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Tuesday, March 24, 1863.
Specie and Bank Notes--The market has become very quiet, and prices have settled down for the present, at the rate of premium quoted, viz: $4.25 for gold, and $1 for silver. Bank notes are still quoted at 65@75 per ct. premium — buying and selling rates, "Greenbacks" are quoted at $2.25 premium.

Bonds and Stocks--The demand continues active; quotations not materially changed since last report. We quote Confederate bonds, (100 m,) long date, 100 ½ and int; do do (15 m,) 112 for reg'd 115 for coupon. Virginia sixes, reg'd, 112 --an advance; N. C. sixes, 175; do eights 120 and int; Exchange Bank 108; Bank of Commonwealth 111; Ins Co Valley of Va, 60. An extensive auction sale of bonds and stocks will take place on Saturday, at the office of Messrs. Davenport & Co, corner Thirteenth and Cary streets, the result of which will more satisfactorily indicate the value of the stocks sold than quotations based private transactions.

Product--The usual transactions consequent upon the

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