress Monroe to the head waters of the James and the Rappahannock, and far up the Potomac and the intervening country, as well as the whole valley of the Shenandoah to its northern entrance at Harper's Ferry, there were no National troops, and the harvests in all that region were poured into the Confederate granary. The Republic now seemed to be in great peril, and the loyal people were very anxious. Long before the disastrous termination of the campaign on the Peninsula, thoughtful men were losing faith in the ability, and some in the patriotism of the commander of the Army of the Potomac; and it was. clearly seen that if one hundred and f
Mississippi (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
off the occupying force from the main army, and expose it to capture by the rapidly approaching legions of Lee. So no attempt to cross was made. Without a shadow of truth, General Lee encouraged his troops and the deceived people by solemnly declaring in his official report that the advance of General Sumner reached Falmouth on the afternoon of the, 17th, and attempted to cross the Rappahannock, but was driven back by Colonel Ball with the Fifteenth Virginia cavalry, four companies of Mississippi infantry, and Lewis's light battery. Four days after his arrival, when a greater portion of the National army was near Falmouth, and its cannon commanded Fredericksburg, Sumner demanded the surrender of Farmers' bank, Fredericksburg. the city. Nov. 21. The authorities replied, that while it should not be used for offensive operations against the. National army, any attempt of that army to occupy it would be stoutly resisted. Expecting an immediate assault in response to this refu
Keedysville (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
oked much of the country that was made a battle-field the next day. Along the line of the Confederate Army, the Antietam (a sluggish stream with few fords) was spanned by four stone bridges The upper, or No. 1, was at the crossing of the Keedysville and Williamsport road; No. 2 was on the Keedysville and Sharpsburg turnpike, two miles below; No. 3 was about a mile below this and Sharpsburg, on the Rohersville and Sharpsburg road; and No. 4 near the mouth of the creek, on the Sharpsburg anof which were strongly guarded. McClellan made his Headquarters at the fine brick mansion of Philip Pry, about two miles northeast of Sharpsburg, east of the Antietam, and on each side of him in front his army was posted. On the right, near Keedysville, and on both sides of the McClellan's Headquarters. Sharpsburg pike, stood the corps of Sumner and Hooker In advance on the right of the turnpike and near the Antietam General Richardson's division of Sumner's corps was posted. In line
Manassas, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
y, he assumed the command on the 10th of November. At that time the Army of the Potomac was massed near Warrenton, as follows:--The First, Second, and Fifth Corps, reserve artillery, and general Headquarters, at Warrenton; Ninth Corps on the line of the Rappahannock, in the vicinity of Waterloo; the Sixth Corps at New Baltimore; the Eleventh Corps at New Baltimore, Gainesville, and Thoroughfare Gap ;--Sickles's division of the Third Corps, on the Orange and Alexandria railroad, from Manassas Junction to Warrenton Junction; Pleasanton across the Rappahannock at Amisville, Jefferson, &c., with his pickets at Hazel River, facing Longstreet, six miles from Culpepper Court-House; and Bayard at Rappahannock Station. --See McClellan's Report, page 237. Burnside's sense of the magnitude of his trust made him exceedingly cautious, and instead of going forward to the point of a great battle, to which McClellan's movements seemed tending, with promises of success, At that time Lee's ar
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