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mmand of his brigade as soon as his wound was dressed. Amongst the field officers wounded are Colonels Turney, Barber, Purdie Lieutenant-Colonel George, First Tennessee; Majors Vandegraff, Norton, Lee, Neill, and Buchanan. The three field officerall recrossed the Rappahannock. I cannot speak in too high terms of the gallantry of Colonels Avery, Barber, Lowe, and Purdie, and Lieutenant-Colonel Hill. They all commanded their regiments with bravery, and to my entire satisfaction. Colonel PColonel Purdie was slightly wounded. Colonel Barber received a painful wound in the neck, which, for a time, paralyzed his right arm, but he reported for duty again on Tuesday. The other officers, both field and company, generally discharged their duties well. Colonel Avery alludes in high terms to the efficiency of Lieutenant-Colonel Cowan. Colonel Purdie, in his report, makes an unenviable allusion to one of his officers, name not given. The Yankee wretches dragged Lieutenant J. W. Peters, Co
the day, by sections from the batteries of Captain Poague, (Lieutenant Graham commanding,) Captains led from further service, were relieved by Captain Poague's battery with two twenty-pound Parrotts. oss at this point was heavy. It is due to Captain Poague here to state, that when, late on the even's battery, and placed them on the left of Captain Poague's guns. About this time Lieutenant-Colonecomposed of sections from the batteries of Captain Poague, (Lieutenant A. Graham commanding,) Captairies they were, as I knew but one of them--Captain Poague's. They went in under a heavy fire, and, trutchfield, I sent two Parrott rifles from Captain Poague's battery, under command of Lieutenant Gray line, the two twenty-pounder Parrotts of Captain Poague's battery. These two pieces, unaided, eng's battery, and placed them on the left of Captain Poague's pieces. Lieutenant-Colonel Coleman was Lieutenant-Colonel Coleman, wounded in leg. Poague's battery, six killed and ten wounded. Watson'
Brockenbrough, chief of artillery, and of Captain Wooding and Lieutenant Jones, Wooding's battery, and Lieutenant Lambie, Carpenter's battery, all of whom were severely wounded; and of Captain Caskie, Lieutenants McKendree, Hunton, Statham, Early, and Donald. It is with great pain I have to add that the division has to deplore the loss of one of its most gallant officers of artillery, Lieutenant Barton, and two gallant officers of the Twenty-first Virginia regiment, Captain Ames and Lieutenant Swoop, who fell nobly discharging their duty. I take occasion, in conclusion, to acknowledge my obligations to the officers of my staff, Captain W. T. Taliaferro, assistant adjutant-general, Captain Moore, inspector-general, and Major T. S. Taliaferro, volunteer aid-de-camp, and to call attention to the excellent arrangements made for the comfort of the wounded by Surgeon Coleman, medical director of division. I enclose a list of killed and wounded, amounting to one hundred and ninety.
Ransom, Jr., Brigadier-General commanding Division. Report of Major-General Hood. division headquarters, near Fredericksburg, Va. Sir: I have the honor to submit the following report of the participation of my command, composed of the Texas brigade, Brigadier-General J. B. Roberston commanding; Law's brigade, Brigadier-General E. M. Law commanding; Anderson's brigade, Brigadier-General G. T. Anderson commanding; Toombs's brigade, Colonel H. L. Benning commanding, and Reilly's, Bachman's, and Gardner's batteries, in the battle of Fredericksburg, December thirteenth, 1862, and operations in connection therewith: In obedience to instructions from the Lieutenant-General commanding, on hearing the signal guns, about two o'clock on the morning of the eleventh December, I immediately formed my command and moved into position along the crest of the hills stretching from Dr. Reynolds's house to near the railroad crossing, and occupied the Bowling Green road with a heavy line o
James E. Rice (search for this): chapter 2
rth Carolina regiment for reenforcement) to the right and front of Marye's house, the three left companies being on the left of the house, the Fifteenth South Carolina (Colonel DeSaussure) in reserve at the cemetery; the Third battalion (Lieutenant-Colonel Rice) was posted at Howison's mill to resist any attack that might have been made up Hazel Run. The Eighth and Seventh regiments arrived in time to assist in repelling a heavy assault made on the left at quarter to three P. M. The Third and nth, Lieutenant-Colonel Bland, came into position on the hill at Marye's house, with Colonel De Saussure's Fifteenth regiment South Carolina volunteers in reserve and under cover of the cemetery. James's Third South Carolina battalion, (Lieutenant-Colonel Rice commanding,) I left in position at Howison's Mill, to protect our right from any advance of the enemy up Hazel Run. While the Third and Seventh regiments were getting into position, another fierce attack was sustained, and those regimen
A. P. Hill (search for this): chapter 2
Hill the second, and the division of Major-General A. P. Hill the reserve. The enemy continued in 338 A. P. Hill'sArcher's1st Tennessee55257 A. P. Hill'sArcher's14th Tennessee45559 A. P. Hill'sArA. P. Hill'sArcher's19th Georgia153954 A. P. Hill'sArcher's5th Alabama Battalion31821 A. P. Hill'sPender's16th NA. P. Hill'sPender's16th North Carolina64854 A. P. Hill'sPender's34th North Carolina21719 A. P. Hill'sPender's13th North CarA. P. Hill'sPender's34th North Carolina21719 A. P. Hill'sPender's13th North Carolina73037 A. P. Hill'sPender's22d North Carolina14445 A. P. Hill'sPender's38th North Carolina 141A. P. Hill'sPender's13th North Carolina73037 A. P. Hill'sPender's22d North Carolina14445 A. P. Hill'sPender's38th North Carolina 1414 A. P. Hill'sArtillerySeven Batteries118899    2111,4081,619 D. H. Hill'sRodes's5th Alabama 11 o batteries to a position on the left of General A. P. Hill's line; these were Captain Latimer's ownrovisions for them. No troops, however, of General Hill, came to relieve me, and Walker, Hoke, and s in the rear of General Gregg's brigade, of A. P. Hill's division, my right resting on the left of Avery, Barber, Lowe, and Purdie, and Lieutenant-Colonel Hill. They all commanded their regiments [73 more...
