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Pleasant Valley (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
westward of the pass. Crampton's Gap was a similar pass, and opened into Pleasant Valley, back of Maryland Heights, a few miles from Harper's Ferry.), and to send s, at noon on the 14th, Sept. 1862. on the road leading to Rohersville in Pleasant Valley, back of Maryland Heights, with a fine body of troops from New York, New Jward, and soon commenced skirmishing, McLaws and Anderson had evacuated Pleasant Valley on the day when Jackson captured Martinsburg. McLaws at once ordered Kers in such peril that the victory seemed like a snare. Franklin's advent in Pleasant Valley on the morning of the 15th was a specter that appalled him. The severance sures to concentrate it. He withdrew his troops from South Mountain across Pleasant Valley and Elk Ridge, and took position in the Antietam Valley, in the vicinity onant Benjamin. Franklin's corps and Couch's division were farther down in Pleasant Valley, near Brownsville, and Morrell's division of Porter's corps was approachin
Ripley (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
osition of importance; but Sumner thought the movement would be too hazardous, and he was restrained. Meanwhile the divisions of French and Richardson had been busy. The former, with the brigades of Weber, Kimball, and Morris (the latter raw troops), pushed on toward the center, Weber leading; and while he was fighting hotly, French received orders from Sumner to press on vigorously and make a diversion in favor of the right. After a severe contest with the brigades of Hill (Colquitt's, Ripley's, and McRae's) not engaged with Jackson, the Confederates were pressed back to a sunken road in much disorder. In the mean time the division of Richardson, composed of the brigades of Meagher, Caldwell, and Brooks, which crossed the Antietam between nine and ten o'clock, moved forward to the attack on French's left. Right gallantly did Meagher fight his way up to the crest of a hill overlooking the Confederates at the sunken road, suffering dreadfully from a tempest of bullets; and when h
Wade Hampton (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
lace himself in position to co-operate with Longstreet. A little later both he and Longstreet were ordered to Fredericksburg, when the division of D. The. Hill was sent to Port Royal to oppose the passage of gun-boats, which had appeared there. The rest of Jackson's division was disposed so as to support Hill. The cavalry brigade of General W. H. F. Lee was stationed near Port Royal, and the fords of the Rappahannock above Fredericksburg were closely watched. On the 28th of November, Wade Hampton crossed and made a reconnaissance as far as Dumfries and Occoquan, and captured two hundred Nationals and some wagons; and at about the same time a part of Beales's regiment of Lee's brigade dashed across the Rappahannock in boats, below Port Royal, and captured some prisoners. Hill and some of Stuart's horse-artillery had a skirmish with the gun-boats at Port Royal on the 5th of December, and compelled them to retire.--Lee's Report, volume I. of the Reports of the Army of Northern Virgi
Stafford Court House (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
thus divided. Preparations for forcing the passage of the Rappahannock were made accordingly. The topgraphy of the river shores favored the enterprise, for Stafford Heights, where the Nationals lay, were close to its banks, and commanded the plain on which the city stands, while the heights on which Lee's batteries were planted e the construction of the bridges but the Mississippi sharp-shooters in the city. Every thing was in readiness on the 10th of December. During that night Stafford Heights, under the direction of General Hunt, chief of artillery, were dotted by twenty-nine batteries containing one hundred and forty-seven guns, so arranged that hile these remained in the town, and only artillery might effect their expulsion. So, at about ten o'clock in the morning, Burnside ordered the batteries on Stafford Heights to open upon the city, and batter it down, if necessary. The response to that order was terrific. More than a hundred guns fired fifty rounds each before t
Bunker Hill (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
ive McClellan by a show of numbers and vigor. Stuart recrossed the river at Williamsport on the same day, when he was driven back by General Couch with a heavy force of all arms. McClellan then sent General Williams to retake Maryland Heights; and two days later Sept. 22. General Sumner occupied Harper's Ferry, and threw pontoon bridges across the Potomac and Shenandoah rivers at that place. Lee rested a few days, and then moved leisurely up the Shenandoah Valley to the vicinity of Bunker's Hill and Winchester, breaking up the railway much of the distance between the latter place and Harper's Ferry. McClellan, meanwhile, had begun to call for re-enforcements and supplies, as prerequisites to a pursuit. His disorganized army needed re-organization. His cavalry force was greatly weakened by casualties in battle, fatigues, and a distemper which disabled four thousand horses; and clothing, shoes, and camp equipage, were greatly needed. On the 27th Sept. 1862. he renewed an appl
