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ust have a nucleus of 6,000 picked troops. I have not so many; yet I have destroyed three armies, captured 40,000 prisoners, taken 200 pieces of artillery, and thrice saved the capital. The enemy are in full flight upon Troyes? Be before them. Act no longer as of late. Resume the method and spirit of ‘98. When Frenchmen see your plume waving in the van, and you, first of all, exposed to the enemy's fire, you will do with them whatever you will. At length, when the beautiful month of October, during which the roads were perfect, had nearly passed by, and Lee's army was thoroughly rested, supplied, re-enforced, and his communications with Richmond were re-established, McClellan's advance began to cross the Potomac, on a pontoon-bridge at Berlin, Oct. 26, 1862. and on the 2d of November he announced that his whole army was once more in Virginia, prepared to move southward on the east side of the Blue Ridge, instead of pursuing Lee up the Shenandoah Valley; on its western side.
January 26th, 1868 AD (search for this): chapter 19
r. Lincoln was perplexed. He appreciated the patriotism and soldierly qualities of Burnside, yet he could not consent to the suspension or dismissal of the officers named, even had there been greater personal provocation. He talked with Burnside as a friend and brother, and it was finally arranged that the General should be relieved of the command of the Army of the Potomac, and await orders for further service. This was done, and Major-General Hooker succeeded him in the command. January 26, 1868. By the order relieving Burnside from the command, Franklin was also relieved. See also was General Sumner, at his own request. He soon afterward died, at Syracuse, New York. The arrangement made at that time, whereby the country might be best served, was highly creditable to the President and to General Burnside. Here we will leave the Army of the Potomac in winter quarters on the Rappahannock, and consider the stirring events in the great Valley of the Mississippi since the sie
ps remained in Washington until the 12th, and did not join the army until it reached the vicinity of Sharpsburg. General Hunt was made Chief of Artillery, and General Pleasanton commanded the cavalry division. Great caution was necessary, for the real intentions of Lee were unknown. Fortunately, these were discovered on the 13th, when McClellan's advance entered Frederick, after a brisk skirmish with the Confederate rear-guard, and found there a copy of Lee's general order issued on the 9th. It revealed the fact that he was not to make a direct movement against Washington or Baltimore, so long as McClellan lay between him and the two cities; but so soon as he could draw him toward the Susquehanna by menacing Pennsylvania, and thus take him away from his supplies, he might attack and cripple him, and then march upon one or both of those cities. To accomplish this he designed to take possession of Harper's Ferry (which he believed would be evacuated on his crossing the Potomac)
June, 1866 AD (search for this): chapter 19
ters in rifle-pits in front of his bridges, near the mouth of Deep Run. These he soon dislodged, and by noon his bridges were ready for use. The above view of the place where Franklin's pontoons were laid is from a sketch made by the author in June, 1866, from the right bank of the river, and nearly opposite the site of the residence of Washington, when he was a boy. For a picture of that residence, see Lossing's Field Book of the Revolution, II. 219. The river here is much wider than in frontd the Twenty-fourth North Carolina were stationed, protected by a stone wall. The little picture on page 491 shows the appearance at this point on a road at the foot of Marye's Hill, and just below his mansion, when the writer sketched it in June, 1866. The stone wall is on the City side of the road on which the Confederates were posted. The tents of a burial-party, encamped nearer the Rappahannock at the time, are seen in the distance. The immediate care of this important point was intrust
ection, he moved in heavy force and pushed the Army of Virginia across the Rappahannock before the other great army lent it any aid; and now, at the beginning of September, he saw both armies which had threatened him, shattered and disordered behind the strong fortifications of the National capital, where McClellan concentrated theand falls into the Potomac six miles above Harper's Ferry. When McClellan observed the Confederates retreating from South Mountain, on the morning of the 15th, Sept. he ordered his whole army forward in pursuit. Lee's plans were thwarted, and he found himself compelled to fight; and with the troops in hand that morning he madethe Confederates opened their artillery upon them, and received some sharp responses. This was the sum of the conflict on the 15th. On the morning of the 16th Sept. both armies were actively preparing for battle. The bulk of the Confederate forces, under Longstreet and D. H. Hill, stood along the range of heights between Shar
the field at once, or all would be lost. Accordingly the loyal Governors of eighteen States signed a request that the President should immediately take measures for largely increasing the effective force in the field. He had already, by a call on the 1st of June, drawn forty thousand men, for three months, from Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. In compliance with a request of the governors, he called for three hundred thousand volunteers for the war, on the 1st of July; and on the 9th of August, when Pope was struggling with Jackson near the Rapid Anna, he called for three hundred thousand men for nine months, with the understanding that an equal number of men would be drafted from the great body of the citizens who were over eighteen and less. than forty-five years of age, if they did not appear as volunteers. These calls met with a hearty response, and very soon men were seen flocking to the standard of the Republic by thousands. The Conspirators
y of liberators. Barbara Frietchie. McClellan was informed of Lee's movement on the morning of the 3d, and immediately put his troops in motion to meet the threatened peril. His army was thrown into Maryland north of Washington, and on the 7th, leaving General Banks in command at the National capital, he hastened to the field, making his Headquarters that night with the Sixth Corps at Rockville. His army, composed of his own and the forces of Pope and Burnside, numbered a little more thausted, and on the 5th of November an order was issued from the War Department relieving him of his command, and putting General Burnside in his place. This order, borne by General Buckingham, was received by McClellan late in the evening of the 7th, at which time Burnside was in the tent of the chief. Twice before, the command of that army had been offered to Burnside, who came from North Carolina with the prestige of a successful leader. He had modestly declined it, because he felt hims
d the tread of marching feet. All day long that free flag tost Over the heads of the rebel host. Barbara Frietchie's House. Lee lost more men in Maryland by desertion than he gained by his proclamation. Had there been nothing repulsive in the work to which they were invited, the filthy and wretched condition of Lee's troops would have made the citizens of Maryland scornful of such an army of liberators. Barbara Frietchie. McClellan was informed of Lee's movement on the morning of the 3d, and immediately put his troops in motion to meet the threatened peril. His army was thrown into Maryland north of Washington, and on the 7th, leaving General Banks in command at the National capital, he hastened to the field, making his Headquarters that night with the Sixth Corps at Rockville. His army, composed of his own and the forces of Pope and Burnside, numbered a little more than eighty-seven thousand effective men. It advanced slowly toward Frederick by five parallel roads, and was
asted of a great victory, in terms wholly irreconcilable with truth and candor. In a General Order on the 21st, congratulating his troops on their success in repelling the National army, he said the latter had given battle in its own time, and on ground of its own selection I Also, that less than 20,000 Confederates had been engaged in the battle, and that those who had advanced in full confidence of victory, made their escape from entire destruction their boast. His own report, given in March the following year, and those of his subordinates, refute these statements. Lee, as we shall observe from time to time, was adroit in the use of pious frauds of this kind, by which his own lack of that military genius which wins solid victories was artfully concealed from all but his more able subordinates. The disaster at Fredericksburg touched Burnside's reputation as a judicious leader very severely, and for a while he was under a cloud. Prompted by that noble generosity of his natu
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