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Agamenticus (Maine, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
r is thy breath, foul art thou to embrace; Thy tongue is lost, and all thine honest care, For drunkenness is very sepulture Of man's wit and his discretion. Agamenticus, August 18. The weather being clear and the heat great, last week uncle and aunt, with Rebecca and myself, and also Leonard and Sir Thomas, thought it a fittint come against her, that she enjoy the company of her husband. Whereat we all laughed heartily. Next morning, the fog breaking away early, we set sail for Agamenticus, running along the coast and off the mouth of the Piscataqua River, passing near where my lamented Uncle Edward dwelt, whose fame as a worthy gentleman and magido come to the knowledge of them, whether or no I behold their faces any more in this life. Hampton, October 24, 1678. I took leave of my good friends at Agamenticus, or York, as it is now called, on the morning after the last date in my journal, going in a boat with my uncle to Piscataqua and Strawberry Bank. It was a clou
France (France) (search for this): chapter 2
many years before the twain were in this country, and when he was yet a scholar at the Jesuits' College of St. Omer's, in France. I find nothing of a later time, save the verses which I herewith copy, over which there are, in a woman's handwriting, unted next to sin; Twas ere a barge had made so rich a freight As chocolate, dust-gold, and bits of eight; Ere wines from France and Muscovado too, Without the which the drink will scarcely do. From Western Isles, ere fruits and delicacies Did rot mhstanding that Mr. Ward, when he took leave, bade Doctor Thompson take heed to his own hint concerning the Wines from France and Muscovado too; to which the young wit replied, that there was Scripture warrant for his drinking, inasmuch as the comy hopes to find A way to make all promise-breakers grind. On this tree's top hangs pleasant Liberty, Not seen in Austria, France, Spain, Italy. True Liberty's there ripe, where all confess They may do what they will, save wickedness. Peace is another
New England (United States) (search for this): chapter 2
s far as he could judge, the worthy folk of New England had no great temptation to that sin from thearing that Sir Christopher had gone to the New England, where he was acting as an agent of his kiTheir dingy webs, or hid with cheating lawn New England's beauties, which still seemed to me Illuste wars will usher in a longer peace; But if New England's love die in its youth, The grave will opers now serve the turn To draw the figure of New England's urn. New England's hour of passion is at New England's hour of passion is at hand, No power except Divine can it withstand. Scarce hath her glass of fifty years run out, Than ht of his piety and learning, The History of New England; or, Wonder-Working Providence of Sion's Sa entitled Several Poems by a Gentlewoman of New England, with these words on the blank page thereofte to her, kindly inviting her to return to New England, and live with him, and she at last resolveuals, as was natural from her education in New England, among Puritanic schismatics; but she lived[3 more...]
Quaker (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
odwife Stone said she was sure she could not tell what brought that Quaker girl to her house so much, unless she meant to inveigle Elnathan; ns. September 18. Meeting much disturbed yesterday,—a ranting Quaker coming in and sitting with his hat on in sermon time, humming and gning, and sent out of the jurisdiction. I was told he was no true Quaker; for, although a noisy, brawling hanger — on at their meetings, he ion, and, calling me to him, he asked me if I too was going to turn Quaker, and fall to prophesying? Whereat I was not a little amazed; and wrest until he had seen forty stripes save one laid upon that cursed Quaker, and that he should go to the gallows yet for his sauciness. So thife to the meeting, which was held in a large house of one of their Quaker neighbors. About a score of grave, decent people did meet there, sm, the shape said, Thou sayest well, for here be neither Priest nor Quaker, Jew nor Gentile, but all are one in the Lord. Then he awoke, and
Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
ill one can see the waters of the great Bay; at the foot of it runs a small river noisily over the rocks, making a continual murmur. Going thither this morning, I found a great rock hanging over the water, on which I sat down, listening to the noise of the stream and the merriment of the birds in the trees, and admiring the green banks, which were besprinkled with white and yellow flowers. I call to mind that sweet fancy of the lamented Anne Broadstreet, the wife of the new Governor of Massachusetts, in a little piece which she nameth Contemplations, being written on the banks of a stream, like unto the one whereby I was then sitting, in which the writer first describeth the beauties of the wood, and the flowing water, with the bright fishes therein, and then the songs of birds in the boughs over her head, in this sweet and pleasing verse, which I have often heard repeated by Cousin Rebecca:— While musing thus, with contemplation fed, And thousand fancies buzzing in my brain, A sw
