

Adams, C. F., Hon., 25.

Aiken, William, Gov., 170.

Allston, Adam, Corp., 93.

Andrew, J. A., Gov, 3, 71, 224, 225, 289.

Bates, Edward, Hon., 290.

Beach, H. A., Lt., 271, 272.

Bearregard, W. T., Gen., 22, 57.

Beecher, II. W., Rev., 256.

Bell, Louis, Col., 236.

Bennett, W. T., Gen., 265, 269.

Bezzard, James, 83.

Bigelow, L. F., Lt., 2.

Billings, L., Lt.-Col., 269.

Bingham, J. M., Lt., 176, 270.

Brannan, J. M., Gen., 98.

Brisbane, W. H., 40.

Bronson, William, Sergt., 273.

Brown, A. B., Lt., 272.

Brown, John, 4, 22, 41, 60.

Brown, John (colored), 274.

Brown, York, 275.

Bryant, J. E., Capt., 230, 231.

Budd, Lt., 68.

Burnside, A. E., Gen., 33,34.

Butler, B. F., Gen., 1.

Calhoun, J. C., Capt., 151,

Chamberlin, G. B., Lt., 185, 270.

Chamberlin, Mrs., 242.

Cheever, G. B., Rev., 293.

Child, A., Lt. 271, 272.

Clark, Capt., 70, 76, 92.

Clifton, Capt., 90, 91.

Clinton, J. B., Lt., 170.

Corwin, B. R., Maj., 115, 122.

Crandall, W. B., Surg., 269.

Crum, Simon, Corp., 266.

Cushman, James, 256.

Danilson, W. H., Maj., 80, 270.

Davis, C. I, Lt., 271.

Davis,.R. M., Lt., 272.

Davis, W. W. H., Gen., 168.

Dewhurst, G. W., Adj't., 270.

Dewhurst, Mrs., 242.

Dolly, George, Capt., 179, 270.

Doolittle, J. R., Hon., 285.

Duncan, Lt. Comr., 160, 103.

Dupont, S. F., Admiral, 67,78, 89,100, 135.

Dutch, Capt., 170.

Fessenden, W. P., Hon., 285, 287.

Finnegan, Gen., 108.

Fisher, J., Lt., 271.

Fowler, J. H., Chap.,40, 113, 231, 270.

Fremont, J. C., Gen., 23, 42.

French, J., Rev., 40, 118.

Furman, J. T., Lt., 272.

Gage, F. D., Mrs., 41.

Garrison, W. L., 249.

Gaston, William, Lt., 271.

Gillmore, Q. A., Gen., 167, 168, 183, 235,237, 240.

Goldsborough, Commodore, 243, 274.

Goodell, J. B., Lt., 2.

Goodrich, F. S., Lt., 271, 272.

Gould, E., Corp., 274.

Gould, F. M., Lt., 272.

Greene, Sergt., 121.

Hallett, Capt., 65, 66, 274.

Hallowell, E. N., Gen., 225, 242, 244

Hartwell A. S., Gen., 286.

Hawks, J. M., Surg., 269.

Hawley, J. R., Gen., 81, 93, 107.

Hayne, H. E., Sergt., 265.

Hazard, Miles, 275.

Heasley, A., Capt., 230, 270.

Heron, Charles, 122.

Hinton, R. J., Col., 277.

Holden, Lt., 122.

Hooper, C. W., Capt., 155, 237, 270, 271, 272.

Hughes, Lt. Comr., 78 81, 82.

Hunter, David Gen . 20, 15 43, 57 60, 61, 64 97, 98, 119 126, 129, 135, 136, 151, 68, 272 273 276.

Hyde, E. W., Lt., 271, 272,294.

Hyde, W. H., Lt., 76, 271.

Jackson, A. W., Capt., 73, 76,270, 271, 272.

James, William, Capt., 84, 170, 270.

Johnston, J. F., Lt., 271.

Jones, Lt., 76, 81.

Kemble, Mrs., 67, 274.

Kennon, Clarence, Corp., 275.

King, T. B., 67.

Lambkin, Prince, Corp, 109.

Lincoln, Abraham, Pres., 23, 34, 252.

Long, Thomas, Corp., 256. [296]

Manning, B. I., Lt., 272.

McIntyre, I., Sergt., 71, 72, 252.

Meeker, L., Maj., 117, 122.

Merriam, E. C., apt., 270, 271.

Metcalf, L. W., Capt., 71, 73, 84, 270.

Miller family, 247.

Minor, T. T., Surg., 73, 269.

Mitchell, O. M., Gen., 276.

Montgomery, James, Col., 104,107 115, 126, 127, 169, 277.

Moses, Acting Master, 68.

