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Locke, David Ross 1833-1888

(better known by the pen name of petroleum V. Nasby), satirist; born in Vestal, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1833; was successively editor and publisher of the Plymouth Advertiser, Mansfield Herald, Bucyrus Journal, and Findlay Jeffersonian in 1852 – 60. He later became proprietor and editor of the Toledo Blade, in which were published his famous Nasby letters. Mr. Locke declined the tender of public office from Presidents Lincoln and Grant, the latter offering him an important foreign mission. In 1871 he became managing editor of the Evening mail in New York City. Among his publications are Divers views, opinions, and prophecies of yours truly; Swingina round the Cirkle; The moral history of America's life struggle; The morals of Abou ben Adhem, or Eastern fruit in Western dishes, etc. He died in Toledo, O., Feb. 15, 1888.

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