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free vb. (2 a rare sense; cf. Romans vi. 7)
1. to secure “from” Wint. IV. iii. [iv.] 446 “we thee From the dead blow of it.”
2. to clear from blame or stain, absolve, acquit Wint. III. ii. 112 “mine honour, Which I would ,” H8 II. iv. 155, Cor. IV. vii. 47, Ham. V. ii. 256 “ me so far in your most generous thoughts,” Lucr. 1208.
3. to get rid of, banish Mac. III. vi. 35 “ from our feasts . . . bloody knives,” Cym. III. vi. 79; to obtain remission of (a sin) Tp. Epil. 18.
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