June 7-8, 1862.-attack on Chattanooga, Tenn.
No. 1.-Maj. Gen. Ormsby M. Mitchel, U. S. Army. No. 2.--Brig. Gen. James S. Negley, U. S. Army. No. 3.-Col. Henry A. Hambright, Seventy-ninth Pennsylvania Infantry. No. 4.-Maj. Gen. E. Kirby Smith, C. S. Army.No. 1.-report of Maj. Gen. Ormsby M. Mitchel, U. S. Army.
Huntsville, Ala., June 10 1862.
Yours received.
The officers are ordered to remain on duty.
The boat to cross locomotives will be ready on Friday.
We are rebuilding the bridges on the Decatur and Nashville road; there remains a gap of 32 miles. The expedition to Chattanooga was a complete success.
General Negley could not cross, hut drove the rebels out of town, and General Kirby Smith came from Knoxville and was in the second day's fight.
He brought with him seven or eight regiments, but they all left.
General Negley is on the march to McMinnville, at which point the rebels are said to have a camp.
An expedition under General Dumont will co-operate and will advance from Murfreesborough.
No. 2.-reports of Brig.. Genl. James S. Neyley, U. S. Army.
headquarters U. S. Forces, Before Chattanooga, Tenn., June 7, 1862-10 a. m.
Sir: Yesterday morning moved Colonel Sills command direct to Shell Mound, to divert the enemy opposite that point; also prevent them from crossing.
Colonel Sill found two pieces of artillery in position and opened upon it without reply.
As I expected, they threw heavy re-enforcements to that point lastnight expecting the attack to be made there.
Colonel Scott and Captain Shaeffer's Pennsylvania cavalry were sent from Jasper by a path through the mountain, which resulted in surprising and capturing the enemy's pickets at the ferry and preventing the further retreat of Adams' men over the river.
My main force came by Anderson's road.
Colonel Scribner's command is occupying an important point, which I omit alluding to, except by saying that it is for the benefit of Starnes and his cavalry, who are now at Altamont.
We captured a large number of rebel cavalry pickets and scouts; also a large quantity of contraband stores.
The Union people are wild with joy, while the rebels are panic-stricken.
Colonel Morgan is in Chattanooga; also General Adams.
The enemy's force there is about 3,000, with ten pieces of artillery.
The gunboat has not been heard from as yet; we are looking for it this morning.
Two steamboats have left Chattanooga for Knoxville.
We shall soon need supplies.
Can we get them from Bellefonte or Stevenson?
Will send you further news this evening.
headquarters, Before Chattanooga, June 8, 1862-8 a. m.
Sir: I have no tidings of the gunboat.
It is almost impossible to construct sufficient pontoons to cross the river in force.
I do not consider the capture of Chattanooga as very difficult or hazardous, if we were prepared to do it and then hold the place; but taking into consideration the exposed condition of both front and rear of our lines to Pittsburg Landing; a long line of communication over a hardly passable road; the liability of a rise of the streams we have to ford, some of them being now 3 feet deep, with rough bottoms; our limited supplies, and the fact that our expedition has accomplished all we expected to do, has determined me to retire the forces, taking different routes, so as to drive Starnes to Knoxville.
I shall make another demonstration against Chattanooga this morning, during which time the trains will be descending the mountain.
Colonel Turchin's command may be expected via Bellefonte.
Yours, very truly,
Shelbyville, Tenn., June 12, 1862.
Our expedition into East Tennessee has proved successful.
We are returning with 80 prisoners, including a number of prominent officers.
Also captured a drove of cattle and a large quantity of horses intended for the rebel army.
The defeat of General Adams' rebel forces in Sweeden's Cove was much more complete than reported.
He escaped without sword, hat, or horse.
We silenced the enemy7s batteries at Chattanooga on the evening of the 7th after a fierce cannonading of three hours.
We opened on the 8th at 9 a. m. and continued six hours upon the town and rifle pits, driving the enemy out and forcing him to abandon his works and evacuate the city.
They burned several railroad bridges to prevent pursuit.
The Union people in East Tennessee are wild with joy. They meet us along the roads by hundreds.
I shall send you a number of their principal persecutors from Sequatchie Valley.
Yours, very truly,
No. 3.-report of Col. Henry A. Hlambright, Seventy-ninth Pennsylvania Infantry.
headquarters United States forces, Before Chattanooga, Tenn., June 8, 1862.
Sir: I have the honor to report that the forces under my command continued their march over the Cumberland Mountains, arriving before Chattanooga on the 7th after a long and tedious march.
After a short
rest, in accordance with your order my command was thrown forward to reconnoiter in force.
We found the enemy on the opposite side of the Tennlessee River, well intrenched behind earthworks close to the river Ihank and on the top of the hill, preparing to dispute our crossing the river at this point.
The artillery, under the command of Lieutenant Sypher, First Ohio, and Lieutenant Nell, First Kentucky, was placed in position ; also the Seventy-ninth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Major Mellinger commanding, one company and a detachment of which were thrown forward to the river bank to act as sharpshooters to pick off the enemy's gunners, the balance of the regiment being reserved for the support of the batteries.
The Fifth Kentucky Cavalry, Colonel Haggard, and the Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry, Major Wynkoop, were thrown to the rear, under cover and out of range of the enemy's guls, to cover the flanks and to protect the rear.
Our line being formed anll our sharpshooters being within 400 yards of the enemy's intrenlchincllts, hut a very short time elapsed before the infantry of the enemy opened tire upon our advance.
Immediately afterward their batteries opene(l upon us with one 24-pounder, one 18-pounder, and four small pieces.
Our batteries promptly returned their fire, and the cannonading was kept up briskly for five hours, silencing their batteries, causing them to beat a hasty retreat and to evacuate the town, taking with them their commissary stores, and destroying in their flight two railroad bridges, &c.
From sources which appear reliable, the enemy's loss was 100 killed and wounded and 18 prisoners taken on this side of the river.
Our shells did terrible execution in the town, completely destroying many buildings, among others their commissary depot.
I have to report one man wounded of the Seventy-ninth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers as the only casualty that occurred.
We resumed the cannonading on the 8th, which was kept up for three hours, and not receiving a reply, I withdrew my forces.
The officers and men under my command behaved nobly, and I compliment them for their steadiness under a galling fire and for the alacrity displayed in obeying every command.
The above is respectfully submitted.
H. A. Hambright, Colonel Seventy-ninth Pa. Vols., Comdg. U. S. Forces. Brig. Gen. J. S. Negley, Comdg. Division U. S. Forces.
No. 4.-reports of Maj. Gen. E. Kirby Smith, C. S. Army.
headquarters Department of East Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn., June 8, 1862.
The enemy opposite Chattanooga in considerable force.
Opened yesterday at 5 p. m. with 40-inch Parrott guns.
Firing ceased at noon to-day.
Boats on the river secured.
Mitchel is reported re-enforced from Corinth, and is acting in concert with General Morgan from Kentucky.
His plans not yet developed.
My little force in position to be concentrated, but entirely inadequate to hold the department.
Knoxville, Tenn., June 10, 1862.
General Mitchel retired from before Chattanooga Monday.
His force (as near as can be estimated four brigades, twenty pieces of artillery, about 7,000 effective) evacuated Sequatchie Valley yesterday and recrossed the mountain into Middle Tennessee.
The enemy buried 8 men and abandoned one 4 1/2-inch rifle brass gun. Our loss 3 wounded.
E. Kirby Smith, Major-General, Commanding. Capt. W. H. Taylor, Assistant Adjutant-General, Richmond, Va.