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Brentwood, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
e, but all were controlled by the rebels. The Cumberland river was also closed above and below the town, and Thomas's only avenue of communication was towards the north. To the south, the hills are higher and steeper, as you advance, and at Brentwood, ten miles from Nashville, they become precipitous, and are only penetrated by narrow gaps, through which the Franklin and Granny White roads are carried. In case of a rebel disaster, these two roads would become of immense importance, for theble value to the routed army. It saved Hood from annihilation, for Wilson proceeded no further, but went into bivouac, while the rebels continued their flight on the Franklin road. A victorious army seldom equals a routed one, in speed. At Brentwood, about four miles from his line of battle on the morning of the 16th, Hood was first able to collect some of his scattered troops, and S. D. Lee took command of the rear-guard, camping for the night in the neighborhood of the Brentwood Hills, w
Rutherford Creek (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
ut the rains were falling heavily, and the stream was swollen; the bridges were destroyed, and the pontoons had been sent by mistake on the Murfreesboroa road. The whole country was inundated, and the roads were almost impassable; nevertheless, the army crossed the Harpeth, and Wood's corps closed up with the cavalry. It was not, however, till the 20th, that a floating bridge could be constructed out of the wreck of the old railroad bridge. Hatch's division of cavalry at once crossed Rutherford creek, but found on reaching Duck river that the enemy had already passed all his infantry, and removed his pontoon train. Duck river was a torrent, and another bridge must be laid. The pontoons had now arrived, but the weather had changed from dismal rain to bitter cold, and the colored troops employed in laying the bridges were half frozen as they worked in the stream. This occasioned further delay. It was not till the 22nd that Wilson and Wood were ordered forward, the infantry movin
Brentwood Hills (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
n hundred and four missing; total, two thousand three hundred and twenty-six. The rebel loss was seventeen hundred and fifty killed, three thousand eight hundred wounded, and seven hundred and two prisoners; total, six thousand two hundred and fifty-two. At the time of the battle the enemy's loss was known to be severe, and was estimated at 5,000; the exact figures were only obtained, however, on the reoccupation of Franklin by our forces, after the battles of December 15 and 16, at Brentwood Hills, near Nashville, and are given as follows: Buried upon the field, 1,750; disabled and placed in hospital at Franklin, 3,800; which, with the 702 prisoners already reported, make an aggregate loss in Hood's army, of 6,252.—Thomas's Official Report. The later rebel estimates do not place their loss at less than 5,000 or 6,000. Six general officers of the enemy were wounded, five killed, and one was captured. The unusual disparity in the losses was of course occasioned by the fact tha
Johnsonville, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
k, November 21. His only resource, he declared, was to retire slowly, delaying the enemy's progress as much as possible, to gain time for reinforcements to arrive, and concentrate. The portion of the Twenty-third corps which had been left at Johnsonville was now brought rapidly up to Schofield; and as all possibility of Hood's forces following Sherman was at an end, the garrisons along the Memphis and Chattanooga railroad were called in; but according to Thomas's invariable policy of guarding town, converging, like the sticks of an open fan. The principal ones, beginning on the national right, are the Charlotte, Hardin, Hillsboroa, Granny White, Franklin, Nolensville, and Murfreesboroa roads. Besides these, the three railroads to Johnsonville, Decatur, and Chattanooga, all meet at Nashville, but all were controlled by the rebels. The Cumberland river was also closed above and below the town, and Thomas's only avenue of communication was towards the north. To the south, the hill
Illinois (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
who had commanded in Missouri, was at this juncture relieved by Dodge, at Grant's request, and on the 8th, the general-in-chief telegraphed to Halleck: Please direct General Dodge to send all the troops he can spare, to General Thomas. With such order, he can be relied on to send all that can properly go. They had probably better be sent to Louisville, for I fear either Hood or Breckenridge will go to the Ohio river. I will submit whether it is not advisable to call on Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, for sixty thousand men for thirty days. If Thomas has not struck yet, he ought to be ordered to hand over his command to Schofield. Yet even now, he had a good word to say for his inert subordinate. There is no better man to repel an attack than Thomas, but I fear he is too cautious to take the initiative. Halleck replied to this at nine P. M. If you wish General Thomas relieved, give the order. No one here will, I think, interfere. The responsibility, however, will be yours, as no on