O'Neil, J. B., Lt., 271.

Osborne, Lt., 231.

Parker, C. E., Lt., 271.

Parker, N. G., Capt., 270, 271, 27

Parsons, William, 75.

Phillips, Wendell, 112, 249.

Pomeroy, J., Lt., 271.

Randolph, W. J., Capt., 114 270.

Rivers, Prince, Sergt., 41, 57, 51 89,261, 265.

Robbins, E. W., Capt., 270, 271,

Roberts, Samuel, 243.

Rogers, J. S., Capt., 94, 180, 266,

Rogers, Seth, Surg., 76, 94, 269.

Rust, J. D., Col., 119, 120, 122,1

Sammis, Col., 27.

Sampson, W. W., Capt., 176, 27(

Saxton, M. W., Lt., 272.

Saxton, Rufus, Gen. 2, 3,7,8, 35 37, 39, 4 2, 48, 52, 60 f 75 93 97, 100, 143, 168, 25 22, 234, 236, 237, 241, 244,24 276, 278,280 2 82 284, 288.

Searles, J. M., t., 272.

Sears, Capt., 82.

Selvage, J. W., Lt., 272.

Serrell, E. W., Col., 272.

Seward, W. H., 251.

Seymour, T. Gen., 129, 240.

Shaw, R. G., Col., 176, 224, 225 293.

Sherman, W. T., Gen., 176, 263.

Showalter, Lt.-Col., 124.

Simmons, London, Corpl. 260.

Small, Robert, Capt., 7, 65.

Smith, Mr., 92.

Sprague, A. B. R., Col., 2.

Stafford, Col., 277.

Stanton, E. M., Hon., 280.

Steedman, Capt., 127.

Stevens, Capt., 68.

Stevens, Thaddeus, Hon., 287, 288. 231, Stickney, Judge, 41, 97, 107.

Stockdale, W., Lt. 271.

Stone, H. A., Lt., 271, 272.

Strong, J. D., Lt.-Col., 65, 90,122,178, 181, 182, 269. 114, Stuard, E. S., Surg., 269.

Sumner, Charles, Hon., 281.

Sunderland, Col., 106.

Sutton, Robert, Sergt., 41, 62, 70, 71, 75, 77, 82, 83, 86, 94, 198.

Thibadeau, J. H., Capt., 270.

Thompson, J. M., Capt., 270, 271

Tirrell, A. H., Lt., 272.

Tonking, J. H., Capt., 270.

Trowbridge, C. T., Lt.-Col., 65, 94,115, 168, 169, 172, 174, 175, 182, 237,243, 247, 258, 261, 265, 269, 270, 272, 274, 276, 286,292, 294, 9, 62, Trowbridge, J. A., Lt., 271.

Tubman, Harriet, 11. 272. Twichell, J. F., Lt.-Col. 117, 122. ,270. Vendross, Robert, Corp., 265. 28. Walker, G. D., Capt., 270.

Walker, William, Sergt., 280, 289.

Washington, William, 21. 271. Watson, Lt., 100.

Webster, Daniel, IHon., 1. 16, 34, Weld, S. M., 225. 1, 64, West, H. C., Lt., 271. 226, West, J. B., Lt., 271. 8 273, White, E. P., Lt., 271.

White, N, S., Capt., 270, 271, 272.

Whiting, William, Hon., 282, 284,288, 290.

Whitney, H. A., Maj., 176, 230, 269, 270.

Wiggins, Cyrus, 266.

Williams, Harry Sergt., 230. , 277, Williams, Col., 277.

Wilson, Henry, Hon., 281, 284, 285.

Wilson family, 246.

Wood, H., Lt., 271, 272.

Wood, W. J., Maj. 280.

Wright, Gen., 98, 104.

Wright, Fanny, 247.

Zachos, Dr., 18.

the end. Cambridge: Electrotyped and Printed by Welch, Bigelow, & Co.

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Francis D. Gage (1)
Jerome T. Furman (1)
J. French (1)
J. C. Fremont (1)
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Jesse Fisher (1)
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George Dolly (1)
William H. Danilson (1)
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A. E. Burnside (1)
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York Brown (1)
A. B. Brown (1)
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W. H. Brisbane (1)
J. M. Brannan (1)
J. M. Bingham (1)
L. Billings (1)
Luther Bigelow (1)
L. F. Bigelow (1)
James Bezzard (1)
William T. Bennett (1)
Louis Bell (1)
Henry Ward Beecher (1)
W. T. Bearregard (1)
Henry A. Beach (1)
Edward Bates (1)
John A. Andrew (1)
Adam Allston (1)
William Aiken (1)
C. F. Adams (1)
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