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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Pocahontas. (search)
Pocahontas. When Capt. John Smith was on trial before Powhatan, two of the emperor's daughters occupied made a conspicuous figure in Virginia history. When Smith was brought before Powhatan, the scene that ensued wo large stones were brought before the emperor, when Smith was dragged to them, his arms were pinioned, and histas, the Pocahontas. king's dearest daughter, who, Smith says in his narrative, was sixteen or Pocahontas saving the life of John Smith. eighteen years old, sprang from her father's side, clasped the prisoner's headatan yielded to his daughter, and consented to spare Smith, who was released and sent with an Indian escort to left her father's cabin, sped to Jamestown, informed Smith of the danger, and was back to her couch before the Indian princess with great affection; and yet, when Smith had left the colony, and the Indians, offended, woul subjects dared marry a lady of royal blood! And Captain Smith, for fear of displeasing t h e royal bigot, woul
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), State of Rhode Island, (search)
chinson, April 30, 1639 William Coddington March 12, 1640 Newport. William Coddington April 28, 1639-47 Presidents under the patent Providence, Warwick, Portsmouth, and Newport John CoggeshallMay, 1647 William Coddington May, 1648 John SmithMay, 1649 Nicholas Easton May 1650 Providence and Warwick. Samuel Gorton Oct., 1651 John Smith May, 1652 Gregory Dexter May, 1653 Portsmouth and Newport John Sanford, SrMay. 1653 Four towns United Nicholas Easton May, 1654 RogerJohn Smith May, 1652 Gregory Dexter May, 1653 Portsmouth and Newport John Sanford, SrMay. 1653 Four towns United Nicholas Easton May, 1654 Roger WilliamsSept., 1654 Benedict Arnold May, 1657 William BrentonMay, 1660 Benedict Arnold May. 1662 Governors under Royal charter. Benedict Arnold Nov., 1663 William Brenton May, 1666 Benedict Arnold May 1669 Nicholas EastonMay 1672 William CoddingtonMay 1674 Walter Clarke May 1676 Benedict ArnoldMay 1677 William Coddington Aug. 28, 1678 John Cranston Nov. 1678 Peleg Sandford March 16, 1680 William Coddington, Jr. May, 1683 Henry BullMay 1685 Walter Clarke May 1686 Henry Bull F
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Smith, John 1579-1632 (search)
any captain of the besieging army to combat. Smith was chosen by lot to accept it. They fought inolled in the dust. The combat ended, and when Smith was ennobled he had upon his coat of arms, in s. He was sent by her to her brother in the Smith's coat of arms. Crimea, with a letter avowing a skirmish with the Indians, and that night Smith's escape from slavery. the box was opened, when it was discovered that Smith was one of the council. But he was rejected. After resting at Pas proven, Wingfield withdrew the charges, and Smith took his seat in the council, when that body demanded that the president should pay Smith £ 200 for false imprisonment. All of Wingfield's prope Soon afterwards Newport came again with sup- Smith's meeting with Powhatan. Smith subduing Powxpect much in return. But the threat assisted Smith in exercising discipline and enforcing rules endship, had conspired against the colonists. Smith, upon discovering the chief's treachery, arran[22 more...]
oc River......1607 Discouraged by the death of George Popham, and the burning of their storehouse, they return to England in the spring of......1608 Two French Jesuits, Biard and Masse, with several families, settle on Mount Desert Island......1609 Twenty-five French colonists land on Mount Desert Island and found a settlement called St. Saviour......March, 1613 [They were soon expelled by the English from Virginia under Captain Argal as trespassers on English territory.] Capt. John Smith arrives at Monhegan from England. Building seven boats, he explores the coast from Penobscot to Cape Cod, and makes a map of it, to which Prince Charles assigned the name of New England......April, 1614 War, famine, and pestilence depopulate the Indian territories in Maine during the years......1615-18 Plymouth Company receives a new patent to lands between 40° and 48°, and in length by the same breadth throughout the mainland from sea to sea ......Nov. 3, 1620 Gorges and Capt
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Maryland, (search)
east it is bounded by Delaware and the Atlantic Ocean. It is limited in latitude by 37° 53′ to 39° 42′ N., the northern limit being the famous Mason and Dixon line, marking its division from Pennsylvania. In longitude it is limited by 75° 2′ to 79° 30′ W. Area, 12,210 square miles, in twenty-four counties. Population, 1890, 1,042,390; 1900, 1,188,044. Capital, Annapolis. Maryland is included in the grant of King James of England to the South Virginia colony......April 10, 1606 Capt. John Smith leaves Jamestown to explore the Chesapeake Bay, and discovers the mouths of the Susquehanna, Northeast, Elk, and Sassafras rivers at its head......July-August, 1608 Maryland included in the second charter to Virginia, which covered land from Point Comfort along the coast north for 200 miles, and south the same distance, and from sea to sea (Atlantic to the Pacific)......May 23, 1609 Royal license given to William Claiborne, one of the council and secretary of state of the col
