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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Pizarro, Francisco 1476- (search)
latter a prisoner. With 177 men Pizarro went with pretended friendship to the successful Inca., in September, 1532, and treacherously made him prisoner. The Inca's army fled in dismay. Atahualpa offered for his own ransom to fill the room he was in with gold. The precious metals and golden ornaments of the temples, worth, when melted down, more than $17,000,000, were laid at Pizarro's feet, when the treacherous Spaniard caused his royal captive to be murdered, Aug. 29, 1533. Marching to Cuzco, in November, Pizarro proclaimed the half-brother of the dead Inca, Manco Capac, his successor, and then founded a new capital nearer the coast, now Lima. The new Inca escaped, rebelled, slaughtered many Spaniards, and laid siege to Lima, which they soon raised. A dispute between Pizarro and Almagro led to open warfare. Almagro was defeated and slain in 1538. The empire of the Incas lay prostrate at the feet of the Spaniards, with Pizarro as ruler. The latter married a daughter of Ata
of two days had collected more than six hundred; with which we were no less rejoiced, as long as we were ignorant of their real value, than the Indians with our glass beads. Ancient American Bronzes.Copper.Tin.Iron. Chisel from silver-mines, Cuzco946 Chisel from Cuzco92.3857.615 Knife from grave, Atacama97.872.13 Knife964 Crowbar from Chili92.3857.615 Knife from Amaro95.6643.9350.371 Perforated axe964 Personal ornament, Truigilla95.4404.560 Bodkin from grave96.703.30 The bronzCuzco92.3857.615 Knife from grave, Atacama97.872.13 Knife964 Crowbar from Chili92.3857.615 Knife from Amaro95.6643.9350.371 Perforated axe964 Personal ornament, Truigilla95.4404.560 Bodkin from grave96.703.30 The bronzes of Europe took a much wider range of variation. Copper.Tin.LeadIron. Spear-head, Lincolnshire8614 Bronze vessel, Cambridgeshire8812 Flexible nails201 Sword, France87.4712.53 Medal1008-12 Axe-head, Mid-Lothian88.511.120.78 Caldron, Duddingstone84.87.198.53 Mirrors10030-50 Sword, Ireland83.505.158.353 Sword, Thames89.699.580.33 Axe-head, Ireland89 339 190.33 Drinking-horn, Kings Co., Ireland79.3410.879.11 Wedge, Ireland945.90.1 See also Brasses and Bronzes, with the additio
rom which every house was supplied by a pipe, as in modern cities. Cortez, in his first letter to Charles V., mentions the spring of Amilco, near Churubusco, of which the water was conveyed to the city of Mexico in two large pipes, molded and hard as stone, but the waters never ran but in one at the same time. The Spaniards destroyed it, of course. Humboldt saw the remains of it, and says it was inferior to the aqueduct of Tezcuco. The inca Garcilasso de la Vega was born in 1539 at Cusco, in Peru, about eight years after the Spanish invasion. His mother was a native princess, his father a Spaniard. He writes as follows of the Peruvian aqueducts:— The seventh inca, Viracocha, made an aqueduct 12 feet in depth and 120 leagues in length; the source or head of it arose from certain springs on the top of a high mountain between Parcu and Picuy, which was so plentiful that at the very head of the fountains they seemed to be rivers. This current of water had its course throu
entures, that they might serve as a guide to the men who should go under the royal banners to conquer those lands; and the tales of the Columbus of the continent quickened the belief, that the country between the river Palmas and the Atlantic was the richest in the world. The assertion was received even by those who had seen Mexico and Peru. To no one was this faith more disastrous than to Ferdinand de Soto, of Xeres. He had been the favorite companion of Pizarro, and at the storming of Cusco had surpassed his companions in arms. He assisted in arresting the unhappy Atahualpa, and shared in the immense ransom with which the credulous Inca purchased the promise of freedom. Perceiving the angry jealousies of the conquerors of Peru, Soto had seasonably withdrawn, to display his opulence in Spain, and to solicit advancement. His reception was triumphant; success Chap. II.} 1537. of all kinds awaited him. The daughter of the distinguished nobleman, under whom he had first served
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