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Danville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
t to prevent reinforcements being sent to Wilmington, when Weitzel's expedition should start. It was at this time reported that Lee's cavalry had been sent to Georgia, to aid in the resistance against Sherman, and on the 30th of November, Grant said to Meade: Try to ascertain how much force Hampton has taken from here with him. He has gone himself, beyond doubt. Then with his usual policy, he continued: If the enemy has reduced his cavalry much, we must endeavor to make a raid upon the Danville road. Bragg has taken most of the troops from Wilmington to Georgia, which will aid an expedition I have ordered to cut the Weldon road south of the Roanoke. At the same time, as Hampton had been sent to Georgia, and Lee's infantry would be occupied in watching Meade's movement southward, Grant reverted to his constant idea of destroying the connection between Richmond and the Shenandoah Valley. On the 4th of December, he telegraphed to Sheridan: Do you think it possible now to send caval
Cherokee, Ala. (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
y White roads are carried. In case of a rebel disaster, these two roads would become of immense importance, for they would constitute Hood's only possible line of retreat; and even they soon unite, the Granny White entering the Franklin road, south of the Brentwood Hills. Hood drew abundance of food and forage from the country, but all of his ordnance came by the Decatur railroad, which was open from the rebel rear to Pulaski; at the latter point there was an interval unrepaired, but from Cherokee the road was unbroken, to the interior of Mississippi and Alabama. On the 14th of December, Forrest was still in the neighborhood of Murfreesboroa, with two divisions of cavalry, and two brigades of infantry. The remainder of Hood's command lay in front of Nashville, the right wing under Cheatham, the left under Stewart, while S. D. Lee had the centre, across the Franklin road; the flanks extended to the river on either side, and a little west of the centre a salient projected to a poin
Mississippi (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
he re-crossed the same river thirty-six days later, half of his force had been absolutely destroyed; and the remainder, defeated, disorganized, shattered beyond recovery, was flying in dismay before its conquerors. Thomas had captured, in the same period, thirteen thousand one hundred and eighty-nine prisoners, and seventy-two pieces of serviceable artillery; two thousand deserters had also given themselves up, and taken the oath of allegiance to the government; and when Hood reached Northern Mississippi, a large proportion of his troops were furloughed, and went to their homes. In January he was superseded by General Richard Taylor, and what was left of the rebel army of Tennessee was shortly afterwards transferred to the Atlantic coast, to oppose the advance of Sherman. In all the region between the Mississippi river and Virginia, there was then no formidable organized force to oppose the national armies. Thomas's entire loss, during the campaign, did not exceed ten thousand men,
Fort McAllister (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
lso sent messages of congratulation and encouragement. The President declared: You have made a magnificent beginning. A grand consummation is within your reach. He added: Do not let it slip. No further news from Tennessee arrived till the 17th, when a long despatch from Thomas was received, dated: Six miles from Nashville, and giving full details of the victory. This day the good news came in fast, for despatches were also brought from Sherman. He had reached the coast, carried Fort McAllister, opened Ossabaw Sound, communicated with the fleet, and invested Savannah. On the 18th, Grant congratulated both his generals. To Sherman he wrote: I have just received.. and read, I need not tell you with how much gratification, your letter to General Halleck. I congratulate you and the brave officers and men under your command, on the successful termination of your most brilliant campaign. I never had a doubt of the result. When apprehensions for your safety were expressed by t
Jackson (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
d and sixty prisoners. So secure, indeed, did Hood now feel, that, on the 4th, he ordered Forrest to move with two divisions of cavalry, nearly his entire force, The enemy still holding Murfreesboroa with some 6,000 troops, Major-General Forrest, with the larger portion of the cavalry and Bates's division of infantry, was sent there to see if it was practicable to take the place.—Hood to Beauregard, January 9, 1865. On the morning of the 4th I received orders to move with Buford's and Jackson's divisions to Murfreesboro—Forrest's Report, January 24, 1865. and a division of infantry, against Murfreesboroa, thirty miles away. Forrest started on the morning of the 5th, and Thomas's cavalry force was then far superior to that which remained with Hood. On the 4th, the enemy extended his lines and threw up new works; at the nearest point the rebel skirmishers were now only four hundred yards from Thomas's main works. Citizens and negroes were impressed to complete the entrenchmen
