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Notes. the annual meeting of the Historical Society was held in the Society Rooms, March 19. President Wait, who had previously announced his intention to retire from the office which he had held for four years, gave an interesting address, covering the work and needs of the Society. The reports of the various committees showed the organization to be in good working condition. The report of the Librarian and Curator, Miss Agnes W. Lincoln, was of especial interest. Votes of thanks to the retiring President, and the retiring Treasurer, Mr. Charles H. Loomis, were passed. The election of officers was held. The list will be found elsewhere. A brief sketch, with portrait of Mr. J. H. Hooper, the newly elected President of the Society, appeared in the January number of the Register last year.
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 2., Dedication of memorial tablet to Sarah (Bradlee) Fulton. (search)
e American Revolution, facing the little cemetery, where many flags waved over graves of soldiers of the War of Independence, the tablet stands inscribed: Sarah Bradlee Fulton 1740-1835 A Heroine of the Revolution erected by the Sarah Bradlee Fulton Chapter, D. A. R. 1900 In the words of the Regent of the Chapter, The memory of the lives of those noble women of a hundred years ago is a legacy to every American woman, a trust to be proud of, and one to be administered in the spirit of unselfish devotion, lofty purpose, and true womanhood. the Committee on Papers and Addresses has given an interesting series the past season: November.—The Second and Mystic Churches, by Charles Cummings. December.—The Homes of the Puritans, by Rev. T. F. Waters. January.—Benjamin Hall, by Helen T. Wild. February.—The Royall House and Farm, by John H. Hooper. April.—Paul Revere's Ride, with lantern slides, by W. C. Eddy. May.—Slavery in Medford, by Walter
The Royall house and farm. drawing and plans were made by Charles E. Hooper, of New York City. by John H. Hooper. [Read before the Medford Historical Society, Feb. 19, 1900.] it is not my purpose to go into a general history of the Royall estate, but I shall confine myself principally to the changes that have taken place in the construction of the mansion house, speaking briefly of the farm and of some of its earlier owners. The greater portion of the Royall farm was part of a tract of 600 acres of land granted by the Court of Assistants to Governor John Winthrop, and known as the Ten Hills. The records of the court say that, Sept. 6, 1631, the Court of Assistants grant to Mr. Governour 600 acres of land, to be set forth by metes and bounds near his house at Mistick to enjoy it, to him and his heirs forever. There are two suggestions as to the origin of the name of Ten Hills; one is that ten hills were comprised within its limits, and the other that ten hills could be c
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 2., Committee on Papers and Addresses. (search)
Committee on Papers and Addresses. Mr. David H. Brown. Mr. John Ward Dean. Miss Agnes W. Lincoln. Mr. John H. Hooper. Dr. R. J. P. Goodwin. Mr. William C. Wait. the Register sends greetings to its readers, with good wishes for a jolly Thanksgiving, a merry Christmas, and a happy New Year. Good-by till we meet again.
The ford at Mistick. by John H. Hooper. THE place selected by the early travellers for crossing the river by means of a ford was the most easterly point where the river itself could be reached without crossing the marshes. Most of the travelling in those early days for any considerable distance was on horseback, and as the marshes were too soft to support the weight of a horse, it was necessary to select a fording place where a firm gravel deposit formed the banks and bed of the river. The place selected on the south side of the river was a little west of the northerly end of Walnut street, and west of and adjoining the estate of Mr. Chandler on South street. It is evident that this estate encroaches somewhat upon the original landing place. On the northerly side of the river the landing place was nearly opposite the location of the old high school building on High street. The southerly end of Pasture hill at that point formed the bank of the river. Persons travelling
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 4., Medford Historical Society. (search)
