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Dashing affair in Rockingham. From unquestionable sources and positive information, we have received particulars of a brilliant brush which took place in Rockingham between some companies of the 7th Louisiana, under Col. Harry Hays, and a large force of Indianian, resulting in the total rout of the latter, with many killed and wounded. The 7th and 8th Louisiana (Gen. Taylor, Ewell's division,) being camped some eight or ten miles from Swift Ron Gap, two companies of the 7th and one of theRockingham between some companies of the 7th Louisiana, under Col. Harry Hays, and a large force of Indianian, resulting in the total rout of the latter, with many killed and wounded. The 7th and 8th Louisiana (Gen. Taylor, Ewell's division,) being camped some eight or ten miles from Swift Ron Gap, two companies of the 7th and one of the 8th, under Maj. D. B. Penn, with one field piece were ordered out on a scout to look after the enemy, reported to be prowling in the rear near the Shenandoah, and in force. Taking the mountain road, and proceeding some distance without meeting with an enemy, heavy firing was heard in the direction of the river. The fusillade was perfectly audible in camp, and supposing Major Penn to be engaging the enemy, Colonel Hays sallied forth with the rest of the 7th and an additional piece of Bowyor's
Deserters from the Federal army. --The Rockingham (Va.) Register says a number of deserters from the ranks and within the lines of the enemy, have arrived at Gen. Robertson's headquarters in the last few weeks. Most of them were Virginians, who had been "forced" to volunteer in the Federal army. Others are the straight-out Yankee. The Register says: In one case we saw a captain who had concluded to quit Lincoln and a bad cause, and come "down South to Dixie." He was a fine-looking fellow, well dressed, and seemed to be a man of intelligence. He was not only tired of fighting against the people of the South, but stated that he agreed with us in principle, and would rather occupy our platform than the one he had just abandoned.
rter Braxton, Hanover, 4 pairs socks. Dr W P Mosely, Buckingham, bandages, &c. Ladies of Nottoway, pillow, shirts, drawers, &c. Ladies of Mossingford Depot, coop of chickens, and bbl meal. Sh S A Lociety, green peas, and cordial, black berry vinegar, ham, &c. Mrs John E Perkinson, Amelia, biscuit, roast and fried chicken. From--, bbl ice. Mrs Dr Walker, Taylor, Bransford, and other ladies of Chesterfield, box eggs, bread, biscuit, &c. Some Ladies of Rockingham, coop of chickens. From--, one box hospital supplies. From--, box ice. E T Jeffress, Nottoway, lambs, onions, green peas, &c. Ladies of Betria Church, Chesterfield, through Miss Kate Cox, 24 pillows, 24 shirts, drawers, pants, socks, comforts, cotton and linen rags, &c. Mrs Martha E Ward, Nottoway, bread, biscuit, crackers, bandages, rags, and feathers. C Barksdale, Mattoax Depot, shirts, old linen, butter, biscuit, 11 dozen eggs, and hominy. Mrs M A Fowi
his State, and what legislation, if any, is necessary to belts provide for their wants. A message was received from the Senate, announcing the passage of a joint resolution referring that portion of the Governor's Message relating to salt to a joint committee. The resolution was taken up and agreed to, and the following committee was appointed to confer with the committee from the Senate: Messrs. Barbour, McCamant, Magruders Baskerville, Prince, Anderson of Rockbridge, and Hopkins of Rockingham. On motion of Mr. Anderson, of Botetourt, it was. Resolved, That the Military Committee ascertain and report how many troops have been raised under the act of the last session authorizing the raising of 10,000 men, and what expenses have been incurred by the raining and organizing of the The Speaker laid before the House a communication from the Governor, accompanied by a letter from Hon. T. S. Bucock, Speaker of the House of Representatives, containing a report of the Commi
ice 75, So there was no election. Mr. Ward, of Frederick, nominated John B. Floyd. Mr. Evans spoke in behalf of Mr. Caperton, and Mr. Edmunds in favor of Mr. Russell, when the Senate was informed of the nomination of Mr. Floyd, and the eighteenth ballot was taken, resulting: Russell, 54; Caperton, 43; Floyd, 24. Joint vote, Caperton, 67; Russell, 5 ; Floyd, 3; whole number, 147, necessary to a choice 75. There being no choice, the name of Floyd was dropped. Mr. Gratton, of Rockingham put in nomination John Randolph Tucker, of Frederick, Mr. Creckott, Mr. Lyms, Mr. Hunter, and Mr. Hophins spoke in favor of the nomination. The nomination of Mr. Tucker having been communicated to the Senate by Mr. Gratton, the House proceeded with the 19th ballot with the following result: Caperton, 55, Russell, 19; Tucker, 32, scattering, , Joint vote — Caperton, 7; Tucker, 33; Russell, 34; scattering, 8. Whole number, 149, necessary to a choice, 75. There still being no election,
