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P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Brookes More) 8 0 Browse Search
Pindar, Odes (ed. Diane Arnson Svarlien) 6 0 Browse Search
Apollodorus, Library and Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer) 6 0 Browse Search
Sextus Propertius, Elegies (ed. Vincent Katz) 6 0 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Speeches 11-20 6 0 Browse Search
Aristotle, Politics 4 0 Browse Search
P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. Theodore C. Williams) 4 0 Browse Search
Plato, Hippias Major, Hippias Minor, Ion, Menexenus, Cleitophon, Timaeus, Critias, Minos, Epinomis 4 0 Browse Search
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley) 4 0 Browse Search
Aristotle, Rhetoric (ed. J. H. Freese) 4 0 Browse Search
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Apollodorus, Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer), book E (search)
d by Dr. Rouse in The Cambridge Review under the heading of “A Greek skipper.” This and the remaining part of Apollodorus are probably drawn from the epic poem Telegony, a work by Eugammon of Cyrene, of which a short abstract by Proclus has been preserved. See Epicorum Graecorum Fragmenta, ed. G. Kinkel, pp. 57ff. The author of the abstract informs us that after the death and burial of the suitors “Ulysses sacrificed to the nymphs and sailed to Elis to inspect the herds. And he was entertained by Polyxenus and received a present of a bowl. And after that followed the episodes of Trophonius, and Agamedes, and Augeas. Then he sailed home to Ithaca and offered the sacrifices prescribed by Tiresias. And after these things he went to the Thesprotians and married Callidice, queen of the Thesprotians. Then the Thesprotians made war on the Brygians, under the leadership of Ulysses. There Ares put Ulysses a<
Aristophanes, Birds (ed. Eugene O'Neill, Jr.), line 125 (search)
he bath after the gymnasium and you neither spoke to him, nor kissed him, nor took him with you, nor ever once felt his balls. Would anyone call you an old friend of mine?” Epops Ah! wag, I see you are fond of suffering. But there is a city of delights such as you want. It's on the Red Sea. Euelpides Oh, no. Not a sea-port, where some fine morning the Salaminian galley can appear, bringing a process-server along. Have you no Greek town you can propose to us? Epops Why not choose Lepreum in Elis for your settlement? Euelpides By Zeus! I could not look at Lepreum without disgust, because of Melanthius. Epops Then, again, there is the Opuntian Locris, where you could live. Euelpides I would not be Opuntian for a talent. But come, what is it like to live with the birds? You should know pretty well. Epops Why, it's not a disagreeable life. In the first place, one has no purse. Euelpides That does away with a lot of roguery. Epops For food the gardens yield us white sesame, myrtle-b
Aristotle, Politics, Book 5, section 1306a (search)
his is the constitutional government at Pharsalus, for there the ruling class though few are masters of many meni.e. both of the lower classes and of the subject cities. because on good terms with one another. Also oligarchical governments break up when they create a second oligarchy within the oligarchy. This is when, although the whole citizen class is small, its few members are not all admitted to the greatest offices; this is what once occurred in Elis, for the government being in the hands of a few, very few men used to become members of the Elders,i.e. the small governing body. because these numbering ninety held office for life, and the mode of election was of a dynastic typei.e. like a dynasteia, favorable to the interest of a few very wealthy families; see 1292b 10 n. and resembled that of the Elders at Sparta.Revolutionsof oligarchies occur both during war and in time of peace— during war since t
Aristotle, Politics, Book 6, section 1319a (search)
times entirely serviceable, prohibiting the ownership of more than a certain amount of land under any conditions or else of more than a certain amount lying between a certain place and the citadel or city (and in early times at all events in many states there was even legislation prohibiting the sale of the original allotments; and there is a law said to be due to OxylusLeader of the Heraclidae in their invasion of the Peloponnese, and afterwards king of Elis. with some similar provision, forbidding loans secured on a certain portion of a man's existing estate), but at the present day it would also be well to introduce reform by means of the law of the Aphytaeans, as it is serviceable for the purpose of which we are speaking; the citizens of AphytisAphytis was on the Isthmus of Pallene in Macedonia. although numerous and possessing a small territory nevertheless are all engaged in agriculture, for th
