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ed a central government on its ruins. The colonists of Texas, though greatly disturbed by the refusal of their request, and by the anarchy arising from the failure to elect State officers, remained at peace, not wishing to involve themselves in Mexican politics, unless their own rights were trampled upon. Colonel Almonte, special commissioner to inspect Texas in 1834, estimated its whole population at 21,000 civilized inhabitants and 15,300 Indians, of whom 10,800 were hostile nomads. Kennedy places the civilized population at 30,000 whites and 2,000 negroes. The northern States of Mexico were strongly republican; and the people of Puebla, Oaxaca, Jalisco, and other States, were also opposed to a change of government; but Santa Anna easily put down all opposition by force. Garcia, Governor of Zacatecas, tried the issue with arms, and was defeated with a loss of 2,700 men. A feeble and irresolute attempt at resistance was made by the State authorities of Coahuila, under thei
rbes, and John Cameron, were appointed commissioners to negotiate with the Cherokees. But the Legislative Council, apparently distrusting this action, passed a resolution, December 26th, instructing the commissioners in no wise to transcend the declaration, made by the Consultation in November, in any of their articles of treaty; .... and to take such steps as might secure their (the Indians') effective cooperation when it should be necessary to summon the force of Texas into the field. Kennedy, History of Texas, vol. II., p. 159. Houston and Forbes made a treaty, February 23, 1836, ceding to the Indians a large territory. It has been objected to the Declaration that it was an ill-advised, disingenuous, if not subtle and sinister measure, null and void for want of fundamental authority, of no moral or political obligation, and only calculated to embarrass any future transactions with these obtruding savages. Texas Almanac, 1859, p. 18. Vice-President Burnet, acting Secreta
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The draft riots in New York. (search)
n the daring project less liable to be observed. Governor Seymour held a council with Mayor Opdyke and General Sanford. Strong guards were posted at the places threatened with attack. The police authorities were privately notified, and Superintendent Kennedy detailed trusty officers to watch the armories, and to report the slightest circumstance of an unusual character that might occur in their neighborhood. Having made preparations for the assault General Sanford left the city on Friday mors and his assistants retreating precipitately through a rear door. The wheel containing the names was carried away safely, but all the books and papers that could be found were destroyed, and the building itself was set on fire. Police Superintendent Kennedy, who was driving across the town on a tour of inspection, observed the flames, and leaving his wagon at the corner of Forty-sixth and Lexington avenue, proceeded unsuspiciously and unarmed on foot to the scene of the disturbance. Althoug
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 32 (search)
he night seven miles from Atlanta. September 8, marched seven miles, passing through Atlanta, Ga., and encamped two miles east of town. I might here mention many daring and gallant acts of officers and men of my regiment, but every officer was at his post discharging his duty. I will here mention a few individual acts of gallantry of two enlisted men, Privates Moran and Wade, who on the morning of July 4 captured 11 rebels out of their rifle-pits; and on the evening of July 20 Sergeants Kennedy and Childs, with twenty men, captured 43 rebels from their picket-line and 1 commissioned officer. Many other daring acts of gallantry I might mention if time would permit. The medical staff of my regiment was always found at their posts, ready and willing to alleviate the sufferings of the wounded of all regiments. Too much praise cannot be given them for their unceasing labors. I am pained to record the death of Capt. D. C. Hodsden, who was wounded before Kenesaw Mountain.