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Massachusetts (search)
ngel, explores the coast of Massachusetts and Maine, also the Penobscot and Kennebec rivers......1605 Henry Hudson discovers the Hudson River......1609 Capt. John Smith explores the coast from the Penobscot River to Cape Cod, and names the country New England......1614 Capt. John Smith publishes his Description of New EngCapt. John Smith publishes his Description of New England, to invite permanent settlements there......1616 A disease among the Indians nearly depopulates the New England coast......1616-18 Great patent of New England passes the seals......Nov. 3, 1620 [This patent, which has scarcely a parallel in the history of the world, covered a territory extending from 40° to 48° of naid to be deposited there; they are met by a party of militia, but no collision takes place......Feb. 26, 1775 British troops, about 800 strong, under Lieutenant-Colonel Smith, start towards Concord about 10 P. M.......April 18, 1775 Paul Revere's ride to notify the country of the march of the British troops towards Concord,
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), New Hampshire, (search)
n the west, from which it is separated by the Connecticut River. Quebec bounds it on the north and Massachusetts on the south. The Atlantic, on the southeast corner, forms a coast-line of 18 miles, affording a good harbor at Portsmouth. Area, 9,305 square miles, in ten counties. Population, 1890, 376,530; 1900, 411,588. Capital, Concord. New Hampshire formed a part of the grant to the colonies of Virginia and Plymouth, extending from lat. 34° to lat. 45° N.......April 10, 1606 Capt. John Smith, ranging the shore of New England, explores the harbor of Piscataqua......1614 Ferdinando Gorges and Capt. John Mason, members of the Plymouth council, obtain a joint grant of the province of Laconia, comprising all the land between the Merrimac River, the Great Lakes, and river of Canada......Aug. 10, 1622 Gorges and Mason establish a settlement at the mouth of the Piscataqua, calling the place Little Harbor, and another settlement, 8 miles farther up the river, Dover......1623
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Rhode Island, (search)
wns of Providence, Portsmouth, and Newport, for incorporation of Providence Plantations in Narraganset Bay......March 14, 1643 General Court changes the name of Aquedneck to the Isles of Rhodes or Rhode Island......March 13, 1644 Grant to John Smith to establish a grist-mill above Mill Bridge in Providence, the first in Rhode Island......1646 Committees from Providence, Portsmouth, Newport, and Warwick at Portsmouth, adopt the charter of 1643, choose John Coggeshall president of the c their charter, and Dr. John Clarke, agent of Portsmouth and Newport, to obtain a repeal of Coddington's commission, sail for England......October, 1651 Island towns submit to Coddington, but the mainland towns, in legislative session, elect John Smith president, and appoint other officers. They enact that no man, negro or white, shall be held to service more than ten years after coming into the colony......May, 1652 General Assembly in Providence passes a libel law, also an alien law; no
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Vermont, (search)
ridge appointed by deputies of Bennington at Manchester, Oct. 21, to petition the King to confirm their grants from New Hampshire......Oct. 21, 1772 Green Mountain Boys visit Durham (Clarendon) twice, armed and with threats, to compel the inhabitants to acknowledge the New Hampshire title......October-November, 1773 Governor Tryon, of New York, by proclamation, commands Ethan Allen, Seth Warner, Remember Baker, Robert Cochran, Peleg Sunderland, Silvanus Brown, James Breakenridge, and John Smith to surrender within thirty days, offering £ 150 for capture of Allen, and £ 50 each for capture of the others......March 9, 1774 Convention at Manchester resolves that whoever takes a commission of the peace from New York will be deemed an enemy to his country and the common cause......April 12-13, 1774 Benjamin Hough, an inhabitant of New Hampshire Grants, favoring New York, procures a commission as justice of the peace. He is found guilty of violating the resolution of April, 17
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Virginia, (search)
d John Ratcliffe chosen president, whose incompetence gives the control to Capt. John Smith during the autumn of......1607 Capt. John Smith, in exploring the ChickCapt. John Smith, in exploring the Chickahominy, is attacked by Indians and captured; his companions killed......December, 1607 Condemned to death by Powhatan, he is saved by his daughter Pocahontas.....ipload of worthless earth, supposed to contain gold......April 10, 1608 Capt. John Smith explores the region of the Chesapeake Bay, nearly 3,000 square miles, as frants, among them two women, the first in this colony......September, 1608 Smith returns to Jamestown......Sept. 7, 1608 He is made president of the council......Sept. 10, 1608 Smith compels the colonists to labor six hours each day......1608-9 New charter granted the London Company under the title of Adventurers ane, and a few horses, sail from England for Virginia......June 12, 1609 Capt. John Smith, disabled by an explosion of gunpowder, embarks for England about......Sep
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