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$100 reward

--For the delivery to me of my Carriage Driver, Beverly. He is twenty seven years old; color, black; six feet height; face covered with short beard, and moustache; large eye-brows and cutting eye-lashes. He probably travels in a dark grey mixed summer coat, or blue cloth with dress buttons, and carpet-bag. He says he has read Shakespeare, and may travel with a forged pass, and shave off his beard when he reads this. He has relatives at Dr. R. H. Stewart's in King George, and at Mrs. Dr. Frank Taliaferro's in Orange, with whom he has been recently corresponding by letter. His object being evidently to escape, he is doubtless lurking near the shore of the Potomac, or making his way Northward, and may be about our encampments. The above reward will be paid if caught over fifty miles from Fredericksburg; otherwise, $50 [an 2--2w*] A. N. Bernard.

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