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μα^λάχη [λα^], ,
A.mallow, Malva silvestris, Hes.Op.41, Batr.161, Pherecr.131.1 (pl.), Thphr.HP7.7.2,7.8.1, Mosch.3.99, etc.; “σιτεῖσθαι ἀντὶ μὲν ἄρτων μαλάχης πτόρθουςAr.Pl.544:—also μολόχη , Epich.153, Antiph.158, Dsc.2.118 (cod. F).
2. μ. ἀγρία, = ἀλθαία 1, Thphr.HP9.15.5, Ps.-Dsc.3.146.
3. μ. κηπευτή tree-mallow, Lavatera arborea, Dsc.2.118, cf. Gal.6.628; “μ. ἀποδενδρουμένηThphr. HP1.3.2; “ἄνθρακες -ηςXenocr. ap. Orib.2.58.48. (Perh. fr. μαλάσσω, because of its laxative properties, cf. Dsc. l.c., Plin.HN20.221; the relation to Lat. malva, Engl. mallow is uncertain.)
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  • Cross-references in general dictionaries from this page (2):
    • Aristophanes, Plutus, 544
    • Hesiod, Works and Days, 41
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