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The United States, being the land of religious freedom, presents a constantly increasing number of denominations or sects. In 1900 there were more than 28,000,000 people enrolled on various church lists. The following is the annual compilation of the number of ministers, church edifices, and communicants or members by The independent for the calendar year 1900: [394]

Number of ministers, Church edifices, and communicants.

Denominations. Ministers.Churches. Members.
   Seventh Day 372 1,47055,316
   Life and Advent Union 6033 3,000
Arminians 1521 8,500
   Regular (North) 7,4159,374 975,820
   Regular (South) 12,05818,9631,608,413
   Regular (Colored)14,35115,6541,864,600
   Seventh Day 119 1158,991
   Freewill 1,619 1,48685,109
   General 450 55028,000
   Separate 113 103 6,479
Brethren in Christ (River) 152 78 4,000
   Roman Catholics 11,63612,0628,610,226
Independent Catholics:
   Polish branch 191815,000
   Old Catholic 6510,000
Catholics: Reformed661,500
Christian Catholic (Dowie555040,000
Christian Scientists12,0006001,000,000
Church of God 46058038,000
Church of the New Jerusalem 1431737,679
Congregationalists 5,6145,604629,874
Disciples of Christ 6,52810,5281,149,982
   German Baptists (Conservative) 2,612 85095,000
   German Baptists (Old Order)150100 3,500
   German Baptists (Progressive)23117312,787
   Protestant Episcopal4,9616,686 716,431
   Reformed Episcopal103104 9,743
Evangelical Bodies:
   Evangelical Association1,0521,806 118,865
   United Evangelical Church 478985 60,993
Friends: Orthodox 1,279820 91,868
German Evangelical Synod 9091,129 203,574
Greek Church:
   Greek Orthodox44 20,000
   Russian Orthodox4158 45,000
Jews301570 211,627
Latter Day Saints:
   Mormons 1,700796 300,000
   Reorganized Church 2,200600 45,500
   General Synod 1,2261,568 194,442
   United Synod in the South215390 38,639
   General Council 1,1562,019 370,409
   Synodical Conference 2,0292,650 581,029
   Independent Synods 2,0844,496 481,359
   Mennonite 418288 22,443
   Amish 365124 13,051
   Reformed 4334 1,680
   General Conference 13879 10,395
   Bundes Conference 4116 3,050
   Defenceless 2011 1,176
   Brethren in Christ 4582 2,953
   Methodist Episcopal 17,52126,0212,716,437
   Union American M. E. 6361 2,675
   African M. E. 5,6595,775 673,504
   African Union Methodist Protestant8070 2,000
   African M. E. Zion 3.1552,906 536,271
   Methodist Protestant 1,6472,400 181,316
   Wesleyan Methodist 587506 17,201
   Methodist Episcopal South6,04114,2441,457,864
   Congregational Methodist210240 20,000
   Colored M. E. 2,1871,300 199, 2060
   Primitive Methodist 6592 6,470
   Free Methodist 9441,123 28,588
   Evangelist Missionary 8713 4,600
Moravians 118111 14,817
   Presbyterian in United States (Northern)7,3357,469 973,433
   Cumberland Presbyterian 1,7342,957 180,192
   Cumberland Presbyterian (Colored)400150 39,000
   Welsh Calvinistic 105185 12,000


Number of ministers, Church edifices, and communicants—Continued.

Presbyterians. — Continued.
   United Presbyterian 918 911 115,901
   Presbyterians in United States (South) 1,461 2,959 225,890
   Associate Reformed Synod of the South 104 131 11,344
   Reformed Presbyterian in United States (Synod) 124 113 9,790
   Reformed Presbyterian in North America (General Synod 33 36 5,000
   Reformed Presbyterian (Covenanted) 1 1 40
   Reformed Presbyterian in United States and Canada 1 1 608
   Reformed Presbyterian (Russellites)2,500
   Reformed in America (Dutch 698 619 107,594
   Reformed in United States (German) 1,082 1,660 243,545
   Christian Reformed 96 145 18,096
Salvation Army 2,689 753 40,000
United Brethren:
   United Brethren in Christ 1,897 4,229 243,841
   United Brethren (Old Constitution) 670 817 226,643
Unitarians 550 459 71,000
Universalists 735 764 48,426

Bodies concerning which no reliable information is available.

Denominations. Ministers. Churches. Members.
   Evangelical 34 30 1,147
   Advent Christians 883 580 25,816
   Church of God 19 29 647
   Church of God in Jesus Christ 94 95 2,872
   Six Principle 14 18 937
   Original Freewill 118 167 11,864
   United 25 204 13,209
   Church of Christ 80 152 8,254
   Primitive 2,040 3,222 121,34
   Old Two-seed-in-the-Spirit Predestinarian 300 473 12,851
Brethren (River):
   Old Order, or Yorker 7 8 214
   United Zion's Children 20 25 525
Brethren (Plymouth) :
   Brethren (1) 109 2,289
   Brethren (2) 88 2,419
   Brethren (3) 86 1,235
   Brethren (4) 31 718
Catholic Apostolic 10 1,394
Chinese Temples9547
Christian Missionary Association 13 754
Christian Union 10 294 18,214
Church Triumphant (Schweinfurth) 183 12 384
Communistic Societies:
   Amana7 1,600
   Harmony1 250
   Separatists1 200
   New Icaria1 21
   Altruists1 25
   Adonai Shomo 1 20
   Church Triumphant (Koreshan Ecclesia)5 205
Dunkards (Seventh Day)6 194
Friends (Hicksite) 115 201 21,992
   Friends (Wilburite) 38 52 4,329
   Friends (Primitive) 11 9 232
Friends of the Temple 4 4 340
German Evangelical Protestant 44 52 36,156
   Bruederhoef 9 5 352
   Old Amish 71 22 2,038
   Apostolic 2 2 209
   Church of God in Christ 18 18 471
   Old (Wisler) 17 15 610
   Congregational (Colored) 5 5 319
   Zion Union Apostolic 30 27 2,346
   Independent 8 14 2,569
   New Congregational Methodist 20 17 1,059


Bodies concerning which no reliable information is available—Continued.

Denominations. Ministers. Churches. Members.
   Associate Church of North America12 31 1,053
   Schwenkfeldians 3 4 30
   Social Brethren 17 20 913
   Spiritualists334 45,030
   Theosophical Society 40 695
   Society of Ethical Culture 4 1,064
   Waldenstromians 140 150 20,00
   Independent Congregations54 156 14126

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