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pănăcēa , ae, f., pănăces , is, n., also pănax , ăcis, m., = πανάκεια, πανακές, πάναξ.
I. An herb to which was ascribed the power of healing all diseases, all-heal, panacea, catholicon; on the different kinds, v. Plin. 25, 4, 11, § 30 sq.: “odorifera panacea,Verg. A. 12, 419: “panaces ipso nomine omnium morborum remedia promittit,Plin. 25, 4, 11, § 30: “panax levi et subactā terrā rarissime disseritur,Col. 11, 3, 29.—
II. A plant, called also ligusticum silvestre: “ligusticum silvestre panacem aliqui vocant,Plin. 19, 8, 50, § 165.—Form panaces, Plin. 20, 16, 60, § 168.—
2. Personified: Pănăcēa , ae, f., one of the four daughters of Æsculapius, Plin. 35, 11, 40, § 137.
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