ill promptly moved his regiment to the crest of the hill in front of the enemy, and delivered a volley at the sharpshooters, who were in range; the artillery all limbering up and driving to the rear. The Seventh and Eighteenth both suffered from the enemy's artillery fire, and, at times, from their sharpshooters. About two hours later the enemy advanced in strong force across the open field to the right of my front. Colonel Barber, his regiment being on the right, informed me, through Adjutant Oates, of the advance, and wished to know what he must do should he be flanked. On being ordered to hold his position as long as possible, he deflected his three right companies, and formed them to the rear at right angles to the track. I at once sent my courier, Mr. Shepperd, to inform General A. P. Hill that the enemy were advancing in force upon the opening, Captain Hawks having been previously sent to apprise him that their skirmishers were in front of the same. Eight regiments were see
J. W. Robertson (search for this): chapter 2
olina52025 Hood'sLaw's44th Alabama 11 Hood'sLaw's4th Alabama31619 Hood'sLaw's54th North Carolina64046 Hood'sLaw's57th North Carolina32192224 Hood'sToombs's17th Georgia 33 Hood'sToombs's15th Georgia167 Hood'sToombs's20th Georgia 22 Hood'sRobertson's4th Texas1 1 Hood'sRobertson's5th Texas 55 Hood'sAnderson's7th Georgia 66 Hood'sAnderson's8th Georgia123 Hood'sAnderson's9th Georgia 11    49294343 McLaws'sCobb'sPhillip's Legion135669 McLaws'sCobb's16th Georgia46165 McLaws'sCobb's18thRobertson's5th Texas 55 Hood'sAnderson's7th Georgia 66 Hood'sAnderson's8th Georgia123 Hood'sAnderson's9th Georgia 11    49294343 McLaws'sCobb'sPhillip's Legion135669 McLaws'sCobb's16th Georgia46165 McLaws'sCobb's18th Georgia 3030 McLaws'sCobb'sStaff 33 McLaws'sBarksdale's13th Mississippi 2323 McLaws'sBarksdale's18th Mississippi 1818 McLaws'sBarksdale's21st Mississippi 1111 McLaws'sBarksdale's17th Mississippi 1313 McLaws'sKershaw's8th South Carolina 77 McLaws'sKershaw's2d South Carolina 4040 McLaws'sKershaw's3d South Carolina 119119 McLaws'sKershaw's7th South Carolina 3535 McLaws'sKershaw's15th South Carolina 4747 McLaws'sKershaw'sJames's Battery 11    17464481   Washi
irst Lieutenant Hector Bruce, wounded in neck, slight; Corporal Charles Mc-Call, head, severe; Corporal T. Harper, hand, slight; Privates J. P. Bracewell, abdomen, serious; George S. Lambert, J. F. Cox, J. R. Prevalt, slight; J. R. Green, missing. Company A.--Sergeants J. N. Fielding, wounded, slightly; N. H. Allman, missing. Privates J. Bootright, F. Briant, G. W. Crawley, J. Driggers, D. Howlk, B. J. Redding, G. B. Ross, and A. Williams, missing. Company C.-Privates T. Saunders and E. Curl, wounded, severe; H. Daughtry, slight. Respectfully, D. Lang, Captain, commanding Regiment. Report of Captain Maurin. camp near Dimman's Farm, December 18, 1862. To General Perry: Sir: I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by my battery in the engagements before Fredericksburg: The signal gun fired Thursday morning, the eleventh instant, found every man at his post. I had two sections of my battery on the field, the first commanded by Lieutena
Fulkinson (search for this): chapter 2
on Monday night to be relieved by other regiments of my brigade. On Tuesday morning, after the fact was ascertained that the enemy had recrossed the river, the troops were withdrawn, except the Twelfth Mississippi regiment, which was left on picket in front. During the engagement of Saturday, the casualties in my brigade were forty-two killed and wounded, and one on Monday. Among the number I regret to enumerate the loss of two valuable officers, Major Lee, of the Forty-sixth, and Captain Fulkinson, of the Sixteenth regiments, both seriously, but, it is believed, not dangerously wounded. The small list of casualties, under so heavy a converging fire from the enemy's numerous batteries, can only be accounted for, under Providence, by the fact that the men were kept lying down closely on the ground, taking advantage of every hill and crest as a protection. A full return of the killed and wounded has already been transmitted to your headquarters. During the entire engagement of f
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