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No. 28. report of Col. Isaac C. B. Suman, Ninth Indiana Infantry.

Hdqrs. Ninth Indiana Veteran Vol. Infty., Near Atlanta, Ga., September 10, 1864.
Captain: In obedience to orders I submit the following report as to the part taken by my regiment in the late campaign, commencing May 3, 1864, and ending September 5, 1864:

Left camp, Blue Springs, Tenn., May 3, 1864, and marched in the direction of Dalton, Ga.; reached Red Clay and encamped for the night. Reached Catoosa Springs at 2 p. m. May 4; remained at the above place all day of the 5th of May. On the morning of the 6th moved half a mile to the right and fortified. Marched at 5 o'clock on the morning of the 7th due south; reached Tunnel Hill at 2 p. m., and there encamped for the night. May 8, moved forward about four miles; there was some skirmishing, and the enemy were driven through the gap leading to Dalton; remained in camp the rest of the day and night. May 9, remained in position until 2 p. m., when we moved three or four miles to the right, where we pitched our tents and encamped for the night. May 10, remained in camp until evening, when the whole brigade went on picket in the pass. Remained on picket all day of the 11th, and worked all night fortifying. May 12, still on the front line; we had some lively skirmishing. Company C had 1 man killed, and 2 wounded; were relieved at night from picket and commenced fortifying. The morning of the 13th found the enemy gone; the brigade moved out, my regiment in the advance; met with but little resistance until we reached the vicinity of Dalton. My regiment forming the left of the advance, we charged the enemy about 12 m., who were posted on a hill, with two pieces artillery, and were successful in driving them, with only 1 man wounded in the regiment. We then marched eight miles south of Dalton, and encamped for the night. On the 14th we followed the enemy in the direction of Resaca, and found them about five miles this side; passed the rest of the day in fortifying; built a line of works on a hill overlooking the enemy's position; kept up a brisk firing from works all day, with the loss of 3 men killed and 4 wounded. May 16, the enemy having evacuated Resaca on the night of the 15th, we started in pursuit and followed the enemy about ten miles. My regiment captured 72 of the enemy, including 2 commissioned officers. May 17, marched to within two miles of Adairsville on duty as train guard. May 18, followed the enemy seven miles in the direction of Kingstoll and encamped for the night. On the 19th drove the enemy about ten miles, passing through the village of Kingston. and encamped within one mile of Cassville, Ga. Our division was in front and had considerable skirmishing. May 20, built a line of works in front of the position we occupied the night before, and remained there during the day. May 21 and 22, still in camp near Cassville, Ga. May 23, left camp near Cassville at 1,30 p. m.; we reached Cartersville at 10 p. m. and encamped for the night. Moved on the morning of the 24th at 6 a. m., and marched nearly all day in a southerly direction, crossing the Etowah River about 4 p. in.; marched about eight miles and encamped for the night. May 25, left camp at 6 o'clock and marched about five miles in a southerly [275] direction, reaching camp about 10 p. m. May 26, left camp at 9.30 a. m., and marched in a southeasterly direction. We hastened to re-enforce General Hooker. The enemy having made a stand near Dallas, Cobb County, Ga., formed in line of battle about 7 p. n., and encamped for the night. May 27, the skirmishing commenced early this morning, and my regiment threw up a line of works; afterward were moved to the left, and took position on the front line, where we built another line of works. Casualties, 1 man killed and 1 wounded. Remained on front line during the night. May 28, still on the front line. . May 29, hold the same position during the day and night, as yesterday; I man wounded. May 30, still occupy the same works; nothing but the usual skirmish firing; 1 man wounded. May 31, still in the same works; very heavy skirmishing, but no general engagement. June 1, moved before daylight this morning one mile to the left, and relieved a part of General Whitaker's brigade. June 2, held the same position during day and night. June 3, still in same works. June 4, moved onehalf mile to the left, and relieved one of General Whitaker's regiments on the front line. June 5, the enemy evacuated our front early this morning, our skirmishers occupying their works; we moved over the works and encamped for the night. June 6, marched at 6 a. m. in direction of the railroad, and encamped about three miles from Acworth. June 7, cleaned up camp and arranged tents in proper order. June 8, still in camp; nothing of importance transpired. June 9, remained quiet in camp all day and night. June 10, struck tents at 6 a. m. and marched about three miles in a southerly direction; came up with the enemy and formed line of battle, and encamped for the night. June 11, occupied the same position throughout the day; no fighting of consequence in our front. June 12, still hold the same position as yesterday; nothing but skirmishing through the day. June 13, remained in the same place throughout the day; nothing but the usual picket-firing in our front. June 14, moved one-half mile to the left, and encamped for the night. June 15, the enemy evacuated our front early this morning and were immediately followed, my regiment in advance of the division. After marching nearly three miles Company A came upon the enemy; it being deployed as skirmishers, we drove the enemy about one mile farther, when we stopped and built a line of works, and remained in them during the night. Casualties during the day, 2 men severely wounded. June 16, occupy the same position we held last evening, during the day and night. June 17, the enemy evacuated our front some time during the night, and were immediately followed by our troops; only their left gave way that evening. Our line of battle was nearly at right angles with that of last evening, General Wood's division in front. June 18, we were in reserve during the day; the enemy were driven considerable distance by General Wood's division. June 19, the enemy left our front during the night, and were soon after followed by our brigade, my regiment in advance of the brigade. We drove the enemy some two miles, built a line of works, and bivouacked for the night. Casualties in regiment, 3 men killed and 11 wounded. June 20, held the position occupied by us last night on the front line; during the afternoon advanced our lines farther to the front and built another line of works; were relieved in the evening by the Fifty-ninth Illinois. Casualties during the day in Ninth Regiment were 13 killed and wounded. Captain and Lieutenant Hodsden were among the wounded. June [276] 21, moved one mile to the right; the Third Brigade, in the rear, moved still farther to the right; encamped for the night; the enemy were driven a considerable distance to-day. June 22, moved to the right at about 5 p. m. and relieved a brigade of Hooker's corps; built a line of works during the night. June 23, held the same position as the night before; kept up a constant fire with the enemy all day. Casualties during day, 1 man killed, 1 officer and 2 men wounded. June 24, still hold the position occupied by us yesterday; no fighting of importance during the day. June 25, in same works as yesterday; nothing but regular picket-firing occurred; 1 man killed. June 26, all quiet during the day; still occupy the same works. June 27, still on front line; were relieved at dark by the Fifty-ninth Illinois and retired to the rear line. June 28, remained in second line during the day; no fighting in our front. June 29, still on the second line; quite brisk skirmishing during the night; regiment was inspected in the afternoon. June 30, still remain in second line; no fighting in our front; regiment was mustered to-day.