Medford Historical Society. Officers For year ending March, 1902. President. John H. Hooper. Vice-Presidents. Lorin L. Dame, William Cushing Wait, Rosewell B. Lawrence, Charles H. Loomis. Treasurer. Benjamin F. Fenton. ler, E. D. brown. Papers and addresses. David H. Brown, Chairman. John Ward dean, Dr. R. J. P. Goodwin, John H. Hooper, Wm. Cushing Wait, Miss Agnes W. Lincoln. Historic sites. L. L. Dame, Chairman. L. J. Manning, Miss Hetty F. Hobbs, Mrs. Victoria B. Hodges, Gilbert. Hogan, Mrs. Mary. Hollis, Benjamin P. Hollis, Mrs. Mary B. Hooper, John H. Hooper, Mrs. John H. Johnson, Cleophas B. Jones, Charles N. Jones, Mrs. Frances W. Jones, Miss AmHooper, Mrs. John H. Johnson, Cleophas B. Jones, Charles N. Jones, Mrs. Frances W. Jones, Miss Amy W. Joyce, Allston P. Kennedy, Miss Alice J. Kidder, Fred H. Kidder, Mrs. C. Edith. Kingman, William F. Kummer, Charles E. Lane, George H. Langell, Everard I. Law, Colonel Asa. Larkin Charles E. Lawrence, Hon. Samuel
on the line between Medford and Winchester. This is the boundary referred to as Charlestown line in this document. comprehending within these bounds about twenty acres of woodland with a good Sprinkling of Wood in the aforementioned pastureland and the land of the orchard but only one third of the fruit thereof. Also the said Widow hath her 1/3d of the Marsh Twenty eight Acres more orless Set out to her below Wiggins's corner and ye: place called Labour in Vain Labor in Vain. See Mr. J. H. Hooper's article in Register, Vol. 3, No. 2. where the river comes up to the upland and bounded by the River and from thence aline staked out to Majr. Nathaniel Wade's one marked tree at the West corner of the Island besides the Stakes.— Also the said Widow is to have one third of the Rent of the Sawmill The site of the old mill can be seen on land of G. M. Stevens, west of Governor's avenue. and forasmuch as she hath not yet set her out full one third of the Wood she is to have twenty o
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 4., Contract for Rebuilding Cradock Bridge. (search)
Contract for Rebuilding Cradock Bridge. 1829. copied by John H. Hooper. Memorandum of articles of agreement entered into by the undersigned, being a Committee of the Town of Medford, appointed to build a new bridge where the Great Bridge now stands, or to repair the same, on the one part, and Samuel Chittenden Bridge builder, on the other part, witnesseth—to say An entire new bridge is to be built, extending from the stone abutments or walls recently built, from North to South the whole length being about sixty five feet, and width about thirty eight feet, with a draw in the place, where the present draw is placed, the said draw to be made of two leaves,—and the width from east to west, Thirty feet, and from North to South Twenty nine feet, leaving thereby a passageway for vessels of twenty nine feet, and furnished with Machinery, and Iron chains to raise it, in all respects equally sufficient for the purpose, as the draw now is on Warren Bridge at Charlestown. The said
oves. This dress he wore on Sundays to church and when he went to Boston to get his quarterly dividends on his United States stock. Meetings of the Medford Historical Society, sixth year, 1901-1902. October 21.—Mrs. Jane Turell: Her Life and Work. Mrs. C. H. Morss, and Social Meeting. November 18.—The March of the Army under Arnold, from Cambridge to Quebec. Mr. E. H. Hines, of Danvers. December 16.—The Old Medford Turnpike, with Glimpses at the Brick Makers. Mr. John F. Ayer, President of Somerville Historical Society. January 20.—Grace Church of Medford. Mr. Benj. P. Hollis. February 17.—Physical Geography of Medford. Mr. W. S. Beekman. March 17.—The Annual Meeting. April 21.—The Lawyers of Medford. Mr. H. A. Weitz. May 19.—The Lawrence Light Guard of Medford. Miss Helen T. Wild. Committee on papers and addresses. David H. Brown, Chairman. John H. Hooper. John Ward dean. Miss Agnes W. Lincoln. Dr. R. J. P. Goodwin. Willi
character. Resolved, That the students of early New England history have met with an irreparable loss in the death of one who was not only a tireless and indefatigable worker in his special line, but inspired others with courage to undertake and carry out important historical investigation. Resolved, That this society extends its sympathy to his family in its bereavement, and that a copy of these resolutions be sent them and to the Medford papers for publication. David H. Brown. John H. Hooper will C. Eddy. February 17, 1902. James W. Tufts. In the death of Mr. James W. Tufts at Pinehurst, N. C., February 2, the Historical Society, together with Medford and Boston, has lost a man whose departure will be deeply mourned. His quiet and reserve may have kept him from the wide acquaintance he deserved, but those who knew his worth of character and the modest goodness of his life sorrow that they will see his face no more. Mr. Tufts' active life in affairs began in So
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