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ἐπα^κολούθ-ησις , εως, ,
A.cognizance, concurrence, PRyl.233.14 (ii A. D.), etc.; γράμματα ἐπακολουθήσεως documents in proof of compliance, i.e. settlement of debts, POxy.1473.8 (iii A.D.).
2. consequence, κατ᾽ . consequentially, opp. προηγουμένως, Stoic.2.333, Stoic. ap.Plu.2.1015c, M.Ant.6.44, S.E.M.1.194; result,εὐεξία κατ᾽ . τῆς ὑγιείας συνισταμένηGal.19.382.
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    • Marcus Aurelius, M. Antonius Imperator Ad Se Ipsum, 6.44
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