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 132 (search)
he command moved forward to the foot of Kenesaw under a heavy fire from the enemy's batteries on the crest of the mountain, no casualties occurring in the regiment. June 20, steady skirmishing in front; at noon the rebel batteries on Kenesaw again opened on our camp, shelling us heavily, but resulting in no damage to the regiment other than tearing of tents, &c. June 21, heavy fighting on the right; the enemy have not used their guns on us, but the skirmishers keep up a continual fire; Private Kennedy, Company E, wounded. June 22, early this a. m. the enemy opened again with ten guns, shelling our position; the regiment is on the skirmish line; Private Charles W. Allen, Company K, wounded. June 23, 24, 25, the regiment occupying the same position as on the 22d; constant skirmishing on the line, with occasional artillery duels; Samuel Boice, Company K, wounded June 25, 1864. June 26, at 10 p. m. the command moved from in front of Kenesaw toward the right; were on the road all night,
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 1, Chapter 1: early recollections of California. 1846-1848. (search)
r the well, and my soldier Barnes had watered our horses and picketed them to grass, when we heard a horse crushing his way through the high mustard-bushes which filled the plain, and soon a man came to us to inquire if we had seen a saddle-horse pass up the road. We explained to him what we had heard, and he went off in pursuit of his horse. Before dark he came back unsuccessful, and gave his name as Bidwell, the same gentleman who has since been a member of Congress, who is married to Miss Kennedy, of Washington City, and now lives in princely style at Chico, California. He explained that he was a surveyor, and had been in the lower country engaged in surveying land; that the horse had escaped him with his saddle-bags containing all his notes and papers, and some six hundred dollars in money, all the money he had earned. He spent tie night with us on the ground, and the next morning we left him there to continue the search for his horse, and I afterward heard that he had found
ade, being ordered onward, joined that of Colonel Kennedy, and the whole brigade, under General Kere regimental commanders, Colonels Henagan and Kennedy, Nance and Aiken, to whom my thanks are espec four P. M., when I was ordered to follow Colonel Kennedy, Second South Carolina regiment, moving bf Savage's farm, and, in conjunction with Colonel Kennedy, to charge the enemy in his works, drive ber, and its left resting on the right of Colonel Kennedy's regiment, whose left rested on the York exhaustion of many men of the regiment. Colonel Kennedy, who had been suffering for days from a sning of the twenty-fifth June, I relieved Colonel Kennedy, on outpost, having orders to support thetwenty-ninth. On reaching the reserve of Colonel Kennedy, he informed me that he had sent out fourd orders to support the four companies of Colonel Kennedy's regiment, and upon reaching the enemy'siel P. Mervin, (right arm shattered,) and private Kennedy, wounded in both feet, and one horse kill[6 more...]
cLaws directed me to occupy that part of the wood in advance of them, while our lines were being formed. For this purpose I ordered forward, at double-quick, Colonel Kennedy's Second South Carolina regiment, to march by a flank to the extreme point of the wood, then, by the front, to enter it. Before the head of the regiment had r up my three remaining regiments, (the Eighth, Lieutenant-Colonel Hoole; Seventh, Colonel Aiken, and Third, Colonel Nance,) and conducted them to the right of Colonel Kennedy, who, by this time, had advanced beyond the wood and to the left of the church, driving the enemy. I then ordered Read's battery to a position on the hill toiment carried in but forty-five men, rank and file, and lost twenty-three officers and men. The Second regiment were the first to attack and drive the enemy. Colonel Kennedy was painfully wounded in the first charge, and was sent, by myself, from the field. After our lines were first driven back, under command of Major Gaillard,
s usual, I passed out. I did likewise at the City Hotel, Everett House, and United States Hotel. At the same time Martin operated at the Hoffman House, Fifth Avenue, St. Denis, and others. Altogether our little band fired nineteen hotels. Captain Kennedy went to Barnum's Museum and broke a bottle on the stairway, creating a panic. Lieutenant Harrington did the same at the Metropolitan Theater, and Lieutenant Ashbrook at Niblo's Garden. I threw several bottles into barges of hay, and causedtel fires. It was not discovered until the next day, at the Astor House, that my room had been set on fire. Our reliance on Greek fire was the cause of the failure. We found that it could not be depended upon as an agent for incendiary work. Kennedy was hanged in New York, march 25, 1865. we left New York on the following Saturday over the Hudson River Railroad, spent Sunday at Albany, and arrived in Toronto on Monday afternoon. every Confederate plot in the North was fated to fail.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Defence of Charleston from July 1st to July 10th, 1864. (search)
ry (regulars), the First South Carolina artillery, Company B siege train, the Thirty-second Georgia, First South Carolina cavalry, and Kirk's and Peeble's squadrons South Carolina cavalry, and Bonand's battalion Georgia volunteers. The officers commanding them were Colonel Harrison, Thirty-second Georgia; Major Bonand, battalion Georgia volunteers; Major Blanding, First South Carolina artillery; Captain R. Press. Smith, First South Carolina infantry; Captains Dixon, Humbert, Stallings and Kennedy, Second South Carolina artillery; Warley, Rivers, Witherspoon and Barnett, First South Carolina infantry, and Trezervant, First South Carolina cavalry; Porcher Smith, seige train. At the Stono batteries the officers and men behaved with gallantry under fire, and deserve special mention. The officers were Major Lucas, commanding, and Major Blanding, First South Carolina artillery; Captains Hayne and Richardson, Lucas' battalion, and Rhett and King, First South Carolina artillery; Lieut
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