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One instance of "Dash."

--The Charleston Mercury has the following from a gentleman recently from Florida:

‘ The Yankees, who hold Cedar Keys, have been in the habit of sending out barges with armed crews for various purposes. Some days since some Confederate soldiers, not having the precepts of the defensive policy in mind, determined to lay in ambush for one of these Federal boating parties. So they loaded their rifles with ball cartridges, and after fording bayous and crossing creeks, finally ensconced themselves behind a convenient sand hill, where they lay in wait. Soon after two barges, with "the flag" flying, approached quite near, and the riflemen, at a given signal, poured a deadly volley into each boat. For fear of accident, they reloaded and gave them another round. Upon a close observation, they found that only four oarsmen remained in one boat and but two in the other. As each boat had come up with ten oarsmen, the inference is that fourteen Yankees were "hurt."

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Cedar Keys (Florida, United States) (1)
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