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to which a woman is clinging, the whole surrounded by a wreath of rice, cotton, tobacco, and sugar cane; above, "seal of the Confederate States of America," and beneath, the motto "Pro aris et focis." This substitute was agreed to. Mr. Barksdale, of Miss, moved a suspension of the rules, with a view to allow him to report the Senate bill to amend an act in regard to public printing, which was considered and adopted. Mr. Kenner, from Committee of Ways and Means, reported back Hous 10. Mr. Russell, of Va, called for the special order of the day, viz: A bill to repress atrocities of the enemy. Mr. Foote moved to substitute the report made by the Committee of Foreign Affairs yesterday on the same subject. Mr. Barksdale moved to substitute the minority report from the same committee. The bill and substitutes were next read, and the House decided to take a recess until 7½ o'clock P. M. Evening Session.--The Chair laid before the House a communicatio
hy of Yankeedom. --We are informed by Capt. R. M. Booker, Assistant Provost Marshal, of the following piece of rascality perpetrated by four men on another, which as it has often had its counterpart, may deserve relating: The parties alluded to, named A. S. Hazzle, H Hurdle, and Jas. A. Minor, of North Carolina, and P J Corbin, residing near Danville, Va., persuaded a soft headed member of the 6th North Carolina, named James P. Hopkine, to desert and sell himself as a substitute in Captain Barksdale's company, connected with Wise's brigade. They gave him $300, part of the $1,500 they had obtained, and promised $500 more; making an appointment to meet him on Saturday night last at the Columbian tavern, to pay him the balance of the money. A part of the programme was for him to join his old regiment after be deserted from Captain Barkedale's company. On Saturday night Hopkin's left Barkadale's men and made his way towards Richmond, according to appointment with the parties who ha
James Ellett, of Crenshaw's battery, was killed this morning while placing a section of his battery in position. His body will be sent down this evening. Major Brockenbrough, Chief of Artillery of 1st Division, Jackson's corps, was severely wounded in the hand. Several others were wounded whose named have not been ascertained. The wounded. The following is a list of the wounded men brought to this city on Friday and Saturday evenings. As will be seen, nearly all of them are of Barksdale's Brigade, which is said to have sustained the brunt of the heavy skirmishing of Thursday and Friday: Lt J J Accostar, co I, 8th Fla; J A Hoppy, co G, 34 N C; C C Cauthorn, co G, 18th Miss; G H Lebrane, do, do; W F Bally, co H, 13th Miss; Sgt J M Carnwell, co A, 13th Miss; W Penn, co D, 18th Miss; S T Bruton, co D, 17th Miss; J M Black, co H, 51st Va. J W Thompson, co H, 13th Miss; J D Dewoty, co D, 13th Miss; H J Hurley, co C, 17th Miss; J J Gordon, co K, 17th Miss; T Saunders, co C,
The Daily Dispatch: December 22, 1862., [Electronic resource], Interesting account of the battle of Fredericksburg. (search)
, shoes, canteens, and oil-cloths were in abundance. Not a vestige of a live Yankee was to be seen, and from many hearts went up thanksgiving to God for the victory and for His mercy in sparing our lives. This, as Gen. Featherstone remarked, is the first time we have fought the Yankees behind fortifications. I speak of our brigade, and the result shows that our old success attends us. We have saved more small arms than at any other former time, and our victory is a decided one. Barksdale's brigade made itself conspicuous in the beginning of the action, and I learn that it suffered severely. Among the noteworthy incidents is the fact that when Gen. Featherstone sent to Col. Posey, of the 16th, then in the advance position, desiring to know if he wished to be relieved, as he had been on picket 24 hours, the reply was, "Tell Gen. Featherstone that we will remain here, if necessary, until relieved by the squad who come to bury us." I send herewith an accurate list of the kil
Fifty dollars reward. --Runaway from the subscriber, about the 1st of November last my negro man Charles. The above reward will be paid to any one who will deliver him to me, on my plantation in Ralifox county, near Barksdale's Dener, on the Richmond and Deaville railroad, or confine him in some county jail so that I can get him. He is about 5 feet 11 inches high, gingerbread color, usually wears his hair plation, and when not plaited has a full head of hair. He was bought county from Col. James W Twyman, of Madison county Va. and it is believed he is making his way to his old neighborhood. My post office in Whitlock, Halifax, Va. no 26--1s Clement R. Daeksdale.
