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The late Thomas G. Broughton.

--The following sketch of the career of the venerable gentleman whose death has been announced in a letter from Norfolk, is copied from the Day Book, of that city:

Mr. Broughton was born in Princess Anne county, Va. during the year 1786, and was, therefore, 75 years of age at the time of his death.

In the year 1821, he assumed the position of senior editor of the Herald, published in this city, which position he continued to fill without intermission until his decease — a period of more than forty years. During this long time he was seldom, if ever, absent from his post — discharging, fear Feebly and faithfully, the duties devolving upon him; nor did he at all relax his efforts until forced to do so by the feebleness of old age. So faithfully did he labor in the sphere which he had chosen, that, without hesitation it may he said, it was alone through his care and supervision that the Herald's existence has continued to the present moment. Through all the storms that have swept over the community, the Herald, with his hand upon the helm, has survived them all.

Mr. Broughton has filled a number of public positions, among them that of member of the City Council and Secretary of the Board of Health. In all the positions of honor or trust to which he was called by his fellow-citizens, his highest ambition was to prove himself worthy of their consideration. Of nothing that he under took can it he said that it was half done. His whole soul was enlisted in all his undertakings; and, as a consequence, faithfulness and promptitude were the characteristics of all his trans actions.

In all the relations of life, Mr. Broughton was affectionate, courteous and devoted. As a citizen he was much loved and respected, and his death is universally explored. The young, especially, will miss his fatherly advice and counsel, which was always sought and faithfully regarded; while the old will miss his hearty greetings and instructive conversation.

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