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N. P. Banks 730 0 Browse Search
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with which he was driving home the load in his Belgian rifle; while the fourth, with clenched lips, retained in his mouth the little portion of the cartridge he had just bitten off. The faces of the victims even still expressed the emotions which animated them in battle — indifference, hope, terror, triumph, rage, were there depicted, but no traces of the suffering which should be caused by the death-pang. They had passed into eternity unconscious of the shaft that sent them there! Wednesday, July 2.--The severe struggle of Tuesday, had given the main body of McClellan's army ample time to reach the much coveted positions in the neighborhood of Berkeley and Westover, on the James River, where, availing themselves of the strong natural defences of the place, and under cover of their gunboats, they were relieved from the apprehensions of an immediate attack. In this situation of affairs, a description of the locality and topographical features of the enemy's selected place of refug
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