Chicago (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
ter dark. Thus one of the most difficult and dangerous operations in war was executed with equal success and skill; the army was extricated from a situation of imminent peril, in the face of greatly superior numbers, and the opportunity for which Hood bad labored so long was snatched from his grasp. It was one of the most brilliant exploits of the war, and one of the most important, as well, for had Schofield been defeated at Columbia, the entire North-West might have been endangered. Chicago and Cincinnati were defended at Spring Hill. Immediately upon the evacuation of Columbia, Thomas ordered the abandonment of Tullahoma, on the Chattanooga railroad; Nashville was placed in a state of defence, additional works were constructed, and the fortifications were manned by a garrison composed of army clerks and railroad employes. A detachment of six thousand men, This P. M. I gave the orders to General Steedman, who was at Gowan with 6,000 men [between Chattanooga and Tullahom
Edgefield (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
o further than Washington topography around Nashville dispositions of Hood and Thomas Thomas's pnt dispositions results of campaign against Nashville criticism of Hood behavior of national trod rear were insecure, and communication with Nashville was threatened. Schofield considered that tf December they assumed position in front of Nashville. At 11.30 P. M. on the 30th of November, nemy, and there was no telegraph line out of Nashville except to the North. These were not the fruunt of Thomas's cavalry, or even the fate of Nashville, was insignificant. What added to his solent on. In the meantime, the situation at Nashville was becoming daily more humiliating and dang an order was made out for him to proceed to Nashville. He was informed that he was to take commann road, a distance of nearly eight miles. Nashville lies in one of the numerous bends of the Cumnumbers, the rebel command entrenched before Nashville. There was thus no necessity for the fallin[58 more...]
West Point (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
sure or reference to his previous course; and there never was a particle of coolness in their relations afterwards. Grant, indeed, did not regard the inaction of Thomas as defiant or disrespectful. He attributed it to temperament rather than to judgment. For Thomas was always heavy and slow, though powerful. He would never have acted contrary to orders, in a positive matter. He would not have fought against orders, although he delayed in spite of them. He was nicknamed Slow Trot at West Point, and his mates in the army used to say: Thomas is too slow to move, but too brave to run away. Caution is not always wisdom in war, but his caution and phlegm were combined with vigor, when once aroused. If he had the quality of inertia, he possessed momentum as well. He was like an elephant crossing a bridge, and feeling his way with ponderous feet before every step, but woe to the enemy he met on the opposite side. Grant knew all this well. The same traits which were exhibited in
Tennessee River (United States) (search for this): chapter 5
umbia he became convinced that the condition of his army made it necessary to re-cross the Tennessee river without delay. Hood's Report. But just here the pursuit was interrupted for three day was strewn with abandoned wagons, limbers, blankets, and smallarms, from Nashville to the Tennessee river. Nevertheless, the rebel rear-guard was undaunted and firm, and did its work to the last. as not regained. From Pulaski, Hood moved by the most direct roads to Bainbridge, on the Tennessee river. Wood's corps kept well closed up with the cavalry, but Smith followed no further than Pulumbia. On the 27th of December, the whole rebel army, including the rearguard, crossed the Tennessee river, and on the 28th, Thomas directed further pursuit to cease. On that day, the advanced guay given orders to have Decatur occupied, and also to throw a strong column on south side of Tennessee river, for the purpose of capturing Hood's depot there, if possible, and gaining possession of h
Millen (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
As yet, however, it was far from certain that Sherman would not turn to the Gulf of Mexico, and maps and newspapers were carefully studied by Grant, to divine his course. Meanwhile, the cooperative movement of Canby was delayed, as we have seen. Until Thomas assumed the offensive against Hood, Canby was obliged to hold Vicksburg and Memphis so that they could not be seriously threatened, and his own expedition into the interior was thus postponed. At last, came rumors of the capture of Millen by Sherman, and, on the same day, the news of Schofield's victory at Franklin; and Grant again proclaimed at the camp fire his admiration for Sherman, while all remembered how constantly he had insisted that Schofield was a fine soldier, and needed nothing but opportunity to prove it. Grant, indeed, had kept him in place against determined opposition from various quarters; and now, if only the success at Franklin was followed up, so that Canby could move into Mississippi, the danger at the
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