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5 تصفّحهُ ذ He examined its صَفَحَات [or sides]; i. e. a thing's: (S:) or he considered it carefully, or attentively, and examined its صَفَحَات. (A, Mgh.) And تَصَفَّحْتُ الكِتَابَ I turned over, or examined, the صَفَحَات, meaning pages, of the book; as also ↓ صَفَحْتُهُ , inf. n. صَفْحٌ: (Msb:) and وَرَقَ المُصْحَفِصَفَحْتُ I examined the leaves of the مُصْحَف [i. e. volume, or book, or copy of the Kur-án,] one by one. (O, K.) And تصفّح القَوْمَ, (Lth, A,) and ↓ صَفَحَهُمْ , (Lth, O, Msb, K,) He looked at the people, seeking for a particular man: (Lth:) or he examined the states, or conditions, of the people, and looked among them, to ascertain whether such a one was to be seen: (A; in explanation of the former:) or he made the people to pass before him, and examined them, one by one: (O, K; in explanation of the latter:) or he beheld [or looked at] the صَفَحَات [or sides] of the faces of the people. (Msb.) And تصفّح وُجُوهَ القَوْمِ He examined carefully, or attentively, the faces of the people, looking at their (the people's) external appearances and forms, and seeking to make himself acquainted with their cases: and he looked at the faces of the people, seeking to know them; as also ↓ صَفَحَهَا . (Lth, TA.) And تصفّح الأَمْرَ, (A, TA,) and تصفّح فِى الأَمْرِ, (K, TA,) and الأَمْرَصَفَحَ , (TA,) and صَفَحَ فِى الأَمْرِ, (K, TA,) He looked into the affair, or case. (K, TA.)

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