all this we have already1 explained at length. We stated that in each case they should be adapted to a suitable festival and dedicated, and thus prove a benefit to the States, by furnishing them with felicitous enjoyment.Clinias
This, too, you have explained truly.Athenian
Yes, most truly. These matters also let the man who is appointed our Director of Music take over and supervise, with the help of kindly fortune; and let us supplement our former statements concerning dancing and bodily gymnastics in general. [813b] Just as, in the case of music, we have supplied the regulations about tuition that were missing, so also let us now do in the case of gymnastics. Shall we not say that both girls and boys must learn both dancing and gymnastics?Clinias
Then for their practices it would be most proper that boys should have dancing-masters, and girls mistresses.Clinias
I grant it.Athenian
Let us once more summon the man who will have most of these duties to perform, [813c] the Director of the Children,—who, in supervising both music and gymnastic, will have but little time to spare.Clinias
How will he be able, at his age, to supervise so many affairs?Athenian
Quite easily. For the law has granted him, and will continue to grant him, such men or women as he wishes to take to assist him in this task of supervision: he will know himself the right persons to choose, and he will be anxious [813d] to make no blunder in these matters, recognizing the greatness of his office and wisely holding it in high respect, and holding also the rational conviction that, when the young have been, and are being, well brought up, all goes “swimmingly,” but otherwise—the consequences are such as it is wrong to speak of, nor will we mention them, in dealing with a new State, out of consideration for the over-superstitious.2 Concerning these matters also, which relate to dancing and gymnastic movements, we have already spoken at length.3 We are establishing gymnasia and all physical exercises connected with military training,—the use of the bow and all kinds of missiles, light skirmishing and heavy-armed fighting of every description, [813e] tactical evolutions, company-marching, camp-formations, and all the details of cavalry training. In all these subjects there should be public instructors, paid by the State; and their pupils should be not only the boys and men in the State, but also the girls and women who understand all these matters—being practiced in all military drill and fighting while still girls and, when grown to womanhood, taking part in evolutions and rank-forming and the piling
This, too, you have explained truly.Athenian
Yes, most truly. These matters also let the man who is appointed our Director of Music take over and supervise, with the help of kindly fortune; and let us supplement our former statements concerning dancing and bodily gymnastics in general. [813b] Just as, in the case of music, we have supplied the regulations about tuition that were missing, so also let us now do in the case of gymnastics. Shall we not say that both girls and boys must learn both dancing and gymnastics?Clinias
Then for their practices it would be most proper that boys should have dancing-masters, and girls mistresses.Clinias
I grant it.Athenian
Let us once more summon the man who will have most of these duties to perform, [813c] the Director of the Children,—who, in supervising both music and gymnastic, will have but little time to spare.Clinias
How will he be able, at his age, to supervise so many affairs?Athenian
Quite easily. For the law has granted him, and will continue to grant him, such men or women as he wishes to take to assist him in this task of supervision: he will know himself the right persons to choose, and he will be anxious [813d] to make no blunder in these matters, recognizing the greatness of his office and wisely holding it in high respect, and holding also the rational conviction that, when the young have been, and are being, well brought up, all goes “swimmingly,” but otherwise—the consequences are such as it is wrong to speak of, nor will we mention them, in dealing with a new State, out of consideration for the over-superstitious.2 Concerning these matters also, which relate to dancing and gymnastic movements, we have already spoken at length.3 We are establishing gymnasia and all physical exercises connected with military training,—the use of the bow and all kinds of missiles, light skirmishing and heavy-armed fighting of every description, [813e] tactical evolutions, company-marching, camp-formations, and all the details of cavalry training. In all these subjects there should be public instructors, paid by the State; and their pupils should be not only the boys and men in the State, but also the girls and women who understand all these matters—being practiced in all military drill and fighting while still girls and, when grown to womanhood, taking part in evolutions and rank-forming and the piling
1 Plat. Laws 799a., Plat. Laws 802a.
2 i.e. they would regard the mere mention of possible evil (esp. in connection with anything new-born) as of ill-omen.
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