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Browsing named entities in Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 3.

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Henry C. Wright (search for this): chapter 3
3.191. menace in the Liberty Party. As usual, Mr. Garrison's mind had been occupied with many subjects besides that which claimed his chief attention. Great was the popular fermentation over Millerism, Mss. Mar. 31, 1843, M. W. Chapman to H. C. Wright; June 27, E. Quincy to R. D. Webb; Lib. 13: 23, 27. which drew off many abolitionists from the ranks, including Charles Fitch and J. V. Himes, and was controverted by the editor of the Liberator in two elaborate articles. Communism and socialhe questions pertaining to the reorganization of society and the rights of property, Lib. 13.91. in which Collins took a leading part. He heard nothing which attracted him to the doctrines advocated. On Dec. 16, 1843, Mr. Garrison wrote to H. C. Wright in Dublin (Ms.): John A. Collins is almost entirely absorbed in his Community project at Skaneateles, and is therefore unable to do much directly for the antislavery cause. He goes for a community of interest, and against all individual posse
Henry C. Wright (search for this): chapter 4
tract, which you will find at Lib. 14: 137, 143, 150, 154, 159. length in both Liberator and Standard. The adherents of Liberty Party, wrote Mr. Garrison to H. C. Wright (Ms. Oct. 1, 1844), in order to justify voting, are impudently claiming the U. S. Constitution is, and was intended to be, by those who originally framed and e now avows unmitigated hostility to every organized society, and regards a president or chairman as an embryo Caligula or Nero (Ms. Oct. 1, 1844, W. L. G. to H. C. Wright). Honest Francis Jackson, presiding over an anti-slavery meeting, is transformed in his eyes into a truculent slaveholder, with a scourge in one hand and a brae to Pennsylvania, was very great in the year under review, until the trouble in his side compelled him to withdraw Lib. 14.170; Ms. Oct. 1, 1844, W. L. G. to H. C. Wright. temporarily from the lecture field. As usual, slavery was not his sole topic, but, as occasion offered, he gave addresses on Peace, Worship, the Church, the
Henry C. Wright (search for this): chapter 6
are proffered to our untiring coadjutor, Henry C. Wright, for the fidelity with which he has unmas, Send back the money! was not relaxed. Henry C. Wright, who had survived the rigors of the watereholders—had been vigorously expounded by Henry C. Wright, and coupled with the burning and related 102. the Old Organization, and in especial on Wright and Garrison for their Sabbatarian heresies. s phase of the controversy was dwelt upon by Mr. Wright at a great meeting of the Emancipation Socien corps was already weakened by the absence of Wright, Douglass, and Buffum. Could the chief himselsh to put you on your guard. and with him Henry C. Wright. Lib. 16.146. Their happy reunion took pd and complimentary manner. Lib. 16.157. Henry C. Wright made the opening speech, and it was a Lient as soon as it was presented to him by Henry C. Wright (Ms. April 23, 1845, Clarkson to Wright)Wright). The noble old man wrote to this American friend on Oct. 24, 1845, when he had been for nearly a ye[5 more...]
Henry C. Wright (search for this): chapter 7
s. Oct. 17, 1847, Thos. McClintock to W. L. G. did not leave till October 13. On the following day he was joined by Henry C. Wright, who had returned from Europe in September, and, hearing in Boston first on Lib. 17.151, 174. October 8 of his frie am too weak as yet to make an effort of any kind without considerable difficulty. The arrival in Cleveland of dear H. C. Wright took me almost Oct. 14, 1847. as much by surprise as if he had descended from the clouds. Of course, I was very deepforgotten. It is a most painful effort for me to write. This short letter has cost me the labor of hours. P. S.-H. C. Wright will accompany me as far as Albany, and from thence go to Philadelphia. S. S. Foster will go with me as far as Worces the nomination of the convention at Buffalo. It was, however, a strong Gerrit Smith delegation which Lib. 17.178. H. C. Wright accompanied on the boat from Cleveland. For six hours during the passage the saloon was crowded with a caucus over wh
Henry C. Wright (search for this): chapter 8
o put obstacles in the way of Sunday abolition meetings, Garrison plans with H. C. Wright an Anti-Sabbath Convention in Boston, draws up the call, and directs the pro against the Sabbath as he and H. C. W. do. The popular mind seems to me Henry C. Wright. clearing itself up fast enough for all practical purposes: these theologi impair the amount. It was during the time of his convalescence that he and H. C. Wright got up this Anti-Sabbath Convention. It really seems as if the Devil alwa Parker Pillsbury, James and Lucretia Mott, Edward M. Davis, C. C. Burleigh, H. C. Wright, J. Miller McKim, Thomas McClintock, and Joseph C. Hathaway. These were joipport. The Anti-Sabbath Convention adjourned, on motion of Lib. 18.51. Henry C. Wright, to meet at the call of the publishing committee in the following year. Mt only rest but treatment seemed necessary, and both inclination and counsel—H. C. Wright's above all others'—prescribed Lib. 18.110; Ms. May 3, 1848, W. L. G. to E.