July 1, hold the same position on the second line. Nothing of importance transpired until evening, when a brisk cannonading was opened along our lines and continued a considerable time. July 2, remained in second line until evening, when the left wing moved to the front line, and one company was sent out for picket. July 3, the enemy evacuated our front during the night, and [his works] were soon after occupied by our troops. We followed them through Marietta and three miles beyond, where they again made a stand. We encamped for the night. July 4, there was considerable fighting during the day. Our brigade charged over an open field, driving the rebels handsomely, and captured a number of prisoners. We held our lines and constructed works. My regiment built three separate lines of works during the day. Relieved the Fifty-ninth Illinois on the front line just after dark, and worked all night on the works partially constructed by them. Our loss during the day was 1 officer and 9 privates wounded. July 5, the enemy evacuated our front during the night. We followed them closely to the Chattahoochee River, where they again made a stand. We took position on a hill overlooking the river and encamped for the night. July 6, remained in camp all day; nothing transpired in our front. July 7, arranged camp in proper order and prepared for a few days' rest. July 8, still resting quietly in camp; moved about three miles up the river. July 9, 10, and II, remained quietly in camp. July 12, moved across and some two miles down the Chattahoochee River, and again went into camp, our right resting on the river and running at right angles with it. Built a line of log works in front of the regiment. July 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17, lay quietly in camp in same position. July 18, left camp at 6 a. m. and marched five miles in a southeasterly direction, when we encamped for the night. July 19, marched to Peach Tree Creek, about three miles, over which we rebuilt a bridge which the enemy partially destroyed on their retreat. At dark we moved across the creek and encamped for the night. July 20, moved about three miles and took position on the front line. Forty-three of the enemy were captured by our skirmish line, in charge of Lieutenant Drullinger. Built two lines of works. July 21, occupied the position gained yesterday, but moved forward some distance in the forenoon and built another line of works, which we held during the day. July 22, the enemy evacuated our front during the night. Our brigade [277] started in pursuit at 4 a. m., capturing 15 of the enemy. Found them in force within three miles of Atlanta. Formed in line and built works. July 23, occupied the position we fortified yesterday. July 24, 25, 26, and 27, remained in our position. Strengthened our fortifications. No fighting of importance in our front. July 28, 29, 30, and 31, things remained unchanged in our front.

