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The Harper's Ferry Affair.

--The following is communicated to us as a correct statement of the taking of the Federal post at Harper's Ferry:

‘ "Col. Crump, Special Aid of the Governor, was dispatched on Wednesday last to take Harper's Ferry. When he arrived at Strasburg, he had 708 men. He gave up that command and went ahead to Charlestown. On getting there he ordered the Jefferson Regiment, of 360 men, and Capt. Ashby's troop of Cavalry to surround the town and cut off all communication, and if a reinforcement was attempted, to burn the bridge. When the regiment got to the edge of the town, the arsenal and armory, containing 14,000 guns, were blown up, and the carpenter shop set on fire. The citizens saved 4,000 improved arms; the machine shops did not take fire, and the machinery was saved. The Virginia flag was run up at 12 o'clock at night. Col. Crump surrounded the town with picket guards, declared marshal law in the place, and remained in that position until the rear guard arrived, about day the next morning."

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