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Equal rights party.

In the city of New York, in 1835, there arose in the ranks of the Democratic party a combination of men opposed to all banking institutions and monopolies of every sort. A “Workingman's party” had been formed in 1829, but had become defunct, and the “Equal rights party” was its successor. They acted with much caution and secrecy in their opposition to the powerful Democratic party, but never rose above the dignity of a faction. They made their first decided demonstration at Tammany Hall at the close of October, 1835, when an event occurred which caused them afterwards to be known as Loco-Focos (q. v.), a name applied by the Whigs to the whole Democratic party. The faction soon became formidable, and the regulars endeavored to reconcile the irregulars by nominating their favorite for the Presidency, Richard M. Johnson, for Vice-President with Martin Van Buren.

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