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frame sb. (the sense of ‘picture frame’ is not preS., used fig. in Sonn. xxiv. 3)
1. ‘framing’, contrivance Ado IV. i. 191 “toil in of villanies.”
2. structure, form Wint. II. iii. 102* “The very mould and of hand, nail, finger”; (hence) constitution, nature, ‘mould’ Meas. V. i. 61, All'sW. IV. ii. 4, Tw.N. I. i. 33 “a heart of that fine ,” Tim. I. i. 70.
3. established order, plan, system Ado IV. i. 130* “Chid I for that at frugal nature's ?,” Mac. III. ii. 16* “let the frame of things disjoint.”
4. definite form or order LLL. III. i. 201 [193] “Still a-repairing, ever out of ,” Ham. III. ii. 326 “put your discourse into some frame.”
5. structure of parts fitted together Ham. V. i. 47.
6. applied to the earth 1H4 III. i. 16, Ham. II. ii. 317 [310].
7. the human body Meas. II. iv. 134, 1H6 II. iii. 54, Sonn. lix. 10 “this composed wonder of your frame.”
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