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[372] bearing somewhat to the right, I ordered the Seventy-second to change front so as to form a line parallel to the ravine, extending down to the flat, company B forming an angle across the head of the ravine. In this position our line was maintained for more than two hours under a deadly fire from the enemy. Officers and men behaved with great coolness and bravery, keeping up a constant stream of fire upon the enemy. He several times recoiled and rallied, but did not advance after the action commenced, until we were ordered to fall back on the Purdy road, which we did in good order. Lieut.-Col. Canfield, in command of the Seventy-second regiment, was mortally wounded early in the engagement, and was carried from the field.

Major Crockett had been taken prisoner on the Friday previous, which left the Seventy-second regiment without any field-officer except myself. The captains of companies A and B, and quite a number of other officers, were sick and unable to go into the action, consequently I remained on the right of the brigade and took command of the Seventy-second regiment, having full confidence that Colonels Sullivan and Cockerill would maintain their parts of the line, which they did gallantly until the regiments on the left of my brigade gave way, and we were ordered to fall back. In this action the Seventy-second had the Lieut.-Col. mortally wounded, (since dead,) Capt. Wegstein, company H, and ten non-commisioned officers and privates killed, three officers and sixty-five non-commissioned officers wounded.

The Forty-eighth had eight privates killed and a large number wounded. The Seventieth regiment had three privates killed and about twenty wounded. The enemy's loss was very heavy in front of this brigade. Eighty-five bodies of the enemy were counted along and at the foot of the ravine flanked by the Seventy-second regiment, among which was the body of Colonel Mouton, of the Eighteenth Louisiana regiment, as I learned from a wounded enemy found at our camp on our return. Large numbers of dead bodies were found on the enemy's line opposite our front to the left of the Eighty-fifth, on the ravine. I think I may safely put the number killed by my brigade, in that action, at two hundred. The number of wounded must have been immense.

We formed in line again on the Purdy road, but the fleeing mass from the left broke through our lines, and many of our men caught the infection and fled with the crowd.

Col. Cockerill became separated from Col. Sullivan and myself, and was afterward engaged with part of his command at McClernand's camp. Col. Sullivan and myself kept together, and made every effort to rally our men, with but poor success. They had become scattered in every direction. We were borne considerably to the left, but finally succeeded in forming a line, and had a short engagement with the enemy, who made his appearance soon after our line was formed. The enemy fell back, and we proceeded to the road where you found us. At this point I was joined by Col. Cockerill, and we there formed in line of battle, and slept on our arms Sunday night.

Col. Sullivan being out of ammunition, marched to the Landing for a supply, and while there was ordered to support a battery at that point.

The next morning he joined me, and we rallied all the men we could, and advanced, under your direction, to McClernand's camp. At that point we were again brought into action, at a critical time and under heavy fire. The manner in which my brigade came into line and fought was observed by you, and therefore I need not describe it. In this action the Seventy-second lost one: Sergeant and one private killed, and five privates wounded. The Forty-eighth had several privates killed; Col. Sullivan and a number of privates wounded. The Seventieth, two privates killed and about ten wounded. In this action we advanced our line upon the enemy to a considerable distance, and my brigade kept up their fire until their ammunition was expended, when we fell back, replenished, and again advanced, but were not afterward engaged, the enemy being in full retreat. We encamped on Monday night in the camp we left on Sunday morning.

On Tuesday morning, the eighth inst., my brigade, with others, marched in pursuit of the enemy, on the road to Corinth, some miles, and when a portion of Hildebrand's brigade engaged the enemy, mine was ordered into line of battle, and came into line in gallant style, although the men were much fatigued in their labors and hardships during Sunday and Monday. The men were eager to engage the enemy again, but we were not called upon to do so. We returned to camp in the evening.

Col. Hildebrand's report.

headquarters Third brigade, Fifth division, West-Tennessee District, camp, April 10, 1862.
Gen. W. T. Sherman, Commanding:
I have the honor herewith to submit a report of the part taken by my brigade in the battle of Pittsburgh.

Early on the morning of Sunday, sixth inst., our pickets were fired upon, and shortly after seven o'clock, the enemy appeared in force, presenting himself in columns of regiments at least four deep. He opened immediately upon our camp a heavy fire, following up rapidly with shell. I ordered an advance. The Seventy-seventh and Fifty-seventh regiments were thrown forward to occupy a certain position, but encountered the enemy in force within three hundred yards of our camp. Unfortunately we were not supported by artillery, and were compelled to retire under cover of our camp, the engagement becoming general along the entire front of my command. A battery having been brought to support our right, the Fifty-seventh and Seventy-seventh stood gallantly side by side for four hours, contending with a force of at least four to one. The battery having been forced from its position, and the infantry, both on our right and left, having fallen back, it finally became necessary that the regiments forming

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