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Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 4 0 Browse Search
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox 4 0 Browse Search
Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 4 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I. 4 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 9. (ed. Frank Moore) 2 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore) 2 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: November 3, 1863., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore) 2 0 Browse Search
Alfred Roman, The military operations of General Beauregard in the war between the states, 1861 to 1865 2 0 Browse Search
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es on the right, as the enemy's movement forward here would imperil the retreat. Tyler's Division (three brigades and two U. S. batteries) moved on the Warrenton Turnpike to the Stone Bridge that crosses Bull Run. Beyond this bridge the enemy was in position with artillery, and had impeded the road by a heavy abatis. Hunter's Division (5 brigades, 4 batteries and cavalry), which was the main body, moved along the same road with Tyler's Division until they had crossed a small stream called Cub Run, and then between Cub Run and Bull Run turned off to the right and made its way through the woods to a position on Bull Run, three miles above the Stone Bridge. At this point, Sudley's Springs, there was an undefended ford, and here the men began to cross the stream. They got over very slowly, as many stopped to drink. Clouds of dust in the air indicated that the enemy was moving in force from Manassas toward the right, and it became possible that he would reach the point of passage and
tained, he retreated across Broad Run. The next morning he was reported to be fortifying beyond Bull Run, extending his line toward the Little River Turnpike. The vicinity of the intrenchments around Washington and Alexandria rendered it useless to turn his new position, as it was apparent that he could readily retire to them, and would decline an engagement unless attacked in his fortifications. A further advance was therefore deemed unnecessary, and after destroying the railroad from Cub Run southwardly to the Rappahannock, the army returned on the eighteenth to the line of that river, leaving the cavalry in the enemy's front. The cavalry of the latter advanced on the following day, and some skirmishing occurred at Buckland. General Stuart, with Hampton's division, retired slowly toward Warrenton, in order to draw the enemy in that direction, thus exposing his flank and rear to General Lee, who moved from Auburn, and attacked him near Buckland. As soon as General Stuart he
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., chapter 8.58 (search)
ow Sykes, who was supposed to have gone to Centreville. Griffin moved thence toward the battle-field about 5 P. M. He found the road blocked, and the bridge over Cub Run broken.--Editors. of his (Porter's) corps had straggled off from the corps and appeared at Centreville during the day. With this straggling brigade was General Mogood order, no attempt whatever being made by the enemy to obstruct our movement. A division of infantry, with its batteries, was posted to cover the crossing of Cub Run. The exact losses in this battle I am unable to give, as the reports from corps commanders only indicated the aggregate losses since August 22d, but they wereyield another inch if you can avoid it. I am doing all I can for you and your noble H. W. Halleck, General-in-chief. The enemy's cavalry appeared in front of Cub Run that morning, but made no attempt to attack. Our cavalry, under Buford and Bayard, was completely broken down, and both of these officers reported to me that not
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., The Sixth Corps at the Second Bull Run. (search)
Centreville and Alexandria. The detachment of this brigade had an important effect upon the after events of the campaign, as will appear. Proceeding onwards toward Centreville I received, at 1:30 P. M., an order from General McClellan, directing me to join General Pope at once. The corps marched forward through Centreville toward Bull Run about three miles in front of Centreville, without stopping. Going to the front I found General Slocum's division formed across the road, in front of Cub Run, stopping what seemed to be an indiscriminate mass of men, horses, guns and wagons, all going pell-mell to the rear. As General Slocum expressed it, it was as bad as the Bull Run retreat of 1861. Officers of all grades, from brigadier-general down, were in the throng, but none of them exercised any authority. We gathered about three thousand in a yard near by. Presently a force of cavalry appeared to the left and front, about one mile off, and the fugitives, imagining that they were the e
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., A bit of partisan service. (search)
unt. No one else cared to repeat the experiment. We passed within a few hundred yards of the forts, and could see the guns pointing through the embrasures and hear the challenge of the sentinels as they walked on the parapets. My heart began to beat with joy. The odds were now rapidly getting in my favor. We were soon on the other side of Centreville. Although we could be plainly seen from there, it was probably supposed that we were a scouting party of Federal cavalry. When we got to Cub Run, it was so swollen by the melting snows that it could not be forded. We were still within easy cannon-shot of the guns on the heights, and there was no time to be lost. I acted on the maxim of plucking the flower safety from the nettle danger, and plunging into the brimming stream swam over. The rest followed, Stoughton being next to me. The first thing he said as he shivered with cold was, This is the first rough treatment I have received. I knew that no cavalry would ever swim after m
