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Dinwiddie Court House (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.47
writer's object in the present paper is to chronicle the events of a day in the pine-woods of Dinwiddie in 1865, and to mention a circumstance which impressed him forcibly at the time; nearly convin to the great arena the eyes of all the world was about to be decided amid the sombre pines of Dinwiddie. A few scenes in these pine woods at the crisis referred to may interest the reader. The t foot road, and in due time drew near Roney's bridge, on the upper waters of the stream, near Dinwiddie. Within a quarter of a mile of the stream a soldier made his appearance, coming to meet me, as of the cavalry-men were correct. The enemy's horse, in strong force, had driven him back to Dinwiddie, and were then at the Court-House. General Lee informed me, laughing, that in the charge he hascovered; and no further advance in that direction was attempted, the cavalry returning toward Dinwiddie. An odd incident marked this rapid ride after the retiring Federal cavalry. In the middl
Gravelly Run (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.47
anding the right of the army near Burgess', with an oral message, information, etc., in reference to the cavalry movement. A small detachment of cavalry, belonging to Colonel Phillips' command, then on the right of the army, was placed at my orders; and setting out about night, we soon debouched upon the Boydton road, where at every step traces of the Federal forces were met with — the raiders having harried the whole regionand some prisoners captured. The vicinity of the bridge over Gravelly Run was thus reached, and beyond the bridge glimmered the fires of a picket. The question of greatest interest was whether the picket was Federal or Confederate. The enemy's left was certainly near this point, but so was our right. The plain method of deciding was to try, and this was done — the cavalry detachment halting a hundred yards off. Riding on the bridge, I found the planking torn up, and in the centre a yawning gulf; at the same moment a voice came from beyond, ordering halt!
Malone (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.47
le Federal scout; and on the next morning the line of march was resumed for Petersburg by way of Malone's. Two hundred yards to the left of Halifax bridge there suddenly appeared a number of scatt, evidently stampeded. What is the matter? The Yankees have crossed with two regiments at Malone's! from the hurrying horseman. Did you see them? Yes, sir. Where is your regiment? given. A strong force of Federal cavalry had suddenly attacked the small regiment on picket at Malone's, and dispersed it, nearly capturing Gen. William H. F. Lee, who chanced to be there inspectingly agreeable to myself personally. Kirby's was on the only road to Petersburg, except by way of Malone's — for the time rendered impracticable-and to reach my journey's end it seemed necessary to makeemed probable that I would be forced to return to Petersburg by way of Lynchburg and Richmond! Malone's-Kirby's-Dinwiddie — the enemy were everywhere. A good military rule, however, is to believ
Petersburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.47
f the Weldon Railroad as far south as Hicksford, fifty miles from Petersburg, the cavalry was obliged to repair to that distant point for fora the infantry lines were closing in the death-grapple in front of Petersburg, the blue and gray horsemen were hunting each other in the Dinwid scout; and on the next morning the line of march was resumed for Petersburg by way of Malone's. Two hundred yards to the left of Halifax agreeable to myself personally. Kirby's was on the only road to Petersburg, except by way of Malone's — for the time rendered impracticable- this rate it seemed probable that I would be forced to return to Petersburg by way of Lynchburg and Richmond! Malone's-Kirby's-Dinwiddie — tturned within their lines; and I determined to continue my way to Petersburg, where duty called me. There was reason to doubt, however, th intimated, it was necessary to follow this Boydton road to reach Petersburg that night. I determined to try, and so informed General Lee, wh
Nottoway river (United States) (search for this): chapter 5.47
oits will be narrated or thrilling adventures recorded; but perhaps some of the actual colouring of the great war-canvas will be caught in the hasty memoir. Returning from a tour of inspection at Hicksford, night surprised me not far from Nottoway river; and having crossed that turbulent stream at risk of drowning my horse, I spent the night at the hospitable mansion of Mr. D— , not far from Halifax bridge, on the Rowanty. The Federal forces were just beyond the stream, and no Confederate ptly, beckoned to him. To go or not to go-that was the question; but he finally decided to approach, and did so. Then the mystery was quickly solved. The men in blue were a battalion of Confederate marines, and they were proceeding toward the Nottoway river to make a circuit, approach James river far below City Point, board and seize upon a Federal ram, and then steam up the James, and destroy Grant's fleet of transports at City Point. This excellent scheme was thoroughly arranged; the torpedoe
Hatcher's Run (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.47