Merrimack (United States) (search for this): chapter 2
ought us safely to so fair a haven. Uncle and Aunt Rawson met us on the wharf, and made us very comfortable at their house, which is about half a mile from the water-side, at the foot of a hill, with an oaken forest behind it, to shelter it from the north wind, which is here very piercing. Uncle is Secretary of the Massachusetts, and spends a great part of his time in town; and his wife and family are with him in the winter season, but they spend their summers at his plantation on the Merrimac River, in Newbury. His daughter, Rebecca, is just about my age, very tall and ladylooking; she is like her brother John, who was at Uncle Hilton's last year. She hath, moreover, a pleasant wit, and hath seen much goodly company, being greatly admired by the young men of family and distinction in the Province. She hath been very kind to me, telling me that she looked upon me as a sister. I have been courteously entertained, moreover, by many of the principal people, both of the reverend cle
Massachusetts Bay (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
Margaret Smith's Journal In the Province of Massachusetts Bay. 1678-9. Boston, May 8, 1678. I remember I did promise my kind Cousin Oliver (whom I pray God to have always ill his keeping), when I parted with him nigh unto three months ago, at mine Uncle Grindall's, that, on coming to this new country, I would, for his sake and perusal, keep a little journal of whatsoever did happen both unto myself and unto those with whom I might sojourn; as also, some account of the country and its marvels, and mine own cogitations thereon. So I this day make a beginning of the same; albeit, as my cousin well knoweth, not from any vanity of authorship, or because of any undue confiding in my poor ability to edify one justly held in repute among the learned, but because my heart tells me that what I write, be it ever so faulty, will be read by the partial eye of my kinsman, and not with the critical observance of the scholar, and that his love will not find it difficult to excuse what
ke to marble, through which the long rushes, the hazels, and mulleins, and the dry blades of the grasses, did stand up bravely, bedight with frost. And, looking upward, there were the dark tops of the evergreen trees, such as hemlocks, pines, and spruces, starred and bespangled, as if wetted with a great rain of molten crystal. After admiring and marvelling at this rare entertainment and show of Nature, I said it did mind me of what the Spaniards and Portuguese relate of the great Incas of Guiana, who had a garden of pleasure in the Isle of Puna, whither they were wont to betake themselves when they would enjoy the air of the sea, in which they had all manner of herbs and flowers, and trees curiously fashioned of gold and silver, and so burnished that their exceeding brightness did dazzle the eyes of the beholders. Nay, said the worthy Mr. Mather, who did go with us, it should rather, methinks, call to mind what the Revelator hath said of the Holy City. I never look upon such a w
Hampton (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
This morning, Sir Thomas and Uncle Rawson rode over to Hampton, where they will tarry all night. Last evening, Rebecca hals. There be seven of them in all, lying off the town of Hampton on the mainland, about a league. We landed on that calledther or no I behold their faces any more in this life. Hampton, October 24, 1678. I took leave of my good friends at Aa Mr. Weare, who, with his wife, was to go to his home, at Hampton, that day, and who did kindly engage to see me thus far onnk there is an invisible hand at work there. We reached Hampton about one hour before noon; and riding up the road towardsis not the first time the Evil Spirit hath been at work in Hampton; for they did all remember the case of Goody Marston's chia grievous manner. Moreover, the constable of the town of Hampton testifies, that, having to supply Goody Cole with diet, byhen at Newbury, and even went over to their conventicle at Hampton, on the Lord's day, in the company of the Brewster family,
Pemaquid (Maine, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
et in Boston. He is a learned, serious man, hath travelled a good deal, and hath an air of high breeding. The minister here thinks him a Papist, and a Jesuit, especially as he hath not called upon him, nor been to the meeting. He goes soon to Pemaquid, to take charge of that fort and trading station, which have greatly suffered by the war. September 30. Yesterday, Cousin Polly and myself, with young Mr. Jordan, went up to the top of the mountain, which is some miles from the harbor. Itold for the season. Rebecca, or Lady Hale, as she is now called, had invited Robert Pike to her wedding, but he sent her an excuse for not coming, to the effect that urgent business did call him into the eastern Country as far as Monhegan and Pemaquid. His letter, which was full of good wishes for her happiness and prosperity, I noted saddened Rebecca a good deal; and she was, moreover, somewhat disturbed by certain things that did happen yesterday: the great mirror in the hall being badly b
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