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 25: the battle of Bull's Run, (search)
They advanced slowly, for raw troops were difficult to handle. After crossing Cub Run, Hunter and Heintzelman turned into the road to the right that led through thee curious than others, pushed on toward the Stone Bridge, some distance beyond Cub Run, where they could hear the scream of shells, and see the white puffs of smoke alry. He also sent word to Miles to order a brigade to the Warrenton Road, at Cub Run, for the same purpose, and Blenker was sent. McDowell himself hastened to the road traversed by Hunter and Heintzelman in the morning) near the bridge over Cub Run, which was barricaded by a caisson A caisson is an ammunition-chest on whee Confederates. Full one-third of the artillery lost that day was left between Cub Run and the Stone Bridge. The Nationals lost twenty-seven cannon, ten of which brigade went boldly forward, and brought away two of the cannon abandoned near Cub Run. Beauregard, in his official report, gives as the reason for relinquishing
was to be made by a column 15,000 strong, composed of the 2d (Hunter's) and 3d (Heintzelman's) divisions, which, starting from their camps a mile or two east and southeast of Centerville, were to make a considerable detour to the right, crossing Cub Run, and then Bull Run at a ford known as Sudley Spring, three miles above the Stone Bridge, thus turning the Rebel left, and rolling it up on the center, where it was to be taken in flank by our 1st division (Tyler's) crossing the Stone Bridge at t Warrenton turnpike, we heard a firing of rifled cannon on our right, and learned that the enemy had established a battery enfilading the road. Capt. Arnold, with his section of artillery, attempted to run the gauntlet and reach the bridge over Cub Run, about two miles from Centerville, but found it obstructed with broken vehicles, and was compelled to abandon his pieces, as they were under the fire of these rifled cannon. The cavalry turned to the left, and, after passing through a strip of
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Letters. (search)
y be resisted by all the force of the enemy, the troops will be disposed as follows: The First Division (General Tyler), with the exception of Richardson's brigade, will, at half-past 2 o'clock in the morning precisely, be at the Warrenton turnpike to threaten the passage of the bridge, but will not open fire until full daybreak. The Second Division (Hunter's) will move from its camp at two o'clock in the morning precisely, and, led by Captain Woodbury of the Engineers, will, after passing Cub Run, turn to the right, and pass the Bull Run stream above the ford at Sudley's Spring, and, then turning down to the left, descend the stream and clear away the enemy who may be guarding the lower ford and bridge. It will then bear off to the right, and make room for the succeeding division. The Third Division (Heintzelman's) will march at half-past 2 in the morning, and will follow the road taken by the Second Division, but will cross at the lower ford, after it has been turned as above; an
by Captain Woodbury, of the Engineers, will, after passing Cub Run, turn to the right and pass the Bull Run stream above the ng after him, should, after passing a little stream called Cub Run, turn to the right and north, and move around to the uppero the rear. The enemy followed us from the ford as far as Cub Run, and, owing to the road becoming blocked up at the crossinng column. I did not see General Schenck again until near Cub Run, where he appeared active in rallying his own or some othe upon the retreating mass of men. Upon the bridge crossing Cub Run a shot took effect upon the horses of a team that was cros attempted to run the gauntlet and reached the bridge over Cub Run, about two miles from Centreville, but found it obstructedpany of cavalry, I, on the 19th, followed up the valley of Cub Run until we reached a point west ten degrees north, and about diverge from the Warrenton turnpike at the by-road beyond Cub Run, and take the road for Sudley's Springs — or, rather, it w
camped in the vicinity of Centreville, having regained our quarters, were lighting fires, drying our clothes, or talking over the prospect of a renewed attack on Manassas next day. Many of us lay down to sleep, from which we woke, more astonished than Mr. Russell himself, at the idea of continuing our retreat to Washington; but the order came from Headquarters, and we obeyed. Of this, or of the good order preserved by several regiments, including ours, all the way from the battle-field to Cub Run, and again resumed after three or four miles, Mr. Russell says nothing — he did not see it--he wasn't there. Yet his story will be received as Times' gospel, not to be gainsayed, by hundreds of thousands in England, while the contradiction, if it ever reaches there, will come as a stale American apology, unworthy of belief. De W. Winthrop De Wolf. Russell's Second letter on Bull Run. Washington, July 24, 1861. As no one can say what a day or a night may bring forth, particul
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