Duck River (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
to fall back Schofield evacuates Columbia Hood crosses Duck river affair at Spring Hill Schofield extricates his army btion at Columbia. This town is on the south bank of the Duck river, which here runs from west to east, and is at the crossiat first strong hopes of being able to hold the line of Duck river until reinforcements could arrive. Two divisions of inf, and on the 18th, Hood continued his retreat across the Duck river, to Columbia. On leaving the field on the 16th, the rrst had hoped to remain in Tennessee, on the line of the Duck river, but at Columbia he became convinced that the condition . But on the 21st, came news of the delay in crossing Duck river, and Halleck now sent a despatch to Thomas without instrl equipment, have been enabled to drive the enemy beyond Duck river, crossing two streams with my troops, and driving the enppose, not two thousand strong. Three days were lost at Duck river, and that time was never made up again. There was nothi
Cape Fear (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
news from Sherman proposed movement against mouth of Cape Fear river orders to Butler and Weitzel orders to Sheridan movthe Atlantic coast. Wilmington, near the mouth of the Cape Fear river, in North Carolina, was the only important seaport nowith only partial success. The nature of the outlet of Cape Fear river is such that without possession of the land at a pointhe character and strength of the forts at the mouth of Cape Fear river. Butler of course was fully informed of the enterprisilmington, as well as Fort Fisher, at the mouth of the Cape Fear river. On the 30th of November, Grant notified Butler that gained by effecting a landing on the main land between Cape Fear river and the Atlantic, north of the north entrance to the rcooperate with the navy in the capture of the mouth of Cape Fear river. Palmer has also moved, or is supposed to have moved, reinforcements. Butler had not yet started for the Cape Fear river; and to him also on this day Grant was obliged to say:
Bermuda Hundred (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
enemy withdraw; or south, if they should be required. . During to-morrow night, withdraw to the left of your line at Bermuda Hundred the troops you propose to send south [under Weitzel], unless otherwise directed. Thus, while bringing troops fromwith the navy, effect the reduction and capture of those places. That night General Butler embarked his troops at Bermuda Hundred. He proceeded himself to City Point, and then for the first time Grant learned his intention to accompany the exped; and had in fact committed to Butler movements in support of those of Meade, which he intended should detain him at Bermuda Hundred. Nevertheless, he did not now forbid Butler to accompany Weitzel. It was difficult thus to affront a commander of e. To-night he has moved six thousand five hundred infantry and two batteries across James river, to be embarked at Bermuda Hundred, to cooperate with the navy in the capture of the mouth of Cape Fear river. Palmer has also moved, or is supposed t
Charlotte (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
ting of his corps commanders, and discussed with them his plan of battle. Steedman, on the left, was ordered to make a demonstration east of the Nolensville road, while to Smith, on the right, was entrusted a vigorous assault against the enemy's left, from the direction of the Hardin road. Wood, at the centre, was to support Smith's left, on the Hillsboroa road, and operate against the rebel advanced position on Montgomery Hill. Wilson was ordered to send one division of cavalry by the Charlotte road, to protect the right rear of the army, and with the remainder of his force, support the movement of Smith, while Schofield was still held somewhat in reserve, but instructed to cooperate with Wood, at the centre of the line. The plan was simple, but well designed; a heavy demonstration on the left, and under cover of this, a grand turning movement and assault from the right, supported by the centre and reserve. As in all of Thomas's operations, every commander had his work laid out
Ohio (United States) (search for this): chapter 5
6th, he telegraphed: Attack Hood at once, and wait no longer for a remount of your cavalry. There is great danger of delay resulting in a campaign back to the Ohio river. Thomas replied, at nine P. M., the same night: Your telegram of four P. M. this day just received. I will make the necessary dispositions and attack at once,der, he can be relied on to send all that can properly go. They had probably better be sent to Louisville, for I fear either Hood or Breckenridge will go to the Ohio river. I will submit whether it is not advisable to call on Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, for sixty thousand men for thirty days. If Thomas has not struck yet, he ougur P. M., on the 11th, Grant telegraphed him once more: If you delay attacking longer, the mortifying spectacle will be witnessed of a rebel army moving for the Ohio river, and you will be forced to act, accepting such weather as you find. Let there be no further delay. Hood cannot even stand a drawn battle, so far from his sup
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