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Cholera, Asiatic

Described by Garcia del Huerto, a physician of Goa, about 1560, appeared in India in 1774, and became endemic in Lower Bengal, 1817; gradually spread till it reached Russia, 1830; Germany, 1831; carrying off more than 900,000 persons on the Continent in 1829-30; in England and Wales in 1848-49, 53,293 persons; in 1854, 20,097. First death by cholera in North America, June 8, 1832, in Quebec. In New York, June 22, 1832. Cincinnati to New Orleans, October, 1832 (very severe throughout the United States). Again in the United States in 1834, slightly in 1849, severely in 1855, and again slightly in 1866-67. By the prompt and energetic enforcement of quarantine it was prevented from entering the United States in 1892. The German steamship Moravia reached New York Harbor Aug. 31, having had twenty-two deaths from cholera during the voyage. The President ordered twenty days quarantine for all immigrant vessels from cholera-infected districts, Sept. 1. On Sept. 3, the Normannia and Rugia, from Hamburg, were put in quarantine. On Sept. 10, the Scandia arrived with more cholera cases. The Surf Hotel property on Fire Island was bought by Governor Flower for quarantine purposes.

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