Aristotle, Rhetoric (ed. J. H. Freese), book 1, chapter 13 (search)
though forbidden, to bury Polynices, as being naturally just: For neither to-day nor yesterday, but from all eternity, these statutes live and no man knoweth whence they came. And as Empedocles says in regard to not killing that which has life, for this is not right for some and wrong for others, But a universal precept, which extends without a break throughout the wide-ruling sky and the boundless earth. AlcidamasOf Elis, pupil of Gorgias. The oration is not extant, but the scholiast supplies his words: e)leuqe/rous a)fh=ke pa/ntas qeo/s: ou)de/na dou=lon h( fu/sis pepoi/hken (“God has left all men free; Nature has made none a slave”). The Messenians had revolted from Sparta. also speaks of this precept in his Messeniacus. . . . And in relation to persons, there is a twofold division of law; for what one ought to do or ought not to do is concernedwith the community generall
Aristotle, Rhetoric (ed. J. H. Freese), book 3, chapter 14 (search)
other. For Socrates says truly in his Funeral Oration that “it is easy to praise Athenians in the presence of Athenians, but not in the presence of Lacedaemonians.”See 1.9.30. Deliberative oratory borrows its exordia from forensic, but naturally they are very uncommon in it. For in fact the hearers are acquainted with the subject, so that the case needs no exordium, except for the orator's own sake, or on account of his adversaries, or if the hearers attach too much or too little importance to the question according to his idea. Wherefore he must either excite or remove prejudice, and magnify or minimize the importance of the subject. Such are the reasons for exordia; or else they merely serve the purpose of ornament, since their absence makes the speech appear offhand. For such is the encomium on the Eleans, in which Gorgias, without any preliminary sparring or movements, starts off at once, “Elis, happy city.
Demosthenes, Philippic 3, section 27 (search)
Are not tyrannies already established in Euboea, an island, remember, not far from Thebes and Athens? Does he not write explicitly in his letters, “I am at peace with those who are willing to obey me”? And he does not merely write this without putting it into practice; but he is off to the Hellespont, just as before he hurried to Ambracia; in the Peloponnese he occupies the important city of Elis; only the other day he intrigued against the Megarians. Neither the Greek nor the barbarian world is big enough for the fellow's ambiti
Demosthenes, Philippic 4, section 10 (search)
I pass over many other instances, such as Pherae, the raid against Ambracia, the massacres at Elis, and countless others.For the places named in this paragraph see especially Dem. 9.12, Dem. 9.15, Dem. 9.17, Dem. 9.27, Dem. 9.33. I have gone into these details, not to give you a complete catalogue of the victims of Philip's oppression and injustice, but to make it clear to you that he will never desist from molesting all of us and bringing us under his sway, unless someone restrains him.
Demosthenes, For the Megalopolitans, section 16 (search)
The policy of the Lacedaemonians seems to me to be very sharp practice. For they now say that Elis ought to receive parts of Triphylia, and Phlius the district of Tricaranum, and certain Arcadian tribes the land belonging to them, and that we ought to have Oropus, not because they want to see each of us enjoying our own, far from it—(that would be a tardy exhibition of philanthrop
Demosthenes, On the False Embassy, section 192 (search)
To show you, then, that these men are the basest and most depraved of all Philip's visitors, private as well as official,—yes, of all of them,—let me tell you a trifling story that has nothing to do with the embassy. After Philip had taken Olynthus, he was holding Olympian games,Not the great Olympian Games of Elis, but a Macedonian festival held at Dium. The date is probably the spring of 347 B.C. and had invited all sorts of artists to the religious celebration and the festiv
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