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From Norfolk.

[special correspondence of the Dispatch.]
Norfolk, Va., June 16, 1861.
A gentleman from Pig Point yesterday told a gentleman of our city, that firing was recommenced in the direction of Hampton. He distinctly heard the discharge of guns from about sunrise until 10 o'clock, when it ceased. This leads me to inter that the Federal troops are being driven farther into Hampton; and you may not be surprised to hear, in a day or two, of another engagement.

In regard to the action at Bethel Church, a dispatch was received here yesterday, stating that over five hundred of the Federal troops were killed. I think some truth may be placed in it.

The bravery of young Wyatt, who was shot on the Confederate side, while about to perform a noble duty, is highly commended here. His part in the action certainly justifies the sympathies of us all.

I regret to learn that an interesting little son of Mr. Nottingham, of our city, was drowned on Thursday while bathing. It seems the little fellow was seen going down in the direction of the river, when an old gentleman stopped him and begged him not to go, assuring him he would certainly be drowned ‘"No,"’ said he ‘"I can swim,"’ and proceeded on his way. From that time nothing was seen or heard of him until the afternoon, when some boys, while enjoying the same sport, struck something with their feet, when the body of the little boy arose on the surface. He was taken to his home, and was soon after buried.


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