Fifty Dollars reward. --Ranaway from the subscriber, about the 1st of November last, my negro man Charles. The above reward will be paid to any one who will deliver him to me, on my plantation in Halifax county, near Barksdale's Depot, on the Richmond and Danville railroad, or country him in some county jail so that I can get him. He is about 5 feet 11 inches high, ginger-bread color; usually wears his hair plaited, and when not plaited has a full head of hair. He was bought recently from Col. James W. Twyman, of Madison county, Va., and it is believed he is making his way to his old neighborhood. My post-offices in Whitlock, Halifax, Va. Clement H, Barksdale. no 25--ts
Fires --About two o'clock yesterday morning a fire was observed making rapid headway in the barrel factory formerly attached to the new mill of Warwick and Barksdale, located on the extension of 12th street, leading over the canal connecting the Basin and Dock. Owing to the combustible nature of the materials of which the building was compassed it was soon in a light blaze, and defied all the efforts of the fire brigade and citizens who had assembled, on the sounding of the alarm, to put it out. In about thirty minutes the barrel factory, with all its appurtenances of a wooden nature, had been recused to asher, and floated down the millrace which passed underneath it. The factory had just been rented by the owners to a company engaged in the manufacture of chairs, who were about taking possession of the premises. The building adjourned one end of the Shockoe Warehouse, the window sills of which were fired by the intense heat, but no damage scorned to the tobacco stored therein
in advocacy of his motion. Objection was urged to the Committee's bill by Messrs, Staples and Preston of Va., Foots of Tennessee, and Curry of Ala., upon various grounds. They opposed it because it forced ministers of the Gospel into the military service; became it violated the contract of the Government with the various denominations of Christians who had paid their money into the Treasury upon the faith of the exemption bill heretofore passed, because it placed a legislative power in the Executive Department of the Government. They maintained that it was the duty of Congress to declare who should go into the army, and who should be exempt. Mr. Curry desired a repeal of that clause in the present exemption bill which discriminated in favor of slaveholders and their overseers. Mr. Barksdale, of Miss., earnestly supported the bill of the Committee. At a quarter before 4 o'clock the House, without disposing of the question, adjourned to meet at 12 o'clock to-morrow.
terest. Mr. Dupre, of La., introduced a bill relating to the subsistence of officers and enlisted men. Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. Mr. Barksdale, of Miss., introduced a bill to provide for compensation to persons employed by commanding Generals as Provost Marshals from civil life. Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. Mr. Barksdale introduced the following bill to suspend the writ of habeas corpus: The Congress of the Confederate States do enact. That during the present invasion of the Confederate states the President shall have power to suspend the operation of the writ of habeas corpus in any town, city, or can be speedily tried in due course of law. Sec 3 This act shall continue in force for thirty days after the next meeting of Congress, and no longer. Mr. Barksdale moved a suspension of the rule, for the purpose of putting the bill upon its passage. Lost for the want of a two-thirds vote; and the bill was referred to the
General Assembly of Virginia. Saturday, March 7, 1863. Senate.--The President, the Lieutenant Governor, called the body to order at 11 A. M. A message from the House communicated certain bills, one of which authorizing Banks to increase their contingent funds, was taken up and passed, the rules being suspended for the that purpose. The President laid before the Senate a communication transmitting a letter from Messrs., Warwick & Barksdale, of the Gallego Flouring Mills, concerning the late impressment of their flour by the Confederate Government, calling upon the Executive to furnish them with an armed force to protect them in their rights and property. The Governor's reply is also transmitted. He styles the acts complained of as oppressive, and committed without lawful authority, and recommends suits for damaged against the officers committing and ordering them, and says, "Where legal remedies can be used, it is always better to resort to them for redress for gr
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