August 1 and 2, nothing of importance occurred on our front during the last two days. August 3, our skirmish line was advanced this afternoon, charging that of the enemy and capturing 30 prisoners, but they massed their forces and compelled ours to fall back. Our loss slight. August 4, all quiet in our front to-day. August 5, skirmishers advanced and tried to drive in or capture the rebel skirmish line, but failed. No loss in regiment. August 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, all quiet in our front during these days. August 11, demonstration made on the picket-line by firing from rifle-pits; otherwise all quiet during the day. August 12 and 13, all quiet except occasional artillery firing. August 14, very heavy cannonading all night on our lines, the enemy replying but little. August 15 and 16, all quiet in our front. August 17, lines were extended to the left; the right did not move. A foraging party went out from the regiment and 2 of its members were captured. August 18, the enemy opened very briskly with siege guns and continued for nearly an hour. Our regiment went to the outer works and remained until dark. Received orders at midnight to move at early daylight to the front, but did not move. August 19, at midnight received orders to march to the left on a reconnaissance. At 3.30 a. m. of the 20th moved as ordered, our regiment in the advance. Found the rebels quite numerous three miles from camp, skirmished with them nearly two hours, and drove them one-half mile. Casualties in our regiment were Major Carter slightly and 2 privates of Company B mortally [wounded]. All was quiet during the rest of the day. August 21, 22, 23, and 24, all quiet except some cannonading in our front. August 25, marched nearly all night to the right; met with no resistance. August 26, marched nearly all day to the right; nonveterans left for home. August 27, marched until 2 p. m. Pitched camp near New Hope Church; skirmish firing along the lines. August 28, marched until dark. August 29, all quiet; marched but a short distance. August 30, crossed the West Point railroad; marched south of Atlanta; regiment went on picket at night. August 31, regiment on picket; artillery shelling the enemy; no fighting.

September 1, marched south on the Macon railroad and was engaged in tearing up and burning track nearly all day. During the engagement in the evening the regiment had 8 men slightly wounded. September 2, enemy evacuated Jonesborough, Ga., and retreated south. We followed closely and found him strongly intrenched near Lovejoy's Station. Charged the enemy's works, but did not succeed in taking them. Heavy firing ceased at dark; nothing but picketfiring during the night. September 3, artillery firing all day; regiment lay in the trenches until dark, and then moved to the front line, relieving the Eighty-fourth Illinois and Eighty-fourth Indiana. Skirmishing all night. September 4, nothing but skirmish firing in our front; 1 man killed. September 5, skirmish firing very heavy; heavy cannonading toward night; 1 man mortally wounded. Commenced falling back at 7.30 p. m. Marched all night and reached Jonesborough at dawn of day, distance of five miles. September 6, rested at Jonesborough during the day. September 7, moved from [278] Jonesborough at 8.30 a. m.; camped for the night seven miles from Atlanta. September 8, marched seven miles, passing through Atlanta, Ga., and encamped two miles east of town.

I might here mention many daring and gallant acts of officers and men of my regiment, but every officer was at his post discharging his duty.

I will here mention a few individual acts of gallantry of two enlisted men, Privates Moran and Wade, who on the morning of July 4 captured 11 rebels out of their rifle-pits; and on the evening of July 20 Sergeants Kennedy and Childs, with twenty men, captured 43 rebels from their picket-line and 1 commissioned officer. Many other daring acts of gallantry I might mention if time would permit.

The medical staff of my regiment was always found at their posts, ready and willing to alleviate the sufferings of the wounded of all regiments. Too much praise cannot be given them for their unceasing labors.

I am pained to record the death of Capt. D. C. Hodsden, who was wounded before Kenesaw Mountain.

Major Carter and all the line officers of the regiment have my warmest thanks for their untiring services from the commencement of the campaign.

The regiment lost 28 killed and 83 wounded and 2 missing, and the regiment captured from the enemy 5 commissioned officers and 288 enlisted men and several hundred stand of small-arms.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

I. C. B. Suman, Colonel Ninth Indiana Veteran Volunteer Infantry.

[Capt. H. W. Lawton.]

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