nder his army. Grant had exhibited a persistence which amounted to genius; and the Federal lines had been pushed from the Jerusalem to the Weldon road, from the Weldon to the Vaughan and Squirrel Level roads, and thence still westward beyond Hatcher's Run, toward the White Oak road, running through the now well-known locality of Five Forks. On the western bank of the run, near Burgess's Mill, General Lee's extreme right confronted the enemy, barring his further advance. The Confederate ripply forage; the cavalry horses must go to Hicksford or starve. Such was the explanation of the fact that General Lee's right was guarded only by a small regiment or two of horse, on picket. Such was the situation. Grant on the banks of Hatcher's Run; the Rowanty almost unguarded; the path open for cavalry to the Southside road; Five Forks, and the retreat of the Confederate army, looming in the distance. The passionate struggle which had for four years drawn to the great arena the eyes
Stony Creek (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.47
iring; was now at Kirby's, and soon would be at Dinwiddie Court-House. This was not eminently agreeable to myself personally. Kirby's was on the only road to Petersburg, except by way of Malone's — for the time rendered impracticable-and to reach my journey's end it seemed necessary to make the circuit by Dinwiddie Court-House. To attempt the road by Kirby's was certain capture; and in an undoubted bad humour the solitary horseman, as Mr. James would say, turned to the left, crossed Stony Creek, struck into the Flat foot road, and in due time drew near Roney's bridge, on the upper waters of the stream, near Dinwiddie. Within a quarter of a mile of the stream a soldier made his appearance, coming to meet me, and this individual informed me with the politest possible salute that I had better look out, as the Yankees were at the bridge. At the bridge! Where? At Roney's bridge, just in front, sir. This was the unkindest cut of all. I had made a wearisome circuit, reached
West Point (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.47
gram I knew was on Gordon's extreme right. Not finding General Gordon, I had been requested by General Lee to communicate with Pegram. His headquarters were near the junction of the Boydton and Quaker roads; and having turned over the cavalry detachment to Colonel Phillips, I entered the old wooden building and found General John Pegram. This gallant young officer had been my school-fellow and intimate friend in boyhood; and I had seen him every day almost until his departure for West Point. After graduating there he had entered the cavalry, served on the prairies, and in 1861 returned to offer his sword to Virginia, where he was received in a manner highly flattering, and placed in command of the forces near Rich Mountain. The unfortunate result of that campaign is known, and the proud and sensitive spirit of the young soldier was deeply wounded. In spite of the assurances of brave and skilful soldiers that the issue there was unavoidable, considering the great force brou
Virginia (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.47
gram. His headquarters were near the junction of the Boydton and Quaker roads; and having turned over the cavalry detachment to Colonel Phillips, I entered the old wooden building and found General John Pegram. This gallant young officer had been my school-fellow and intimate friend in boyhood; and I had seen him every day almost until his departure for West Point. After graduating there he had entered the cavalry, served on the prairies, and in 1861 returned to offer his sword to Virginia, where he was received in a manner highly flattering, and placed in command of the forces near Rich Mountain. The unfortunate result of that campaign is known, and the proud and sensitive spirit of the young soldier was deeply wounded. In spite of the assurances of brave and skilful soldiers that the issue there was unavoidable, considering the great force brought against him, he persisted in brooding over it. It would always be known as Pegram's surrender, he said. It was soon forgotte
City Point (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 5.47
but he finally decided to approach, and did so. Then the mystery was quickly solved. The men in blue were a battalion of Confederate marines, and they were proceeding toward the Nottoway river to make a circuit, approach James river far below City Point, board and seize upon a Federal ram, and then steam up the James, and destroy Grant's fleet of transports at City Point. This excellent scheme was thoroughly arranged; the torpedoes to be used were hidden in the woods of Nottoway ready for theCity Point. This excellent scheme was thoroughly arranged; the torpedoes to be used were hidden in the woods of Nottoway ready for the party, when a deserter went over and informed the enemy, in consequence of which the expedition was abandoned. We have seen how, by a singular chance, the battalion set out on its march, armed and prepared, the very day that the enemy's cavalry crossed the Rowanty. More singular still, they passed along in rear of the Federal cavalry without discovering them or being discovered. This, all things considered, was one of the most curious events of the war; as the scheme proposed for the dest
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