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[229] unto her as elsewhere they can seldom meet with. Shee was complained of unto me for harboring students unseasonably spending there their time and parents' estate; but upon examination I found it a misinformation, and that shee was most desirous that I should limit or absolutely prohibit any ;that in case of sickness or want of comfortable bread or bear in the College only they should thither resort and then not to spend above a penny a man, nor above two shillings in a quarter of a year; which order shee carefully observed in all ordinary cases. How far she had publick allowance by the townsmen hertofore I leave to Br. Goff or any of our townsmen that are with you to shew: and how good effects for the promoting of the weal publick and how christian a thing in itself godly emulation is, as your historical knowledge informs you so your experience abundantly demonstrates, as contrarywise the undoing messures of monopolyes. The Lord to guide and prosper all your administrations shall bee the prayer of yours in what he can.

From time to time the Court established a scale of prices for ordinaries:—

At a meeting of the magistrates and committee to take the Treasurer's account, Dec. 30, 1679; For the regulating of expenses at the County Courts, it is ordered that henceforth, for the juries, there shall be allowed in money,

For their breakfast, one man,£ 0. 0. 4.
For their dinner, one man0. 1. 3.
For their supper, one man0. 1. 0.
for the magistrates,
For dinner, one man0. 2. 0.
For supper, one man0. 1. 6.
for the marshall and constables, one meal,0. 1. 0.

And wine and beer, &c., to be included in the abovesaid sums; and if any ordinary shall exceed the abovesaid order, it shall be at their own peril.

In the Proprietors' Records, 1635, it is stated that a large lot, originally designed for Richard Saltonstall, “is now to be entered the Market Place.” It was bounded northerly on Mount Auburn Street, easterly on Brighton Street, and southerly on Winthrop Street. This lot retained the name of Market Place more than two hundred years; but there is no evidence that any 1

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