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εὐσταθ-έω , be steady, stable, ὅταν πολίταις εὐσταθῶσι δαίμονες are favourable, E.Rh.317; “εὐ. ταῖς διανοίαιςD.H.6.51; εὐστάθει rest in peace! in an epitaph, IG14.1464; to be calm, tranquil, of the sea, Luc.VH1.30; “οὐκ εὐ. οἱ ὄρνιθεςPlu.2.281b.
2. enjoy sound, stable health, “εὐ. καὶ ὑγιαίνεινEpicur.Fr.68, cf. 413, Sor.1.87, Herod. Med. ap. Orib.7.8.1.
3. of cities or countries, enjoy tranquillity, “εὐσταθοῦσα βασιλείαOGI56.19 (Canopus, Ptol. III); τὴν πόλιν εὐ. SIG 708.37 (Istropolis, ii B.C.), cf. App.Hisp.9.
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  • Cross-references in general dictionaries from this page (3):
    • Appian, Wars in Spain, 9
    • Euripides, Rhesus, 317
    • Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Antiquitates Romanae, 6.51
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