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Doc. 77.-General Beauregard's order on assuming command in the West.

headquarters army of the Mississippi, Jackson, Tenn., March 5.
Soldiers: I assume this day the command of the army of the Mississippi, for the defence of our homesteads and liberties, and to resist the subjugation, spoliation, and dishonor of our people. Our. mothers and wives, our sisters and children, expect us to do our duty, even to the sacrifice of our lives.

Our losses since the commencement .of this war, in killed, wounded, and prisoners, are now about the same as those of the enemy.

He must be made to atone for these reverses we have lately experienced. Those reverses, far from disheartening, must nerve us to new deeds of valor and patriotism, and should inspire us with an unconquerable determination to drive back our invaders.

Should any one in this army be unequal to the task before us, let him transfer his arms and equipments at once to braver, firmer hands, and return to his home.

Our cause is as just and sacred as ever animated men to take up arms; and if we are true to it and to ourselves, with the continued protection of the Almighty we must and shall triumph.

G. T. Beauregard, General Commanding.

Commenting on this, the Appeal says:

The exact limits of his department, which is distinct, it appears, from Gen. Sidney Johnston, is not known to us.

Gens. Polk and Bragg will be connected with him in command of the army — the former making his headquarters at Humboldt, and the latter probably at Memphis.

As affairs now progress, we may well expect that Gen. Beauragard will very soon perfect the organization and discipline of his army, and increase its numbers to such an extent, that it will compare favorably in efficiency with the army of the Potomac.

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