Henry C. Wright (search for this): chapter 9
Catholicism. The essential jesuitry of this remark will be apparent to any one who reads Henry C. Wright's account of Father Mathew's rebuke of a fellow-priest and philanthropist, Father (John) Sphem, at home, is to be found who does not exclaim against slavery (James Haughton, Dublin, to H. C. Wright, in Lib. 19.158). This was said as if he had winced under it—under the odium cast by America Another also declines taking the paper on the same ground. And you, in various letters to Henry C. Wright, Wendell Phillips, and myself, say that while the Liberator is the most interesting paper ypears, is disturbed at what has appeared in the Liberator, and intends writing faithfully to H. C. Wright on the subject. Garrison is very anxious to know which Liberator it was Vincent and you thou(Ms. July 29, 1849, Wendell Phillips to E. Pease). The editor had not merely permitted Henry C. Wright to introduce and carry on the Bible controversy in his paper; he had manifested sympathy wi
Henry C. Wright (search for this): chapter 10
ssible for the rioters to use any physical force against us. 50th Anniversary of a Pastorate, p. 30. The scene recalled the descent of the Gauls upon the Roman Senate. The barbarism of Rynders was confronted with the loftiest morality, the greatest personal dignity, of the time. He found himself in the midst of Francis and Edmund Jackson, of Wendell Phillips, of Edmund Quincy, of Charles F. Hovey, of William H. Furness, of Samuel May, Jr., of Sydney Howard Gay, of Isaac T. Hopper, of Henry C. Wright, of Abby Kelley Foster, of Frederick Douglass, of Mr. Garrison—against whom his menaces were specially directed. Never was a human being more out of his element. Isaiah Rynders, a native American, of mixed German N. Y. Times, Jan. 14, 1884. and Irish lineage, was now some forty-six years of age. He began life as a boatman on the Hudson River, and, passing easily into the sporting class, went to seek his fortunes as a professional gambler in the paradise of the Southwest. In this r
Henry C. Wright (search for this): chapter 11
to these shores to accept the hospitality of slaveholders. If he be a patriot, a lover of liberty, whether he fly from the banks of the Danube, the Seine, or the Tiber, let him go to New England, and find a home with the persecuted and maligned abolitionists of the country! Let him throw in his lot with them; let him range himself under the banner of No Union with Tyrants! Francis Jackson and Samuel May, Jr.; James Mott and J. Miller McKim; Abraham Brooke of Ohio; Abby Kelley Foster, H. C. Wright, and Parker Pillsbury, were likewise heard or seen at this meeting. William Goodell was present; and William H. Burleigh, who had strayed into the Liberty Party fold, recanted of Lib. 21.78. his bitter opposition to his old abolition co-workers. Frederick Douglass, on the other hand, avowed his radical Lib. 21.78, 82. change of mind in regard to the nature of the Constitution, which he now looked upon as an anti-slavery instrument. On Daniel Webster, as the ex-officio custodian of
Henry C. Wright (search for this): chapter 12
deed, if not those who had invited him? A prior question was, Who shall inform him truly of the state of affairs in the so-called land of freedom? An American who had known Kossuth at home, and likened him to Washington and Channing Lib. 19.104. combined, told of having often observed Channing's works on his table—excellent aids (we will add) to Kossuth's theological development, but not calculated to make him shun the society or applause of slaveholders. Save him! save him! wrote Henry C. Wright to James Haughton Lib. 21.179. of Dublin. Tell him of American slavery. He is lost —lost to himself and the friends and cause of liberty in all coming time—if he lands on this slavery-cursed shore. here lies Kossuth—the American slaveholder —must be his epitaph if he touches our shore! And again, after reading the address from Broussa: Slave-catchers will do by him as they have done, successfully, by Theobald Mathew—avail themselves of his world-wide fame and influence to pr
Henry C. Wright (search for this): chapter 13
onsiderable gifts of style as a writer. His manners were amiable, gentle, and attractive. Henry C. Wright accounted him a Jesus of this day. Lib. 23.64. Mr. Garrison gave his open approval to nd consented to take part in the proceedings. He shared the hospitality of the Davises with H. C. Wright, Parker Lib. 23.95. Pillsbury, and Joseph Barker, the last-named being chosen to preside ovendover], Cabin, December 12, 1853. Ms. On one point I confess myself to be puzzled. Why are Wright, etc., so sensitive to the use of the term infidel? If Henry C. Wright. I understand H. WrightHenry C. Wright. I understand H. Wright's letters in the Liberator, he openly professes to be what is called commonly an infidel. Names are given for conveniencea sake—such as Unitarian, Baptist, Universalist, Infidel. They mark the belthat serious and dispassionate frame necessary for the examination of vital religious truth? H. C. Wright's pieces, some of them, contain reflections and assertions on the Jewish Scriptures which no
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