g a sum of money for the relief of those soldiers now in the public service who come from sections of country held by the enemy; by Mr. Lockridge, of repealing an act relative to free negroes in the Penitentiary; by Mr. Magruder, of repeating certain sections of the Code of Virginia relative to aliens holding and disposing of land. Mr. Harrison submitted the following resolution, which was agreed to: Resolved, That the Committee on Confederate Relations take into consideration the power claimed or exercised by Provost Marshals, in arresting and imprisoning, citizens of the Commonwealth, and that they inquire into the expediency of passing some law restraining these officials within the bounds of their proper duties. Several petitions were presented and appropriately referred, among them one by Mr. Hopkins, from citizens of Rockingham, asking that that county be exempt from furnishing slaves to work upon fortifications. On motion of Mr. Prince, the House adjourned.
There is plenty of meat in the country.--About a week since the people of Rockingham, Va., were threatened with an invasion by the Yankees, when the citizens drove 5,000 head of cattle from the county, and as many more were left. There is no danger of starvation.
the House the Speaker submitted a communication from the Governor, having reference to the application from Lieutenant-General Ewell in respect to sundry persons sentenced by military courts. Quite a number of resolutions of inquiry were offered, among which the following are the most important: By Mr. Haymond, of Marion — Of so amending the laws concerning aliens as to make their position less desirable as property owners than their position as non-combatants. By Mr. Harris, of Rockingham — Of so amending the tax law of the State as to make all the issues of Confederate notes receivable in payment of taxes. By Mr. Woodley, of Upshur — Of inquiring into the expediency of opening a correspondence with other State Governments with a view to the establishment of a currency of State Treasury notes, by which Confederate Treasury notes shall be absorbed and superceded as a circulating medium. By Mr. James, of Botetourt — Of inquiring into the expediency of confiscating the prop
Justice inquire into the expediency of adopting such legislation as will suppress extortion and speculation; by Mr. Johnston, a joint resolution to authorize the Auditor of Public Accounts to receive from the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad Company the sum of $1,000,000, loaned to the Board of Public Works for the use of said company by act of Assembly, on the 9th day of February, 1863. In the House a number of resolutions were offered, among them the following: By Mr. Walker, of Rockingham — That the Committee of Courts of Justice inquire into the expediency of passing a law prohibiting the sale of property, either real or personal, by persons who may have gone, or who may intend to remove from this State to the United States to avoid the operations of the conscript or militia law, and to provide for the sequestrations or confiscation of such property, under proper restrictions. By Mr. Miller--That the Committee on Confederate Relations inquire into the expediency of adopti
h, without being read, was referred to the Committee on Penitentiary. The resolutions of inquiry offered were numerous, among them the following: By Mr. Lundy--Of giving to county and corporation Courts the power of impressing articles purchased for purposes of speculation, for the benefit of the indigent poor, at prices paid by the Confederate Government. By Mr. Worsham--Of exempting-from the license tax distillers of ardent spirits from molasses, cane or sorghum. By Mr. Walker, of Rockingham — Of inquiring into the expediency of selling the slave convicts in the State Penitentiary. By Mr. English--Of ascertaining the rates of toll on the York river railroad. By Mr. Haymond, of Braxton — Of enrolling the officers and students of educational institutions exempt from conscription into separate companies, so that they may be drilled and officered by members of said institutions. By Mr. Saunders, of Richmond — Of providing for the support of persons driven from their homes by th<
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