Rectortown (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
ense wagon-train, and others followed him. Perceiving this movement; the Confederates began retreating up the Shenandoah Valley, followed by Generals Sedgwick and Hancock a short distance. By the 4th, Nov. the National army, re-enforced by the divisions of Generals Sigel and Sickles from Washington, occupied the whole region east of the Blue Ridge, with several of its gaps, from Harper's Ferry to Paris, on the road from Aldie to Winchester, and on the 6th McClellan's Headquarters were at Rectortown, near Front Royal. The Confederates, meanwhile, were falling back, and so, from the Potomac to Front Royal and Warrenton, the two great armies moved in parallel lines, with the lofty range of the Blue Ridge between them, and Richmond as the seeming objective. That race was watched with the most intense anxiety. It was hoped that McClellan, with his superior force and equipment and ample supplies, might capture or disperse the army of his opponent by gaining its front, and striking it
Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
June, drawn forty thousand men, for three months, from Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. In compliance with a request of the governors, he called for three hundred thousan him and the two cities; but so soon as he could draw him toward the Susquehanna by menacing Pennsylvania, and thus take him away from his supplies, he might attack and cripple him, and then march up; and then, marching up the Cumberland Valley, endeavor to draw McClellan toward the heart of Pennsylvania. Lee's maneuvers for the end proposed were most hazardous in their character, under the circumstances. He ordered Jackson to go over the South Mountain This is a continuation into Pennsylvania of the ranges of the Blue Ridge in Virginia, severed by the Potomac at Harper's Ferry and vict Valley, back of Maryland Heights, with a fine body of troops from New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. He formed a line of battle with Slocum's division on the right of the road running through
Fredericksburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
erseded by Burnside, 485. the Army before Fredericksburg, 486. position of the Confederates at FreFredericksburg, 487. attempts to build pontoon bridges attacks on the workmen, 488. passage of the Rdemanded the surrender of Farmers' bank, Fredericksburg. the city. Nov. 21. The authorities replember 1862. it lay in a semicircle around Fredericksburg, each wing resting on the river; its rightty. Eye-witnesses describe the scene in Fredericksburg after the bombardment on the 11th as sad i was satisfied that Burnside was moving on Fredericksburg, he ordered Jackson to cross the Blue Ridgter both he and Longstreet were ordered to Fredericksburg, when the division of D. The. Hill was sed. Ransom's division supported Scene in Fredericksburg on the morning of the 12th. the batteriesore able subordinates. The disaster at Fredericksburg touched Burnside's reputation as a judiciots that should retrieve the misfortunes at Fredericksburg, yet the General-in-Chief would not sancti[15 more...]
Bayonne, N. J. (New Jersey, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
upplies to make pursuit or fighting a safe operation, one is reminded of the famous letter of Napoleon to Marshal Augereau, on the 21st of February, 1814, which gives his idea of making war. The marshal had given excuses similar to those of McClellan for inaction. Napoleon said:-- What! Six hours after receiving the first troops from Spain you are not yet in the field! Six hours rest is quite enough for them. I conquered at Nangis with a brigade of dragoons coming from Spain, who from Bayonne had not drawn rein. Do you say that the six battalions from Nimes want clothes and equipage, and are uninstructed? Augereau, what miserable excuses! I have destroyed 80,000 enemies with battalions of conscripts, scarcely clothed, and without cartridge-boxes. The National Guard are pitiful. I have here 4,000 from Angers and Bretagne, in round hats, without cartridge-boxes, but with good weapons; and I have made them tell. There is no money, do you say? But where do you expect to get m
North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
pon the ground, and under a heavy fire of artillery charged upon Burnside's extreme left, and after severe fighting, in which General Rodman was mortally wounded, drove him back almost to the bridge. In that charge General L. O'B. Branch, of North Carolina, was killed. The pursuit was checked by the National artillery on the eastern side of the stream, under whose fire the reserves led by Sturgis advanced, and the Confederates did not attempt to retake the bridge. Darkness closed the conflictce. This order, borne by General Buckingham, was received by McClellan late in the evening of the 7th, at which time Burnside was in the tent of the chief. Twice before, the command of that army had been offered to Burnside, who came from North Carolina with the prestige of a successful leader. He had modestly declined it, because he felt himself incompetent for the station. That modest estimate of his ability now made him shrink from the honor and the grave responsibilities; but duty at t
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